GLAMPING BUSINESS PLAN: How to Write in Simple Steps (+ Template)

glamping business plan
Tourist secrets

How do you intend to give travellers luxurious accommodations in a stylish, glamorous, and traditional camping setting without inducing a business plan? For how long do you intend on experiencing mismanagement and losing track of your glamping business? Having a glamping business plan can curb all these issues and give you an opportunity to experience growth. In this guide, we are going to extensively discuss the basics of starting a glamping business. You will also get to create your glamping business plan using our unique template, which is also available in PDF or doc format

Have plans to not give into this idea? Then get a ready-made glamping business plan and get that business on the go! 

What is a Glamping Business Plan?

A glamping business plan is basically a living document that provides a snapshot of your business goals and tells you how to achieve those goals. How do you intend to venture into a major investment without a structured idea of where you are going? Don’t say it’s too easy to run a glamping business and hence a plan is not needed, because if you commence a business without strategizing, then don’t expect to have positive returns. 

To convince your potential guests, you need to go out of your way to make an original design that they would appreciate. For this to be achieved, you need to thoughtfully plan out your short-term rental business. Having known this, let’s now analyse how you can create your glamping business plan using the PDF format template below. 

How do you Write a Glamping Business Plan?

To help you write a glamping business plan, we have provided this template below, so you can either download the available PDF or Doc format and edit it to fit your specifications. Meanwhile, to construct this plan effectively, you need to pay detailed attention to each section and apply its contents in accordance with the sequence below.  

#1. Executive Summary

You will need to create your executive summary with the intention of letting your reader understand the idea behind your business plan. It should serve as an overview of what your business entails and the services it tends to offer to potential clients. While doing this, don’t forget to maintain clear and concise language.

#2. Company Description

This company description section of your business plan requires you to give an in-depth overview of your company. You can include the history of how you started and your vision, mission, and goals. While describing the company, you will also need to convince your readers that your business is poised for success. In summary, this section should define your business structure and operations.

#3. Market Research

Market research is essential when creating a business plan for your glamping company. To do this, you need to look into the prominent micro-trends of glamping and tourism in your area. Doing this will boost your creativity and give you an idea of what you should channel your services to. When you are done with your market analysis, you should be able to detect who your ideal audience is and how best to navigate your products to fit into the industry. 

#4. Competitor Analysis

To be among the best, you will have to learn from the best. This assertion also applies to the competitor analysis of your glamping business plan. Look at who your competitors are and carefully inspect what your strengths and weaknesses are. Decide on factors to emulate and the ones to drop or avoid. Doing this will also make potential clients look out for your services. 

#5. Sales and Marketing Plan

Your sales and marketing plan are all about letting the world know about your properties and starting to book them. You need to have diverse marketing strategies and tactics until the right audience is reached. There are multiple options which include making a listing on a popular vacation platform, creating a website, preaching the word in your community, and investing in email and social media marketing, amongst others. Remember that you need to be consistent with your strategies till you attain your desired results.

#6. Operational Plan

Words and mapped-out plans without action are meaningless. Will you just keep making plans without having practical ways to carry them out? How will you carry out your plans? Are you going to employ some staff? All these questions and more are what you need to tell your readers in this section. Remember that the goal is to convince them of your company’s credibility. 

#7. Financial Plan

If you are seeking financial aid from a private individual or a bank, just be aware that they would love to scan this financial plan section of your business plan. Your readers will wish to understand the potential your business holds and how well your ideas can guarantee that they will get their money back. In essence, you should cover how much money your glamping business will need to kick off, how fast they will witness an ROI, and the revenue they can expect in the long run. 

Is a Glamping Site Profitable?

To measure if an investment is profitable you need to measure your revenue and cost and then analyse if the revenue outweighs the cost. When it comes to glamping, with all the significant costs of looking for a glamping site, designing the accommodation or even modifying an existing structure, it is still a lucrative and profitable business to venture into. 

How do I Start a Small Glamping Business?

