Admiral Pet Insurance: Admiral Pet Insurance Cover 2023


Give your cat or dog the protection he or she deserves. Admiral Pet Insurance may be able to provide your pet with the coverage they require, whether you are looking for cat insurance or dog insurance. The company provides a variety of policies, such as 12 months and maximum benefit, but Lifetime cover is their most comprehensive policy.

Choosing the right Pet Insurance is critical, as making the wrong decision now could have serious financial consequences later, and comparing numerous policy terms and conditions can be difficult.

Read on, to learn more about admiral pet insurance claims, admiral pet insurance terms and conditions, admiral pet insurance discount codes and lots more.

Who is Admiral Pet Insurance?

Admiral Direct was founded in 1993 with the intention of specializing in auto insurance. They have introduced innovative motor insurance products such as multi-car and black boxes over the years. Admiral also provides a wide range of other insurance products, such as home, travel, and pet insurance. They are a subsidiary of Admiral Group Plc, which also owns brands like, Gladiator, Diamond, and

Admiral, like the AA, refers pet insurance claims to the Insurance Factory Ltd (owned by Markerstudy), which arranges and manages all policies on Admiral’s behalf.

Admiral pet insurance policies are underwritten by HDI Global Specialty SE, a German company registered with the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority.

What Is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance, is the transfer of risk to a third party in exchange for payment of a premium. In other words, you, the pet owner, pay a premium to the pet insurance company in exchange for them assuming a portion of the risk for your pet’s covered medical expenses. Neither you nor the insurance company wants your pet to become ill or injured, but by paying the premium, the pet insurance company assumes a portion of the economic risk on your behalf.

What is the Purpose of Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance offered by admiral Pet Insurance, like other types of insurance, works by transferring the economic risk of having to pay for all of your pet’s medical expenses in exchange for a premium. Pet insurance should be purchased to mitigate the risk of unexpected and unanticipated medical expenses, which can be quite costly.

The insurance policy is a contract that specifies the claims that the insurer is legally obligated to pay after the premium is paid. You will pay a higher premium upfront if you purchase coverage that transfers risk to cover every minor medical expense. As a result, the wise choice is to purchase a policy that protects you for an amount greater than your ability or willingness to pay.

Benefits of Admiral pet insurance

The following are some of the most compelling reasons to consider admiral pet insurance:

  • Pet insurance can save you money in the long run
  • Enables great healthcare for your pet
  • It keeps you from dipping into your savings
  • Helps with expensive treatments
  • Offers flexibility according to your budget
  • Also offers additional coverage

Pet insurance can save you money in the long run

When your pet becomes ill, you can save money by using their health insurance plan. Depending on the company with which you have a plan, there is usually a small deductible that you must meet. After you’ve met your deductible, the insurance company will pay a portion of the vet bill, and you’ll be responsible for the rest.

 Enables great healthcare for your pet

Depending on the policy you choose, pet insurance provides a broader range of treatments for dental issues, parasite-borne diseases, cataracts, fractures, pregnancy complications, and so on. Pet insurance is also beneficial for pets who may need to use additional healthcare facilities as they age.

It keeps you from dipping into your savings

Accidents can happen at any time, no matter how careful you are with your furry friend. Pet insurance helps with the cost of medical treatment in the event of an unexpected accident, injury, or illness, so you don’t have to go through the stress of arranging funds or wiping your savings clean.

Helps with expensive treatments

Pets, like humans, can suffer from major illnesses, and the treatments for these severe illnesses can be very expensive. Having admiral pet insurance allows you to provide the best care for your dog while saving money on expensive medical treatments and hospitalization.

Offers flexibility according to your budget

You can select from a variety of policies based on your budget and the needs of your pet. Some pet insurance policies also allow you to choose whether you want to pay the premium monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Also offers additional coverage

Aside from accidents and illness, some pet insurance policies cover theft or loss of the pet, overseas travel, and third-party liabilities in the event your pet injures or damages someone else’s property.

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Is admiral pet insurance any good?

They are there to protect you and your pet from the unexpected, just like any other insurance policy.

Veterinary fees can be exorbitant. Hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds for a single treatment, is prohibitively expensive. You don’t want to risk depleting your savings for your pet, no matter how valuable they are to you (a lesson these uninsured pet owners learned the hard way).

If you can’t afford to drop a couple of grand at the drop of a hat, pet insurance ensures that you won’t have to.

Does admiral do pet insurance?

Yes, admiral pet insurance offers five pet insurance policies:

Premier Plus:

This is a lifetime policy that covers vet fees up to £10,000 per year, £2,500 in dental cover for accidents, £1,500 in death cover, £1,500 in theft or straying cover, and £2 million in third-party legal liability.


The Premier, which is also a lifetime policy, provides £5,000 in vet fees cover, £2,500 in dental cover for accidents, £1,000 in death cover, £1,000 in theft or straying cover, and £2 million in liability coverage.


Admiral pet insurance third Lifetime policy provides £2,500 in vet fees cover, £2,000 in dental cover for accidents, £750 in death cover, £750 in theft or straying cover, and £1 million in legal liability cover.


This is a pre-condition policy that provides £2,500 in vet fees cover, £2,000 in dental cover for accidents, £1,000 in death cover, £1,000 in theft or straying cover, and £1.5 million in legal liability cover.


Admiral pet insurance other Per Condition policy provides £2,000 in vet fees cover, £2,000 in dental cover for accidents, £750 in death cover, £750 in theft or straying cover, and £1 million in liability coverage.

Admiral policies have an £85 excess for illnesses or accidents and a £250 excess for third-party liability. If your pet is over the age of 6, there is a 10% co-payment fee on all claims.

Keep in mind that legal liability insurance only applies to dogs, as cats are considered ‘free spirits’ under the law, and as such, you will not be held liable if they injure someone or damage their property.

Why pet insurance is not worth it

Pet insurance may be ineffective if:

  • Your pet is a senior citizen or already has health issues.
  • A large vet bill would not put you in financial jeopardy.
  • You’d rather risk an expensive diagnosis than pay for insurance that you may never use.

Admiral pet insurance for dogs

Whether you have a cute new puppy or need pet insurance for older dogs, getting the right coverage for your loyal hound is critical.

When your dog is in need, Admiral Pet Insurance can provide coverage for the care they require, as well as assistance with unexpected vet costs and other expenses.

Admiral pet insurance dogs cover

Admiral pet insurance for dogs cover the following:

  • Veterinary & Dentistry fees
  • Emergency boarding kennel
  • Loss by theft or straying
  • Holiday cancellation
  • Third-party legal liability (dogs only)

Veterinary & Dentistry fees

A range of cover-up to £10,000 per year

Emergency boarding kennel

You will be covered for the cost of your dog’s board in a kennel or cared for at home if you are hospitalized for more than four consecutive days.

Loss by theft or straying

coverage in the event that your dog escapes or is stolen from your home address.

Holiday cancellation

If you have to cancel or shorten your vacation because your dog requires immediate lifesaving surgery, your travel and lodging expenses are covered (up to policy limits).

Also, admiral pet insurance for dogs covers compensation costs and legal fees if your dog injures someone or damages someone else’s property by accident.

Admiral pet insurance discount code

With the admiral pet insurance discount code you can get maximum discounts for your pet insurance.


If you want to buy pet insurance, it is best to do so when your pet is young. However, it is also possible to do so later in life. Compare policies and decide what is best for your dog based on its needs and your lifestyle.

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