Funding For Property Development: Tips to Finance Property Development

funding for property development
Image source: WeJustCompare

Getting financial assistance for the development of your property isn’t such a bad idea if you look at it. Development in its real sense might mean a different thing to different property owners. To some, it may mean creating more offices and employing more staff, whereas to some others, it may mean reconstructing or building from the ground up. Whatever development means to you, it surely screams one thing in the end—Profit.

If you’re looking to develop a property of yours, but need extra funds to augment your cash at hand, then you have come to the right post. This guide will explain all you need to know about private and 100 % funding for property development. Come along

What is Property Development Funding

Funding for property development is a sort of commercial finance used to fund a residential, commercial, or diverse development of a property. It’s a broad category that includes term loans, mortgages, bridge loans, and even personal loans. It refers to the large-scale funding of major construction or repair projects.

Moreover, it could be used to fund a new residential dwelling project, workspace development, or a revitalization endeavour. Development finance is most likely the best type of property funding for start-up projects, such as building a house from the ground up. 

How it Works

If you’re looking to take out property development finance for the first time, there are a few things to consider. 

Firstly, you should work out which property development funding option is most relevant to your circumstances. A buy-to-let mortgage, for example, is critical if you wish to borrow money to buy a property to rent out. A bridging loan, on the other hand, maybe appropriate if you want to buy a new home but have not yet sold your current one, or if you want to buy a property and renovate it (paying the full loan amount and interest upon the subsequent sale of the property)

Secondly, research the local market you want to buy in before committing to a property development project. More so, are you thinking of forming a limited company? If yes, then you should get expert tax and legal counsel. 

Ground-up property development funding is intended for larger projects, and it covers the cost of the land as well as a portion of the construction costs. Property development funding is typically 70-80 per cent of the total cost of construction. The remaining funds must be raised by the developer.

A bridge loan may be the best sort of business funding to use for short-term renovation projects. Bridging loans are to be used in the short term until the loan can be repaid or a longer-term source of financing can be arranged. Larger improvements, on the other hand, may require longer-term bridging finance or a commercial mortgage.

100 Funding for Property Development

100% funding, also known as joint venture (JV) development finance, is a means of developing property without using your own funds. Profits from the sale of the site are divided because the lender provides all of the funds required to execute the project. 

Profits are normally shared 50/50 in most cases. Some lenders will charge interest on cash drawn down and split profits somewhat in your favour. Whereas, others will not charge interest and will simply share the money 50/50. 

When interest is charged on a loan, it is frequently permitted to roll over, implying that the debt does not need to be serviced. 100 % property development funding is intended to cover the entire project’s purchase and construction expenditures. This means that both the site acquisition and construction expenditures are entirely covered.

What are the Benefits of 100 % Funding for Property Development?

The advantages of Joint Venture (JV) investment include:

  • Covers the price of land and development.
  • It handles all legal and pre/post-contractual tasks.
  • In just 48 hours, you’ll have a decision.
  • A typical transaction can be completed in 28 days.
  • Profits are divided in favour of the developer.
  • The procedure is straightforward, honest, and honourable.
  • We provide expert assistance and are here to assist you.

There are a team of professionals on hand to help make your project become not just bricks and mortar, but a great earning opportunity too. As your joint venture partner, they would offer 100 % funding for your property development from their own reserves, helping you to maximise the profit that might otherwise be lost.

What is Private Funding for Property Development?

The term “private funding” in real estate refers to a source of funding for property development that does not come from an institutional bank or lender. Rather, the funding is granted to the developer by the investor depending on their relationship. In fact, a private money lender could be a close friend or family member. However, this does not always have to be the case. Private money lenders are often firms like private equity funding sources that employ money from accredited investors to fund property development as well as various other initiatives.

Private funding can be utilized to fund a long-term loan for a rental property or a rehab loan for a maintenance purchase in the case of real estate development. In the case of a new building, a private financing bridging loan is also an option. As you might expect, private money is frequently considerably more flexible than a bank loan.

Nevertheless, there is a distinction to be made between private money lending and hard money lending. Hard money lenders, like traditional lenders, often have their own set of criteria for determining who will be approved for a loan. If you don’t meet that set of requirements, you will most likely be denied. Private money lenders, on the other hand, work out the criteria for approval and the terms of each loan on a case-by-case basis.


Benefits and Risks of Using Private Funding for Your Property Development

Private money, like any other type of funding, has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. To that end, we’ve provided a list of them below. Read them over to get a better idea of whether it makes sense to seek private financing for your next property development/investment.

On the part of the Investor

To be honest, there are numerous advantages to being a private investor. First and foremost, it is a truly passive source of income. In this case, you do not have to do any of the work of finding, purchasing, or managing the property. Instead, chances are you’ll only have to put up the money upfront and then sit back and collect your returns.

Furthermore, this type of lending usually has some of the highest returns available. Private loan interest rates are frequently much higher than those found on traditional bank loans. They are frequently higher than what you would expect from a hard money loan.