To start a glamping business, there are some protocols you need to observe in order to have a smooth experience. These steps include:

#1. Plan the Business

This is where you need to settle down and take a slow and steady look at your business ideas and how you will actualize them. You should conduct a target market first to determine the travellers you can target. Should you focus on couples or families? What about the type of facility they might require? The next step is to check the glamping site and the cost. It will take you some time to plan the site. You will also need to create a business plan to make the whole process easier. 

#2. Obtain Permissions

Before you carry out your plans, you should also seek permission to use the site. Approach your local authorities to specify what you need to do before you kick off.

#3. Furnish the Site 

When you obtain the “go-ahead” approval, then commence putting up tents and decorations. Make sure to avoid trees and water drains during your set-up to maintain cleanliness. Set up tents, decorate, power up, add some entertainment options, and make a nice bathroom setting. 

#4. Promote and Market

To attract potential travellers to see the quality services you can offer, you need to promote and market your glamping business. You can create an online presence, open a website and effectively run all the social media platforms you have. Advertising under business listings is also advisable. 

Do Glamping Pods make Money?

Yes, you can make money from glamping pods, but you should note that the amount of money you make might differ according to a particular season. In the down season, you can generate a small amount of money. During the high season, you can experience a large income. 

How Much Land do you Need for Glamping?

While picking the size of the site you will utilise for your glamping, it’s better to budget for plenty of room, especially when you want more pods within your site. Having it in excess can bring no harm compared to not having enough. It is advisable to use 7 to 10 acres of land. 

Is Glamping a Good Investment?

Yes, glamping is a good investment. You can make multiple returns from investing in the glamping business. The return on investment in glamping is higher and larger than most vacation rental operators. Aside from the revenue the industry yields, it also has a high tendency to grow. 

How Long do Glamping Pods Last?

Glamping pods are simple wooden or canvas huts, and they can last for a minimum of 15 years under minimal care, meaning that they can last longer. 

How much Money can you Make Glamping?

The income of most glamping businesses in the UK depends greatly on the site on which their business is located. Most glamping sites develop more revenue compared to some other aspects. Most times, glamping businesses also make less money during the down season and then make more during the high season. The general average amount you make from glamping is £750-£4000 per month. 

Do you need Planning Permission for Glamping Site?

Yes, you will need planning permission before setting up a glamping site to offer your services to travellers. Even if the setting is temporary, it is still advised that you reach out to your local authorities to get planning permission to avoid any future inconvenience. 

Having Trouble Creating your Glamping Business Plan?

If there is something entrepreneurs still find hard to manoeuvre whilst starting a business, then it is mostly getting stuck on how to write a self-employed business plan for themselves. It is normal to face difficulties considering that you are new to this field. 

This is exactly why we have created a professional, ready-to-use glamping business plan for your convenience. Over the years, Businessyield consulting has helped thousands of entrepreneurs start up on the right foot by taking the time to construct a unique plan for their business. What else do you seek? ” Get a copy here and unleash those ideas. 

Final Thoughts

Vacation rental operators all around the world are talking about glamping. It has grown into a hot trend, with its market growth and future projections unsaturated. As a savvy entrepreneur, you can take this huge opportunity and make a name for yourself. You can set up your business ideas and employ a business plan to help you manage and track your growth. All you need to do is to create your business plan using our glamping business plan template, which has a PDF or doc format option. When you get hooked, we can always help out.


When is the best time to enter the glamping industry? 

If you are waiting for the perfect time to venture into your dream business, then it might never come. That time may be yesterday, today, or even tomorrow. If you are passionate about the industry, then don’t hesitate to keep your business idea in motion. The industry is still in its infancy, which signifies that there are multiple opportunities for startups. 

What is included in glamping?

Glamping basically involves creating a one-in-a-million camping experience for travellers. Your glamping service should include electricity, a plush blanket, running water, food, and mood lighting, among others. It should scream luxury and look comfortable. You should also pick a serene environment.

Is glamping good in winter?

Glamping is not rustic and during the winter season, it can be warm and cosy to sleep in, even when it is heavily snowing. But if you want to go glamping in the winter, then avoid the enormous crowds of avid warm-weather campers. 

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