How To Get Travel Medical Insurance in 2023 – Expert Guide


While travel introduces you to new sights and cultures, it can also present challenges and difficulties in terms of your health and well-being. If you want to travel abroad, it’s a good idea to think about the potential costs of getting hurt or becoming seriously ill in a foreign country. Travel medical insurance can help offset those costs, so you don’t have to worry about blowing your budget due to an unanticipated medical emergency.

Travel medical insurance definition

This is short-term medical coverage that covers you for the duration of your trip. It covers emergency medical expenses, evacuations, and assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Your insurance may not accompany you when you leave your home country. That means you’re on your own once you leave. Even if your plan covers emergency medical expenses in a foreign country, it will never cover medical evacuation costs.

Many emergency medical treatments during a trip are covered by travel medical insurance. If you are travelling and suffer from an unexpected illness, medical condition, or injury that is covered by your insurance, you will usually be reimbursed up to the plan limits.

Because most domestic health insurance policies are not accepted abroad, purchasing travel medical insurance as a supplement to your health insurance coverage can be advantageous. Travel medical insurance is only valid while you are on the road.

You may also like to read about How to get the best travel Insurance against FCO advice.

Why get travel medical insurance?

Purchasing a travel medical insurance policy has several advantages. Here are a few examples:

Peace of mind – Medical emergencies can occur at any time. It may give you some peace of mind knowing that the cost of unexpected injuries and illnesses will not devastate your vacation budget.

There is no need to postpone treatment – With travel medical insurance, you can focus on getting the care or treatment you need right away rather than waiting until you get home.

Foreign language assistance – Communicating with medical personnel about your condition can be difficult unless you are fluent in the country’s official language. Your insurance provider can assist in facilitating emergency services, allowing you to have these conversations more effectively.

You’ll have to deal with these unexpected costs alone if you don’t have coverage. At best, this could dent your vacation budget; at worst, it could put you in serious debt or jeopardize your health.

How it works

Travel medical insurance plans provide specific, defined coverage that some people require when travelling abroad. These plans are only available to travellers who are leaving their home country and require medical insurance to supplement their primary health insurance coverage while travelling abroad. As a result, we strongly advise you to contact your insurance agent or health insurance company to determine the level of medical coverage you will receive while travelling abroad.

If your primary concern is emergency medical care while travelling outside your home country, a travel medical insurance plan may be your best option. These plans are not designed for travellers looking for travel-related coverage. Check out our article on Avanti Travel Insurance Policy Wording.

Travel Medical Insurance Vs Health Insurance

Travel medical insurance is distinct from health insurance in that it is a supplemental policy that protects you while you are travelling. It is only valid for the duration of your trip and is intended to supplement your health insurance while you are out of network.

If you have a medical emergency while on vacation, your health insurance policy might not cover the cost of the treatment and services you receive. Your policy may not provide out-of-network coverage even if you travel within the United States.

Travel insurance can help fill the gaps while providing additional coverage to keep you safe and healthy while travelling.

Should  I get travel medical Insurance if I have health insurance?

One popular misunderstanding about travel medical insurance is that it is unnecessary if you have health insurance of any kind.

Remember that many healthcare plans are only legitimate within a specific network and a specific country. If you travel to another country or within the United Kingdom but outside your provider’s network, another health system may refuse to accept your insurance.

Travel medical Insurance coverage

Many emergencies are covered by travel medical insurance, but it is not intended to be used for preventive or routine medical care.

It is used to cover situations such as:

  • Emergency repatriation
  • Broken bones
  • Heart attacks
  • Emergency dental procedures
  • Medical evacuations
  • Strokes
  • Emergency transport

A comprehensive travel medical insurance policy should cover anything that makes up a medical emergency and necessitates treatment while on your trip. If you go to the doctor for a routine checkup, you must pay out of pocket or file a claim with your health insurance provider.

Who should get travel medical Insurance?

Acquiring travel insurance for international travel is a simple way to save money in an emergency, and anyone can benefit from it.

