Student car insurance: Is it cheaper to be a student or employed for car insurance

Student car insurance
Student car insurance

You may be wondering whether you need a student car insurance policy now that you’re moving away from home. The answer depends on where you’ll be living while attending school and who owns the vehicle you’ll be driving.

Would it be okay to say that if you do not have a vehicle to convey yourself usually to school as a student, this policy is not for you? Student car insurance is important advice for a student in the university or college and has been provided with a means of transporting themselves.

Sometimes it may be that your either parent gifted you their old car to be able to drive yourself to school. If you are a student and you already have how you transport yourself conveniently to school, you need to read.

It does not matter as mentioned already whether the car was bought for you as a child to your parents by them. It may have been bought as a birthday gift or so from your friends, uncles or relatives. What is important is that you need to make sure the car is covered against damage.

In this article, we are going to be explaining to you in simple terms too whatever you need to know.

What is student car insurance?

Student car insurance is just like the normal auto insurance that anyone can get for their vehicle’s cover. It may be that a student who is leaving their parent’s house was given a car gift from their parents old.

You can get student car insurance from different companies and you can so get it at a cheap cost. As we proceed, you will get to know the steps to take toward cheap car insurance as a student. Is car insurance another cost parents and college students need to think about?

We know that it is not an easy thing to train a child in the university, even as a child, you know how difficult it can be. So student car insurance is the policy cover you get to cover your car from damage and theft.

Just like normal car insurance that anyone can get, student car insurance is a cover for your vehicle as a student.

Why a student needs car insurance

If you are a student who is the opportunity to be going to school with a car. Let us say your parent gave out their old car to you to be driving or you drive any other person’s own. Then you may want to get an insurance cover for the vehicle.

A student stands a higher risk of crashing a car especially when they are between 18-20, so you do not want to double up expenses. Parents already go through a lot to pay tuition fees and hostel fees for their children, you do not want to add to the expense. If you are a student, you do not want to let your parents spend the money they would have given you for snacks and fixing a car.

It is important to get a student car student to help save yourself the extra expenses. Although student car insurance like every other insurance policy is not mandatory by law, it grants peace of mind.

Therefore, the reason why a student needs car insurance is to protect them and save extra cash in case of any accident or damage.

Which student needs car insurance

Any student who has a car that they go to school with should get an insurance policy. It may not be that you bought the car with your money, it may be that it is a gift from a loved one. You want to make sure you do not spend the cash you would invest in something more important than fixing your damaged car.

Students will have the same types of car insurance to choose from as everyone else. If you are a student in a university or college and you have a car that you move with, you need to get student car insurance.

Types of student car insurance

Students will have the same types of car insurance to choose from as everyone else.

Whatever an individual will gain from insuring their car is the same thing that a student would gain when they insure their car.

There are basically three types of student car insurance and they are listed below;

  • Third-party insurance
  • Fire and theft
  • Fully comprehensive insurance

Third-party insurance

In this type of insurance policy for students, it means that it is only the damages you do to someone else’s car that is covered. It does not cover the damages that someone else does to your car.

But rather, it covers you for the accidental case where you crash or damage another person’s car. If you break their side mirror, for example, your policy providers will cover the cost.

Fire and theft by the third party

This type of insurance policy covers you against the damages someone else may cause to your car. For example, you are driving to school and another student or maybe not a student damages your car.

Your policy provider will cover the cost of repairing the parts that the person damaged in your car.

Fully comprehensive insurance

When you get this type of student car insurance covers everything that third party and fire and theft by third party covers. Also, it has some other special offers in standard form. If you get fully comprehensive insurance, you will be covered when another person damages your car. You will also be covered if your car is stolen or damaged by another person.

Cost of student car insurance

Students are likely to pay more than others for auto cover as most people who list student as their main occupation is under the age of 25. It costs more to get student car insurance, unlike other people who do, like workers and parents.

If a student is between 18-year-old they pay about $598 per month for auto coverage if they have their own policy. Also, if the student brings their car to the campus. Because it has been stated that the premium most providers give for students who want auto cover is high in cost.

It is also important that you do not freak out already because you can still get cheap auto cover as a student. If you want to get cheaper student car insurance, there are a few things you have to do that will give you the privilege.

A list of the things or steps that will help you to get cheap student car insurance is below;

  • Sharing a policy with your parents
  • Qualify and get a discount
  • Have good grades
  • Compare cost per provider

Cheap student car insurance

Like the list above, there are steps that an individual needs to take to get cheap car insurance or cover.

Share a policy with your parent

Staying with the parent or household policy as a student to get auto insurance. This, can result in getting cheaper policies and discounts, and avoiding several claims, especially if other members have good driving skills.

Get good grades

There is no area of life where being brainy does not pay off, even in getting student car insurance.

You need to have good grades in the university as it will help reduce the cost of your car insurance. Grades like 3.0 GP will be a solid rock t stand on.

Qualify for discounts

You need to be qualified for other benefits you will gain as regards cheap insurance cover. You need to do a few things to qualify for discounts, like checking out the place you stay. If you want to live outside the campus, get a safe place, somewhere that has a clear record of theft. You also need to watch your drive-around.

Is it cheaper to be a student or employed for car insurance?

Student car insurance costs are generally higher than average because most student drivers are under the age of 25 and are deemed to be more dangerous on the road than older drivers. Students are also more likely to be first-time drivers, which means they have not been able to obtain a discount without making any claims.

If you’re going to college, check with your parents’ insurance company or agent to see if you’re covered under their policy and if the rate will change to keep coverage.

If you are not covered by your parents’ policies, shop around for good affordable auto insurance that meets your needs.

In order to get the best auto insurance policy for your situation, inquire about all available discounts and compare quotes from multiple providers.


Student car insurance is just like every other auto cover that anybody can get. You do not want to stress your parents to spend on repairing your car after it has been damaged by your bad driving. It may be that the person who gifted you the car already had it insured, you may also make use of it.

The only time it would be an option to use their policy is if they have a good driving skill record. Sometimes too, you want to get your insurance separately, which is still good. But combining an insurance policy with your parent will help you to get your insurance policy at a cheaper rate.

FAQs about student car insurance

Is student car insurance cheaper insurance is costlier for students in premium, but you can be sure to get a cheap policy. One of the things that affect the cost of insurance is the age of the student, 18 year old get a higher policy than 25 year old.

Do i need car insurance as a student

Yes. you want to protect and save up cash rather than spending it on repairs.

Does my parents insurance affect my car insurance as a student

Yes. it is one of the factors that help you get cheap car insurance as a student. You can combine it with your parent’s insurance policy and use their good driving history as an advantage.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do i need car insurance as a student", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Yes. you want to protect and save up cash rather than spending it on repairs.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does my parents insurance affect my car insurance as a student", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Yes. it is one of the factors that help you get cheap car insurance as a student. You can combine it with your parent's insurance policy and use their good driving history as an advantage.

" } } ] }


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