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When an employer issues a job, they will normally present you with a pay and benefits package, together with a projected salary, either verbally or in writing. You may choose to bargain for more money if you do not believe the salary is commensurate with your degree, professional level, skill set, and experience. You may also suggest another kind of pay, such as equity or stock options, or additional advantages such as more vacation days. Knowing how to negotiate salary proposals is a critical skill that will help you get paid appropriately for your work, especially in the UK. To accomplish successfully, however, it demands preparation and practice, just like any other skill. We’ll go over how to negotiate a higher salary after a job offer in the UK, with an email example, and many more all for your satisfaction.

What are Salary Negotiations?

Salary negotiations are conversations between you and a representative from your current or future employment with the goal of helping you get a better job.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been with the company for a long time or are a new hire: if you work in the UK and believe your salary isn’t adequate, you should feel free to negotiate to get what you deserve.

If you wish to negotiate for a higher salary after a job offer, you should be prepared to:

  • Build your case: You’ll need to show that you’re worth investing in by providing concrete examples of the value you’ve provided to employers over the course of your career.
  • Expect some pushback: Even the strongest justifications for a raise can face opposition, so be ready to address questions such, “Why do you deserve this salary?”
  • Strike a Balance of Firmness and Flexibility: If you refuse to give any ground or say “yes” to a minor salary rise, your salary discussions will fail. Prepare go back and forth throughout talks, and make certain that any compromise achieved is acceptable.

Why It’s Important to Negotiate Your Salary in UK

It’s critical to recognize that discussing your compensation is an entirely typical aspect of the hiring process. Getting the pay you deserve is an important component of progressing in your profession.

Your wage is more than just money in your bank account: it’s a way for your employer to show you that they value your work and your abilities.

Your income also reflects how your employer supports you in terms of work-life balance, professional advancement, work flexibility, and health-related benefits.

Negotiating for some of these benefits will help you get the full salary and benefits package you require:

#1. University Tuition Reimbursement

Tuition for college is only going to get more expensive, therefore bargaining for tuition reimbursement is a very enticing option for those who want to continue their education.

#2. Training, Professional Development + Certifications

Professional development and/or certification programs are not offered by every organization, therefore career-minded workers should make sure to advocate for professional development resources.

#3. Mentoring + Coaching

This benefit is practically priceless because it can lead to professional development and the development of interpersonal relationships with the company’s outstanding leaders.

#4. Childcare

Childcare costs and time commitments can pile up, and bargaining for childcare is a fantastic method for parents to get a better working arrangement.

#5. Health + Fitness

Negotiating for health and fitness perks (such as fitness stipends, healthcare/dental coverage, and so on) can add value to your bottom line in addition to medical and/or dental insurance.

#6. Flexibility

Some people find that working from home, while traveling, or on a different schedule is more appealing than a larger wage.

While money is important when negotiating a wage, these other types of remuneration should also be examined before accepting a new offer or re-signing on the dotted line.

How to Negotiate a Higher Salary after a Job Offer in UK

It’s usually better to negotiate your salary in the UK after the job offer rather than during the interview process (you can see a vivid email example as you continue reading). After you’ve demonstrated that you’re the best applicant for the position and that you understand the employer’s expectations, you have the most clout. Negotiating too soon may jeopardize your chances of getting a job offer.

It’s critical to only respond to the offer once or twice at most. You should also avoid reconsidering a previously agreed-upon compensation arrangement. This demonstrates that you value your employer’s time and that you have limits on what you will and will not accept.

It’s fine to ask for some time to process the information if your initial offer is made over the phone. If required, express your gratitude to the employer and your excitement about the chance. Then, if you have time, ask if you can study it and respond within a certain amount of time ideally, no more than 48 hours. If you wish to negotiate, it’s preferable to do so over the phone to avoid any miscommunication. If it’s more convenient, you may also send your negotiation demands via email.

13 Tips to prepare for Salary Negotiation

The following irrefutable tips will help you to prepare for salary negotiation.

#1. Start by evaluating what you have to offer

Before you start negotiating a wage, you need to know just how much value you can bring to a company. There are various things that can affect your pay, including:

Geographic location

Take into account the cost of living in your area. For example, because living costs are higher in San Francisco than in Minneapolis, you could need to negotiate a higher salary after a job offer for the same set of tasks.

Years of industry experience

If the job description calls for 3-5 years of experience and you have more than that, you may be eligible for higher compensation.

Years of leadership experience

If the company likes or demands leadership qualities, and you achieve or surpass their expectations, it may be justification for greater pay, similar to industry experience.

Education level

Depending on the role or sector, relevant bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D., or specialist degree programs can affect your income.

