MOTORBIKE BREAKDOWN COVER: Types, Cover & All You Need to Know

motorbike breakdown cover
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Breakdown coverage for your motorcycle is similar to having no-claims coverage on your car insurance. You hope you’ll never need it, but you’ll be grateful you have it if you do. If a car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, the driver can at least wait for help in relative safety and comfort. However, if your bike breaks down on the side of the road, especially if it’s raining or freezing, you’ll want to know that someone will come out as soon as possible to tow you and your broken machine to safety. Policies can be purchased for as little as £20-£25 each year, depending on the type of coverage desired, which is a small price to pay for the peace of mind it can provide. You will surely learn more about cheap motorbike breakdown cover in Europe.

What is motorbike breakdown cover?

Breakdown cover for motorbike is identical to that for automobiles in Europe. It’s insurance that allows you to contact your breakdown provider for immediate assistance if your vehicle breaks down.

Rather than attempting to locate a technician while stranded on the side of the road, you’ll know that after you’ve phoned your provider, assistance will be on its way shortly.

Many breakdown insurance policies will cover motorbike, mopeds, and scooters, as well as automobiles, vans, and other vehicles, with equivalent levels of coverage available for all in Europe.

What types of motorbike breakdown cover are available in Europe?

Broadly, there are two types available, Put simply: do you want to cover your person or your bike?

#1. Personal cover

Breakdown cover for your car and motorbike in Europe is similar to having no-claims coverage on your car insurance. You hope you’ll never need it, but you’ll be grateful you have it if you do. If a car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, the driver can at least wait for help in relative safety and comfort. However, if your bike breaks down on the side of the road, especially if it’s raining or freezing, you’ll want to know that someone will come out as soon as possible to tow you and your broken machine to safety. Policies can be purchased for as little as £20-£25 each year, depending on the type of coverage desired, which is a small price to pay for the peace of mind it can provide.

#2. Vehicle cover

This is a coverage that only covers one vehicle at a time. If you only have one bike, this is a cost-effective and practical option.

Vehicle insurance also covers the vehicle if you aren’t driving it – so if you lend it to a friend for the weekend and they get into problems, it will still be picked up.

If you have two bikes, it’s worth browsing around for different estimates. It may be less expensive to have two separate car insurance plans than it is to have one personal coverage, but if you have three, four, or more bikes, personal is usually the best option.

What’s included in Cheap European motorbike breakdown cover?

Just like breakdown cover for cars and other vehicles, cheap European car and motorbike breakdown cover comes with varying levels of protection.

#1. Roadside assistance

All breakdown policies are built on this foundation. If you break down, it will dispatch a mechanic to try to repair your vehicle on the spot, and if more work is required, it will transport you to a nearby garage. The aid provided by a stand-alone roadside assistance policy will come to a stop there. You can, however, acquire greater protection if you have a more comprehensive coverage.

#2. National recovery

Vehicle recovery, often known as roadside assistance, is similar to roadside assistance with the exception that you can be taken to any location rather than the local garage. This will allow you to travel home or continue your journey as soon as possible, reducing the disturbance caused by the breakdown.

#3. Onward travel

This is the highest level of protection. You are also covered for the costs of any lodging or alternative transportation you may need if your car needs to be in the garage for an extended period of time. The amount you can claim for replacement transportation or lodging will be limited by the providers.

#4. Home start

Another important aspect of breakdown insurance is coverage. It implies you can still get help if your vehicle breaks down at home or within a set distance of your home. Most plans won’t cover you if you break down close to home if you don’t have this. Home start may be covered as part of a policy or offered as an add-on.

If you plan to ride your motorcycle overseas, you may also purchase European cheap motorbike breakdown cover insurance. It has the same recovery features as if you were in the United Kingdom, and some European plans will even cover the costs of bringing you and your vehicle back to the United Kingdom if necessary. It’s available as either a one-time or annual policy.

What do I need to get a cheap European motorbike insurance quote?

To ensure that we can get you a quote as quickly as possible please make sure you are able to answer the following questions:

#1. What is make and model of your motorbike?

Of course, having your registration number would be useful, but we appreciate that this isn’t always possible; you may not have purchased the bike yet, or you may simply be unsure of the registration. We will be able to fill in some of the information for you if you know your motorcycle’s registration number. We can still assist you if you don’t know it; all we need is the make, model, and year of the motorcycle.

#2. Has your bike have any modifications since manufacture?

