How To Get Student Car Insurance Discount In The UK

Student Car Insurance Discount
Student Car Insurance Discount

You do not need to spend your tuition fee on getting student car insurance while there is room for a discount. Student car insurance is now available at a discount, good news for every student who goes to school by car.

If you want to get insurance for your car as a student, there are ways and routes you can take to get a discount on your insurance. It is no new news that student car insurance on premiums tends to be more costly than for ordinary individuals.

If you want to get insurance cover for your car as a student, you want to get it at a discount and save the extra cash. Even if for anyone who thinks they do not need to do a lot with their money, you can save it up for extra cash in their purse.

There are just a few things that can determine whether or not you will be qualified for the student car insurance discount. For availability, a student car insurance discount is available. This article will take you through anything you may want to know about student car insurance discounts.

Also, you will know the requirements of the qualification for a student car insurance discount. Follow closely to know more about getting a student car insurance discount.

What is a student car insurance discount?

Student car insurance discount refers to the count of a student get when they want to get their car insurance. Different companies have what discounts they offer to students not looking at the fact that premiums are high for students. There are so many factors that affect student car insurance discounts.

No one would want to go for something that costs high when they can get it for free. You do not want to get student car insurance as high as the premium could be while it is possible to get it at discount.

Student car insurance discount is, therefore, the count off you get as a student who wants to get an insurance cover for your car. This student car insurance discount is assumed by policy providers that the students are young drivers who are responsible.

Therefore, they are as well responsible when it comes to their studies and are also more likely to be responsible drivers.

As a result of that, they deserve to pay lower insurance premiums since they are not perceived as teens with poor grades who would frequently file a claim with their insurance company.

Why do you need a student car insurance discount?

The simple reason why a student needs to get a student car insurance discount is simple, you want to save more and spend less. Apart from the fact it helps a student to save more cash it also encourages students.

The factors that are required by a student before they can get a student car insurance discount are such that would push the student to be better. Take for instance good grades as a factor that qualifies a student to get a student car insurance discount is such a brilliant one.

Imagine a student who is privileged to have a car but performs poorly in academics would be pushed to do more. They want to take chances on the discount offer to insure their car therefore they are forced to perform better.

So, it is an important and beneficial, student car insurance discount. Every student with a car needs this opportunity to save up more and also save parents’ stress.

How to get a student car insurance discount

If you are interested in getting your student car insurance at discount, there are different steps you need to take to archive that. There is nothing done under the heavens that just happens, not getting a discount on your car insurance as a student.

A good student discount provides an incentive to do well in school, as teenagers face some of the highest insurance premiums. Some insurance companies offer a variety of discounts based on a number of factors, including good student discounts.

Companies that offer student car insurance discount have their own set guidelines which include the age range that discounts are given,

The minimum grade point average is needed to qualify, and any activity that may be a disqualifying factor to a student during the period of insurance.

Below listed are the steps you need to take as a student to get your car discount;

  • Shop around for available quotes
  • Get good grades
  • Submit the proof of your good grades
  • Combine policy with parents

Shop around for available quotes

The typical amount you will be expecting to save with a good student discount is up to $22 per month for minimum-coverage insurance.

However, good students can save up to $174 per month by shopping around at multiple companies.

It is a vital step to take if you want to get a discount on your car coverage as a student.

Some companies have better offers to give with their discount while some have fair offers.

So, you cannot find out which to go for if not by shopping around for quotes and comparing companies.

Get good grades.

The reward for a good student most times is not limited to the praises and gifts from parents and well-wishers. It boils down to getting a discount on your car as a student.

In order to qualify for a good student discount, you have to have a B average or even better, or be among the top 20% of students who have good grades in your class.

Although this is usually based on your different cumulative transcript, so you don’t need to worry if you had one sub per semester. G.P.A of 3.0 or higher is okay to get you a good student car discount.

Submit proof of your good grades

After you must have found the best price and company and signed up for insurance, You will need to submit proof that you’re enrolled in a school full time and that you have got good grades. 

Of course, if you do not submit your proof the company would not have anything to lay your hands on so they need a conviction to offer their discount. There are other factors that determine a students car insurance discount and they may include;

Good driving skills

A level of carefulness helps you to save money on the claims you would have made with them because your car was stolen, you could park in a locked garage. You can also save on your car insurance as a discount by combining your insurance policy with your parents.

Some of the members of your family are better drivers and have good driving skill records, you as a student may not be too experienced in driving.

So, the reason that it is important you consider combining policy with your parents is to save you the stress of paying extra money in claims

Or even getting charged extra because you are a student as most companies offer premiums that are high for students because they are considered to be teenagers.

Companies that offer student car discounts

There are different companies that are known for the offer of discounts that they give to students who want to get insurance for their car. Some of these companies offer less while some also, offer more.

This brings in the importance of shopping around for quotes from different of these companies and checking that you have met up to their standards.

Extra good student discount benefits

There are other available student car insurance benefits which a student can still get and they are as follows;

Away at school discount: You can qualify for this if you are going out of state for your school and will not be using your parent’s car.

It is assumed that you will not be exposed to many risks if you are in a different state for your schooling.

Safe driving discount: If you are a teen who has good driving skills, you may be offered a discount as it will be seen that you will stand a low chance of damage. Your insurers may reason that you are most likely not going to be involved in an accident.

FAQs about good student discount

What GPA is required for a good student car insurance discount

A GPA of 3.0 and above is a good fetch for a student car insurance discount.

Do grades affect student car insurance discount

Yes. Good grades can help fetch one a discount on their car insurance.

What is the age limit for student car insurance discount

The limited age for student car insurance varies by the insurers. Some companies end at 24 years old while others end at 25.

Is it worth getting student car insurance discount

Yes. As much as you would want to do things as an adult, applying for discounts on your car insurance is worth it. You can save the extra cash.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the age limit for student car insurance discount", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

The limited age for student car insurance varies by the insurers. Some companies end at 24 years old while others end at 25.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is it worth getting student car insurance discount", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Yes. As much as you would want to do things as an adult, applying for discounts on your car insurance is worth it. You can save the extra cash.

" } } ] }


Aside from student discounts, there are plenty of car insurance discounts you might already be qualified for. It is a good idea for you to call your insurance agent and ask to review potential discounts. Student car discount is designed to help students who own a car either as a gift or they are just using them.

You can save on your student car insurance. There are many companies that offer good student discounts. You can start on your journey to get a good student discount by getting good grades. proceed to shop around for available quotes then submit the proof of your good grades to the insurance company. It is advisable to get a discount as a good student, there are other factors that may affect your discount. You could also save up money from your car insurance by being careful and having pod driving skills.

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