Career level

In general, as you develop in your job, you may expect a greater pay range.


Higher pay may be offered for specialized or technical talents that take time to master.

Licenses and certifications

Specific licenses or certificates may be required or preferred by an employer. If you already have them, you may be in a better position to ask for more money.
When it comes to wage negotiations, make sure to emphasize why you’ll be a useful employee and consider using the points listed above to explain your desired salary.

#2. Research the market average

This information, which can be accessed via Indeed Salaries, can aid in a more successful negotiation. Knowing the industry average might help you set a reasonable wage proposal and perhaps serve as justification. This tool incorporates salary information from past and current Indeed job advertisements, as well as data provided anonymously by other Indeed users. As you begin your market research, consider the following questions:

  • How much does the role pay on a nationwide level?
  • What is the national average in your area and adjacent cities?
  • How much do individuals in this position make at similar organizations in your area?

#3. Prepare your talking points

Answering the following question as a framework for your talk may be helpful as you construct negotiation notes: Why do you believe you are entitled to negotiate a higher salary after a job offer than the one offered by your employer? Before you contact the employer, make a list of discussion points and be as clear as possible. These particulars could include things like:

  • Goals you’ve met, income you’ve helped drive, or honors you’ve won in previous employment are examples of results you’ve achieved. If at all feasible, utilize real figures.
  • Years of industry experience, especially if you have more than the minimum criteria mentioned by the business.
  • Certifications or skills, particularly if they are in great demand in your business.
  • Average salary for similar occupations given by other similar businesses

#4. Schedule a time to discuss

Make contact with the recruiter or recruiting manager to schedule a phone interview. While email negotiation is permissible, it is strongly recommended that the conversation take place over the phone. You may have a back-and-forth dialogue, express gratitude, and clearly clarify your expectations by speaking on the phone or in person. As the recruiter or hiring manager will be advocating for your compensation to the decision-makers, try to be respectful and clear.

#5. Rehearse with a trusted friend

Putting your talking points through their paces will help you acquire confidence and find areas for growth. The greatest approach to practice is in front of a trustworthy friend or colleague who can offer constructive criticism. Alternatively, you can use a camera to record your chat or speak in front of a mirror.

This stage is particularly crucial because talking about money might be awkward at times, but the more you practice, the more at ease you’ll be when the time comes to have the conversation.

#6. Be confident

It’s just as crucial to delivering your negotiation with confidence as it is to say what you’re going to say. The more self-assurance you project, the more likely the employer is to take your input seriously. Arrogance, or an inflated perception of one’s own importance, should not be mistaken with confidence. Which is an appreciation of one’s own strengths and traits. Lack of confidence can also lead to over-explaining or apologizing for your request, both of which are counterproductive in a negotiation. Instead, declare your requested pay firmly and concisely, along with a brief statement of your reasoning.

Keep in mind that you’re providing a valuable set of abilities and experience to the company. An employer’s salary should reflect the value you bring to the table. If you believe the employer’s initial offer falls short of the value that your abilities and experiences deserve, come prepared with market salary research and personal value statistics to back up your request, and be confident in your decision to ask for more.

#7. Lead with gratitude

You’ve undoubtedly spent a lot of time and effort applying for the job and interviewing for it by the time you reach the job offer stage of the hiring process. Because the company has put time and effort into the process. It’s critical that you acknowledge this and thank them for considering you for the position. If there are any specific reasons why you’re thrilled about the employment. Such as the culture or the product, make sure to mention them.

Even if you decide to decline the offer, you should do so in a courteous and professional manner. After all, you never know what prospects they may have in the future for you.

#8. Ask for the top of your range

One basic tenet of wage negotiation is to offer the employer a number that is somewhat greater than your target. This way, even if they lower their offer, you’ll still have a salary offer you can accept. If you provide a pay range, the company will almost certainly err on the low end, so be sure the lowest value you submit is still a fair amount.

Another reason you can ask for a raise is to pay any costs you’ve incurred as a result of taking the position. For example, if you’re moving to a different city for work, you’ll have to pay for both moving and any fees related to selling or leasing your existing house. If you take a job that is further away from home, you must account for commuting costs. Such as train fares or gas, as well as wear and tear on your vehicle. It’s not uncommon for candidates to request that their salaries be adjusted to account for expenses incurred as a result of accepting the employment.

#10. Prepare for tough questions

Recruiters and hiring managers are used to negotiating. So they’ll be ready to ask you some tough questions to figure out your motivations. It’s critical not to be shaken by these queries and to be truthful. You can anticipate being asked the following questions:

  • Do you think we’re the best option?
  • Will you accept the employment immediately if the compensation is increased?
  • Do you have any other possibilities?