If so, we need to know this as it may affect your premium. If you are unsure of this, you can check whether your bike is fitted with any modification by referring to your vehicle logbook.

#3. How long have you held your motorbike licence for?

It is so important that this is accurate, we will need to know how long you’ve had your license for in years and months. You can check your driving license for the exact date you passed your test.

#4. What year was your motorbike manufactured?

You can find this information in your vehicle registration documents (V5C logbook) or by checking on the DVLA website.

#5. Have you had any claims or convictions in the last 5 years?

We need to know about any incidents, accidents, claims, or convictions you’ve had in the last five years, regardless of blame. We’ll also need to know if any of the mentioned drivers have ever been in any lawsuits or convictions, regardless of blame.

#6. Does your motorbike have any security devices fitted since manufacture?

If you don’t know this, you can check whether your vehicle has been fitted with a security device by checking your vehicle logbook.

#7. Do you know the value of your motorbike?

The worth of your motorcycle is by its mileage, condition, and age. The worth of your bike is into account when determining the cost of your bike insurance. This may not be something that comes to mind right away, but there are numerous websites that may assist you in determining the value of your vehicle.

Cheap European motorbike breakdown cover

It’s uncomfortable to have your motorcycle break down at any time, but when you’re abroad, it may turn into a nightmare. What if you become ill and are unable to ride your bike? So, how’s it going with your pillion? Who will transport you both back to your respective homes? How do you deal with an accident if you don’t speak the local language? With our European Breakdown Cover, you can ride safely in the confidence that the world’s leading support provider is looking after you.

If you’re going to Europe for a one-time trip, one of our Single Trip European motorcycle breakdown policies can cover your bike for the duration of your stay. We now offer Annual Multi-Trip Breakdown Cover if you’re a frequent visitor to the Continent.

What levels of cover can you get?

There are typically four tiers of motorcycle breakdown coverage, ranging from a mechanic going out to the roadside to inspect your bike to being provided a rental car or cab to bring you to your ultimate destination.

#1. Roadside assistance (sometimes seen as ‘Rescue’)

This will usually be the most basic and low-cost degree of service. A mechanic will come out to do roadside repairs if you’re more than a quarter of a mile from home. They’ll carry your bike – and you and any pillion passengers – to the nearest garage if they can’t fix it.

#2. National recovery (sometimes seen as ‘Recovery’)

If your bike can’t be fixed by the side of the road, it will be transported to any location in the UK that you choose great if you’re on a long trip and need to use your home garage.

#3. Onward travel (sometimes seen as ‘Recovery plus’)

If problems can’t be resolved on the roadside, you’ll be offered an alternative mode of transportation, regardless of where your bike ends up.

This could take the form of a rented automobile, a cab, or even a hotel stay if you arrive late. If you’re on your way to a vacation and don’t want to miss out, this is the ticket. After that, your bike will be delivered to the garage of your choice.

What isn’t covered?

Motorcycle breakdown insurance is to assist you in the case of a mechanical breakdown.

If you are in an accident or a collision with another vehicle, you should inform the police as well as your insurance carrier. You and your bike will be to its next destination by them.

Other requirements must be for most policies to apply; the majority are self-evident but make sure to read the fine print before signing up for anything.

Some common things that aren’t covered:

  • Bikes under 49cc
  • Puncture repair
  • Issues caused by using the wrong fuel in your bike (in many but not all cases).
  • An unroadworthy or modified (without declaring it) vehicle.


Does my RAC cover my motorcycle?

Yes, with Personal Cover you’re covered in any vehicle†. RAC breakdown packages give the same level of cover to motorbikes as cars. Please note that motorcycles need to be over 49cc and not be classed as a mobility scooters.

Does breakdown cover flat tyre?

What is the breakdown cover? Breakdown cover is insurance that means you can get help if your vehicle breaks down. For example, if you get a flat tire or engine conks out, you can call for assistance. When your mechanic arrives, they’ll try to fix your vehicle there and then.

What is the difference between personal and vehicle breakdown cover?

What is the difference between personal and vehicle breakdown cover? Personal breakdown cover applies to an individual, whatever car they use, while vehicle cover applies only to the specified car, or cars, on a policy.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the difference between personal and vehicle breakdown cover?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

What is the difference between personal and vehicle breakdown cover? Personal breakdown cover applies to an individual, whatever car they use, while vehicle cover applies only to the specified car, or cars, on a policy.

" } } ] }
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