As people with HIV’s long-term health has improved, travel insurance providers have become less stringent. It is now acceptable for people living with HIV to obtain adequate travel insurance. And be covered for HIV-related claims, particularly if they are on successful HIV medication. Hence, we look at Travel insurance for people with HIV in the UK.
HIV Travel Insurance UK
Most basic travel insurance policies do not cover “pre-existing medical issues.” Which are illnesses that a person now has or has had in the past? If you know you have HIV, it is usually a pre-existing disease, and you will require insurance that covers it.
Several questions are commonly asked when reporting HIV as a pre-existing disease. These could include, for example:
- Have you begun a new antiretroviral therapy during the last three months?
- What is your most recent CD4 count?
- What is your most recent viral load?
- Have you been advised to begin antiretroviral therapy but chosen not to?
The most recent travel HIV news and research
People who are consistent on antiretroviral medication, have an undetectable viral load. A CD4 count greater than 350, and no other health issues, are frequently able to obtain travel insurance with relatively minor additional fees. Other pre-existing diseases, such as diabetes or asthma. Frequently have a higher influence on premiums than HIV that is under control.
Nevertheless, if your medical state is unstable, if you are awaiting test results. If you just came from the hospital, or if you have another medical condition in addition to HIV (a co-morbidity). There may be additional fees or it may be more difficult to obtain coverage.
Furthermore, some insurers do not need you to reveal HIV as a pre-existing disease. One provider does not need HIV to declare by those who had been on treatment for more than six months. And had an undetectable viral load, and the other does not need HIV to be declared by anyone with HIV.
Taking HIV medication on the road
If you have HIV and are traveling overseas for work or pleasure. It is important to consider how you will store and take your medication.
Before Going, People with HIV positive Should Have Travel Insurance
It’s a good idea to check with your doctor beforehand. If you have a health problem or are going to change your treatment. Your doctor may urge you to postpone your trip, however, this is unlikely if you are on medication and doing well.
Don’t forget to request a note with a signature from your doctor. Stating that you require your medication for a chronic ailment. It doesn’t have to specify HIV at all โ in case customs authorities inquire about the tablets in your luggage.
Before embarking on longer journeys, consult with your HIV physician, an HIV specialist nurse, or the treatment information organization. I-base, particularly if there is a major time zone difference from the UK.
No treatment regimen is fully free of adverse effects. Before traveling, make sure your side effects are bearable and take anti-sickness and anti-diarrhea medication as needed.
Make sure to have adequate travel insurance for people with HIV in place before you depart.ย
Don’t be lured to discontinue HIV treatment.
Take no breaks from your treatment. This is harmful because it can prevent your medication from working properly (a condition known as ‘drug resistance’). Your overall health is also likely to suffer as a result
Never discontinue your treatment without first consulting your doctor.
Preparing to take the medication in another country
You should plan ahead of time to modify your therapy to your holiday schedule and prepare for how you’ll handle:
Having sufficient medication
People with HIV should take adequate medication as they travel with their insurance. Plus several days extra in case you are delayed or have to rearrange your plans. Before packing, count out your doses in full plus any extras.
Consequently, it is better not to take too many, as customs and immigration officers at the airport or border crossing may interpret this as a plan to overstay the allotted entry period.
Travel fatigue
Taking your medication regularly can be difficult when you’re traveling, especially if you’re changing time zones.
Jet Lag
Jet lag’s disruption of habit, as well as the exhaustion and cognitive problems it causes. It can cause you to forget to take your prescription.
Before you travel, make sure to set your alarms and reminders correctly. You may keep to UK times for treatment. Or you could find a means to stagger the taking of your meds before leaving by an hour each time a dose is given until the timings are appropriate for your arrival time zone.
The Well Project offers some helpful hints for changing your dose plan when traveling across time zones.
Keeping your medication safe
Make sure you have a secure place to store your medication while you’re on the road. Some medications must be protected from severe temperatures, humidity, or harsh lighting.
Although your HIV medication will rarely require special storage, there are exceptions, particularly for older medication and therapy for drug-resistant strains.
Check the labels on all of the tablets you take and prepare proper containers for those who require it โ you may need to purchase cooling packs, desiccant (a drying agent, such as silica gel), or light- and humidity-proof boxes.