#11. Be flexible

Even if the company is unable to provide you the wage you desire, they may be able to supply you with other forms of compensation. To compensate for a long drive, you might be able to negotiate salary, stock options, additional vacation days, a sign-on bonus, or additional work-from-home days in the UK. If your company tells you right away that they won’t be able to boost your wage offer, be prepared to ask for alternatives. They may be equally as valuable (or more precious) than a paycheck in some instances.

#12. Ask questions

If the individual with whom you’re negotiating appears astonished, responds adversely, or rejects your counter right away, stay confident and calm. Respond to their reaction with open-ended inquiries to elicit additional information and continue the conversation.

“What is the budget for this position based on?” and “What information do you need from me to make a decision?” are examples of inquiries.

#13. Don’t be afraid to walk away

A company may not be able to satisfy your minimal income need or provide extra advantages that make it worthwhile for you to apply. Alternatively, the company may counter-offer a wage that is higher than their initial offer but lower than your desire. In this scenario, you must consider whether the position is worth the lower pay.

How to Negotiate a Higher Salary after a Job Offer in UK

Now here comes how one should negotiate salary after a higher job offer in the UK without compromising his chances of getting the job.

#1. Be ready

As previously stated, a prudent applicant will not show up for the interview without knowing what to expect in terms of pay. There are several websites that show the typical income for various positions in various cities, which considerably aids research.

#2. Be vague about salary expectation and history

Employers frequently inquire about a candidate’s salary history and expectations after they have been offered a position. Answering can be risky because if the amounts offered are too high, the employer may become irritated. To be safe, an employee can say that it would be preferable if he first learned what the job entails before discussing the wage.

#3. Don’t jump right into the first offer

This is especially true if the initial offer does not appear to be sufficient. Salary increases are dependent on the previous rate, as we said at the outset. With this information, an employee can carefully inquire about the company’s salary ceiling and proceed from there.

#4. Don’t only negotiate salary

Though the pay is the most important motivator for employees to complete their jobs, it is not the only factor that can compensate for long hours. A new hire, for example, can request a more flexible working environment or schedule, as well as membership in a professional group. Negotiating non-salary benefits can have far-reaching consequences.

Salary Negotiations Emails

A salary negotiation email is an email to a potential employer or recruiting manager in order to talk about and reach an agreement on the initial compensation for a job. After receiving an initial offer or while working for a company, a person can send an email to negotiate their wage. If you’ve been with a company for a year, for example, you could wish to negotiate your wage in order to earn a raise based on your success and advancement in your current role.

How to Negotiate Salary UK Email Example

#1. Negotiate Salary Email Example 1 UK


Thank you for your recent job offer and [AMOUNT] pay offer. While I appreciate the offer, I was looking for something at the [DESIRED AMOUNT] level. This figure is more in line with industry norms and my [LISTEN TO YOUR EXPERIENCES AND QUALIFICATIONS].

I am excited to begin working with you and hope that we can reach an agreement on my wage so that I may begin as soon as possible. If you like, I may meet with you to discuss both of our needs in greater depth.



#2. Negotiate Salary Email Example 2 UK


Thank you for considering me for the position of [TITLE OF POSITION]. I’d like to express my delight at the prospect of working for [NAME OF COMPANY/WORKPLACE].

I’d prefer to address the pay problem more before accepting the job offer. The [AMOUNT] offered isn’t what I’d anticipate for this position. Taking into account [LIST YOUR EXPERIENCES AND QUALIFICATIONS]. I believe [DESIRED AMOUNT] is better appropriate for my abilities.

I believe I have a bright future at [COMPANY/WORKPLACE NAME] and that I am a valuable addition.




Every new recruit has the right to negotiate their wage, and employers are well aware of this. Plus with the example above, — in fact a couple of them — you can easily negotiate your salary in the UK through email. To be successful at it, you simply need the correct tools. Salary negotiations should not be feared, but rather viewed as a fight for excellent compensation.


What is a reasonable salary negotiation?

Consider a range between 5-7% above. You don’t want to risk your chances with a company that is genuinely interested in your financial well-being. However, you can also go over an example of how to negotiate a salary in the UK through email in the section above.

Should you accept the first salary offer?

“Don’t accept the first offer they expect you to negotiate and salary is always negotiable.” 

What happens if you ask for too little salary?

The first step is to say thank you. Maintain a respectful tone and tell the hiring manager how much you appreciate them for taking the time to interview you.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What happens if you ask for too little salary?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

The first step is to say thank you. Maintain a respectful tone and tell the hiring manager how much you appreciate them for taking the time to interview you.

" } } ] }
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