If you travel to a country where your health insurance provider does not provide coverage, you must purchase travel medical insurance. If your insurance provider covers healthcare costs in the country you’re visiting, purchasing coverage can still help you save money and avoid out-of-network costs in the event of an emergency.

This is also true if you are travelling by cruise ship. Typically, you will be able to receive medical treatment onboard the ship and should be able to use your health insurance to cover those costs.

However, a travel medical insurance policy can benefit if your injuries necessitate transfer to a medical facility on land.

You should also research the country you intend to visit to determine whether you will require travel medical insurance.

Travel Medical Insurance Cost

When you’re trying to save money for a vacation, paying for health insurance while travelling abroad may seem unnecessary. Fortunately, travel medical insurance is usually very inexpensive.

How to get the best cover

Obtaining a good plan is a great way to protect yourself from unexpected medical costs while travelling abroad. Look for an insurance provider that provides the types of coverage and coverage limits you require so that you can concentrate on the fun aspects of your trip.

You can get insurance online through brokers, who act as a sort of middleman between you and the travel insurance companies. This is usually the best option because they only work with reputable companies and can offer travel insurance plans tailored to your specific needs, eliminating the need for you to go out and find insurance companies on your own.

Furthermore, when deciding which travel insurance plan to purchase, it is critical to thoroughly read and compare different policies to understand what you are paying for.

The following are the steps to take when purchasing:

  • Determine how much coverage you require.
  • Do some online research.
  • Check to see if the policy covers you for where you’re going.
  • Pay close attention to the fine print.
  • Purchase your travel insurance policy as soon as possible.

#1. Determine how much coverage you require

When making a decision on how much coverage you need, consider where you’re going, what activities you’ll be doing, how long you’ll be there, and what you’ll be bringing with you. As a result, you should always select a policy that includes, at the very least medical assistance, cancellation, and lost/stolen luggage coverage.

Also, avoid the cheapest option when it comes to insurance because it usually provides very limited coverage. If you have a medical emergency while travelling, you may be left with a large medical bill you must pay in full.

#2. Do some online research

Numerous medical insurance comparison websites make it extremely simple to compare various insurance policies. When you know what kind of coverage you require, comparing plans and selecting the one that is best for you is simple.

#3. Check to see if the policy covers you for where you’re going

Make certain that your travel insurance policy covers your country of destination before purchasing it.

#4. Pay close attention to the fine print

It is critical that you read the fine print before purchasing the policy. There can be a lot of confusing or misleading claims that lead you to believe you have more coverage than you do.

Similarly, you may not realize you have a claim unless you carefully read the fine print, as tedious as it may be.

#5. Purchase your travel insurance policy as soon as possible

It is also critical to purchase travel insurance as soon as possible so that you will be compensated for any financial losses if you need to cancel. You will never get all of your money back, but depending on the policy, you may be able to get a good portion of it back.

Is Travel Medical Insurance Worth It?

Medical Insurance is worth buying because it covers unexpected medical expenses that arise during a trip. If you have an unexpected illness, injury, or medical condition while travelling covered by your travel medical insurance, the plan will reimburse you up to the plan limits.


Before purchasing travel insurance, comparing quotes from various insurers is a good idea. The majority of travel insurance companies provide free quotes on their websites. You can save time by visiting an insurance comparison website and comparing quotes from various companies.

However, price should not be the only determining factor. It’s a good idea to look for a plan that covers all types of sickness. The best companies provide a comprehensive range of coverage options at an affordable price.

FAQs about Travel Medical Insurance

What is Travel Medical Insurance?

These insurance plans provide specific, defined coverage that some people require when travelling abroad.

Is travel medical insurance a good investment?

It is worth buying because it covers unexpected medical expenses that arise during a trip

What does Travel Medical Insurance cover?

The coverage includes Emergency repatriation, broken bones, heart attacks, dental procedures, medical evacuation, and emergency transport.

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