Taking your medication
If you are unsure about the quality of the tap water in the country you are visiting, bring a bottle of mineral water with you when it is time to have your treatment.
If any of your pills must be taken with a meal, bring some snacks with youโfor instance, biscuits or cereal bars transport well and don’t require preparation or refrigeration.
Misplacement of your medication.
When traveling, always keep your medication in your carry-on luggage โ don’t check it in in case your luggage is lost.
But, just in case you lose track of them, do some research ahead of time on local HIV clinics and charity.
You can call the embassy of the nation you’re visitingโanonymouslyโto find out if you’ll be able to get medication there.
Medication shipping to other countries
Before the easing of the HIV travel prohibition to the United States in 2010, some HIV-positive visitors sent their medication ahead of time, either to a friend in the nation or to their hotel. Unfortunately, international mail is frequently delayed or lost, so this is not advisable. If you choose this option, send it ahead of time to someone who can confirm receipt.
Customs officials do inspect products that have been posted. If you do send medication ahead of time, you should complete and include a customs declaration saying that the parcel contains prescribed medication for personal use only and has no commercial value. Include a letter from your doctor stating that the prescription is for personal use only. The letter does not have to go into depth about your medical condition.
Note that if the medication is forbidden by customs, it is just as criminal to post it as it is to carry it.
Taking your medication on the road
Don’t put your medication in a bag that will be checked. In the event that your checked luggage is delayed or misplaced, it is recommended to keep medication in your hand luggage.
Medicine is running low.
Depending on where you are, there are a variety of solutions for people who have run out of medication. It’s critical to give as much paperwork as possible in order to have access to the medication you need while keeping the expense to a minimum.
If you are trapped abroad, you can seek assistance from local HIV clinics or support organizations. Using the NAM test finder, you may be able to locate nearby clinics throughout Europe.
What you pay will be determined by your location.
Your clinic in the UK should be able to send you a letter through email or fax outlining the treatment you’re receiving and the medications you require, including the right amounts.
Vaccinations for HIV-positive people traveling
Because of advances in therapy, people living with HIV are now able to travel further away. This also implies that they require immunizations that were previously not recommended for them.
Should I be vaccinated before going on a trip?
When compared to the general population, the repercussions of vaccine-preventable infections are more severe in those living with HIV, so getting completely immunized is critical.
Always consult your HIV doctor before traveling; there are unique immunization protocols for those living with HIV.
It’s advisable to seek medical advice about vaccinations at least eight weeks before your trip. This is because people living with HIV may require longer intervals between particular vaccinations. And you may require many doses and boosters before traveling to specific locations.
You should also ensure that your previous vaccines for the UK, such as polio, hepatitis A and B, and tetanus, are up to date. If not, you can obtain booster shots (people living with HIV need more frequent boosters because of their lowered immune response).
Traveling with HIV in Safety
Vaccinations may be less effective in those living with HIV due to a reduced immune response. To prevent this, try the following:
- Vaccine dosages that are greater or more frequent may be advised.
- In the event of previously vaccinated travelers, more frequent boosters may be required.
- Other precautions, such as hand washing, water sanitation and food safety, avoiding bug bites, and taking anti-malaria medications, become more necessary.
Always do extensive study on your destination before travelingโdifferent parts of the world have specific risks, and recommended safety precautions vary all the time.
In Conclusion
It is now possible for someone living with HIV to obtain adequate travel insurance and be covered for HIV-related claims, especially if you are in good health.
HIV Travel Insurance FAQ’s
Does HIV affect travel insurance?
Travel insurance will not cover any claim relating to HIVย if the person claiming was asked whether they have HIV and did not disclose their HIV status. (This does not apply to insurance companies that do not ask about HIV.)
Do you have to declare HIV on travel insurance?
Ensure you have appropriate travel insurance that covers medical evacuation and repatriation.ย You must declare your HIV status to your travel insurance company. HIV specialist insurers are available and can be found online.
Is HIV a pre-existing condition?
Pre-existing conditions exclusions: Insurance issuers were able to deny individuals coverage based on pre-existing conditions (or perceived future conditions), including but not limited to being HIV positive, andย HIV is generally considered an uninsurable condition.