On the part of the Developer

There are also some significant advantages to using private funding as a developer. The most significant advantage, in this case, is the degree of flexibility in approval standards and loan terms. Individual investors and fund managers are typically willing to consider property developers who have been denied traditional financing. For example, if your credit score could use some improvement but you have a lot of property development experience, you could be a good candidate for private funding.

Let’s now look at the drawbacks of using private funding for property development.

On the part of the Investor

Investing in a private fund or a private money loan, however, is not without risk. On the one hand, there is no guarantee of a return. If the developer you choose to back is not as knowledgeable as you thought, the investment could lose money.

Secondly, while most private money loans use the home as collateral, it is your responsibility to take your developer through the foreclosure process if they default on the loan. This can be costly as well as time-consuming on your part.

On the part of the Developer

The borrower’s greatest risk in taking out a private money loan is the high-interest rate. If you can qualify for a development loan from a traditional lender or a hard money loan, you may be able to get a better overall deal. After all, your foreclosure risk is likely to be the same regardless of the type of financing you select.

Tips to Get Funding for Property Development 

Now that you have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages, you probably want to go ahead with private funding for property development. You may be wondering how or where to find one. To be honest, everyone’s path to obtaining private funding for property development will be unique. We have, however, provided a few common strategies for you to try. Always keep them in mind as you look for funding for a future real estate transaction.

#1. Do your research 

It is critical that you fully comprehend the development. One of the most common mistakes potential developers make is selecting the wrong area for a build and entering a project blindly. If you’ve done your homework and asked the right questions, you’ll have a better understanding of the area and its potential, and you’ll be less likely to run into problems later on.

#2. Get a permission 

The second tip for obtaining funding for your property investment and development is to obtain permission. The importance of obtaining planning permission cannot be overstated in the development process. You should first check with the council to see if your proposed development will necessitate planning permission. Depending on the nature of the development, it can be a lengthy process. While lenders can arrange financing subject to planning permission, it will be meaningless if the permission is not granted, and it may be more expensive as a result.

#3. Get competitive quotes

Another tip for obtaining funding for property development is to get quotes and budgets for contingencies. Whether you plan to build with your own workers or hire outside contractors, you should get competitive quotes that work within your budget. The costs of property development can quickly add up, and it’s also a good idea in your funding request to account for the possibility of going over budget or running late. And by budgeting for a contingency — usually 10–15 percent in either direction — you’ll be better prepared for any sudden costs along the way.

#4. Back up your experience

Investors prefer to work with developers who have prior experience. This is why they will frequently request your CV as well as the CVs of other members of the development team. It will help your case if you have experience delivering development projects. If, on the other hand, you’re a first-time developer, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework and are capable of contributing both experience and your own capital to the project.

#5. Get a project manager

Although they are an additional expense, a project manager may actually save you money in the long run. They can make a significant difference in how well you stick to your budget and timeframe, as well as help you avoid unexpected costs, in addition to acting as a liaison between different teams of contractors. Experienced project managers can also help if you’re new to property development or embarking on a new type of project that you haven’t done before, giving you confidence that your project will be a success.

#6. Own the property if you can

Having outright ownership of the land or property on which you intend to develop is a huge plus for your application. An unencumbered asset is land or property that does not have an existing mortgage or term loan on it; in these cases, investors can often provide up to 100 % funding of the property development costs.

#7. Fund the development accurately

There are different ways to structure the financing for development projects. Solutions are adaptable; they can work with a variety of construction schedules and repayment capacities. A common option is to use short-term finance for purchase and construction costs, also known as bridging finance by lenders, and then ‘exit’ into a longer-term loan or commercial mortgage.

There are numerous competitive lenders in this market, each with a different lending appetite based on geography and the development project at hand. However, keep in mind that you will need to plan an “exit” from these short-term loans, such as selling the property or refinancing into a long-term mortgage. As the application progresses, we can assist in discussing these options.

#8. Fill in the necessary application requirements

You should meticulously fill out the application forms.  Incomplete application forms demonstrate a lack of interest in the project and reflect poorly on your funding proposal for the development. Make your application as robust and thorough as possible.


As you can see, property development is a complicated field, particularly when it comes to funding. Finally, when determining what type of financing you require, the best first step is to assess the scope of the project, how long it will take, and how much it is likely to cost — in both the best and worst-case scenarios.

All successful property developers are good planners, and getting the right financing in place is critical to development success — whether you’re buying your company’s headquarters or expanding your rental portfolio.

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FAQ’s On Funding For Property Development

How do real estate developers fund projects

Most projects require some level of traditional bank debt. Whether the project costs $1 million or $100 million, a bank is usually involved, providing 60%-80% of the total capital. The developer on the other hand will then raise 80%-95% of the remaining capital from investors

How do you get funding for property development

  • Take out a loan.
  • Your private property.
  • Take over the existing bond.
  • Rent to own.
  • Partner up.
  • Offer to take on seller’s debt.
  • Purchase money mortgage or seller financing.

Is real estae developement a good investment

Investing in property development deals can be lucrative. It has the potential to yield a bigger ROI than many other forms of investment. But there are more ways to help finance them than there are projects to choose from. Smaller projects can offer similar, or better, percentage returns as the larger ones

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