Car Insurance Excess
Image Source : GAPInsurance

Although paying the excess on your car insurance can be costly if you make a claim. Car excess insurance, on the other hand, assists you in recouping your losses. However, the term ‘excess’ refers to the amount you agree to pay your insurance company if you need to file a claim. When you buy a car insurance policy, the provider will tell you how much your voluntary and mandatory excess will be at the time of signing the contract.

Read on to find out more about excess insurance and how it works without leaving out mandatory and voluntary excess.

All the more, the money goes towards the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle. In addition, the cost of repairing and replacing insured automobiles is covered by the car insurance excess. This keeps the plans reasonable. It also serves to prevent people from filing claims too frequently or for small issues. In this way, the excess allows the insurer to insure your car.

What Is Car Insurance Excess?

An excess is a payment you’ll have to make if you file a claim on your car insurance and your insurer approves it. This sum will be confirmed when you purchase or renew your policy. And the funds are used to repair or replace your car.

Simply put, your car insurance excess is the amount you must pay out of your pocket when filing a claim with your insurance company. It is the sum you pay (or your insurance provider holds back) in the event of a claim, irrespective of who’s at fault. It’s a predetermined fee that you pay at the beginning of any claim.

Assume you’ve collided with another vehicle in the parking lot of a supermarket. Your insurance company will cover the bill, but you must first pay a predetermined sum toward the repairs.

Almost every car insurance policy includes an insurance excess. When you buy a policy, your insurer sets a mandatory excess amount.

However, you also decide to increase or even decrease your excess. In general, the bigger your total excess, the lower your premium expense. The rationale for this is simple. The amount the insurer must pay will decrease If you agree to pay for any damage to your car. So it’s all about striking a balance between your monthly expenses and what you can afford to pay if the worst arises. This decreases the risk you pose to an insurer. And, as with all insurance, the lower the risk, the lower the cost.

The excess will differ depending on the car, the years, and the expertise of the drivers on your policy. And also, whether you have chosen to have your safeguarded or guaranteed no-claims bonus You can also choose to add a voluntary excess to your insurance policy. Providing you with additional control over the cost.

However, there are different types of excess, including:

  • standard excess
  • voluntary excess
  • age excess
  • inexperienced drivers, excess, and
  • driver history excess

#1. Standard/Compulsory Excess

Unless your insurance policy specifies otherwise, this indicates the sum of money you’ll pay for all claims. Certain factors will be the basis for calculating your standard excess. They include:

  • where you live
  • your car
  • the insurance policy’s type, and
  • your claim history

The compulsory excess is a defined amount that you must pay if you file a claim. And your insurer will determine this amount. The amount varies depending on driving experience, age, and vehicle type. Because they are considered a higher risk, a new driver may be required to pay a higher compulsory excess than a more experienced driver. While more expensive performance cars may have a greater mandatory excess than a conventional make and model. This is not always the case. 

#2. Voluntary Excess

Because of the sort of automobile insurance you have, you may choose to pay a voluntary excess in addition to your regular excess. Choosing a higher excess can help you save money on your monthly premiums.

#3. Age Excess

If a motorist under the age of 25 was driving, using, or in charge of the car at the time of the accident, an extra excess may apply. It also applies to new drivers and is in addition to any other applicable excess. This excess will be lower if the driver’s name is on the policy than if it isn’t.

#4. Inexperienced Driver Excess

For young drivers aged 25 or older who have had their license for less than two years. The inexperienced driver excess must be paid at the time of claim. This excess, like the Age excess, applies to beginner drivers and is in addition to any other excess. If the driver’s name is on the policy, the cost will be lower than if it is not on the certificate of insurance.

#5. Drivers History Excess

If a specified driver had their license canceled, suspended, disqualified, or restricted in the three years before the start of the insurance period, and was driving, using, or in charge of the car at the time of the occurrence, this excess applies

How Does Car Insurance Excess Work?

Let’s imagine you have a £150 excess on your policy and you get into an accident. The repair costs £1,150, your insurer pays £1,000, while you pay the £150 excess.  That’s it, the bill is fully paid. 

In another instance, maybe you’ve just smashed your door mirror. Fortunately, It only needs a new lens, which costs £80. You can’t claim it because it’s less than your £150 excess. But at least the cost of maintenance is reasonable.

The excess ensures that your insurance is available to assist you when you truly need it. Such as to cover that £1,000 repair expense that would have been more difficult to pay otherwise.

Can I  Change My Compulsory Excess?

Your insurer determines the mandatory excess. You won’t be able to adjust it because it’s based on your risk profile. And this includes things like your age and driving experience.

As a result, if you’re a new or inexperienced driver, your mandatory excess is likely to be higher than if you’ve been driving for a while.

If you drive a valuable or high-performance vehicle, such as a sports car, your policy’s mandatory excess is likely to be greater.

Car Insurance Voluntary Excess

In addition to your standard or compulsory excess. You can choose to pay a voluntary excess, which applies to all claims. Your normal excess remains the same in the instance of a claim arising, but the voluntary excess serves as an additional payment.

Voluntary excess differs from compulsory excess in that you choose the amount of extra you’re willing to pay. Increasing this voluntary excess is one method many people utilize to minimize the cost of their automobile insurance.

When getting a car insurance quote, see how adjusting the voluntary excess influences the prices. Also, only select an amount that you’re comfortable with.

However, keep in mind that if you file a claim, you may need to pay both the voluntary and mandatory excesses.

How Does Voluntary Excess Work?

A voluntary excess, just as the compulsory excess, applies only if you choose to claim for repair work you need on your car. This follows a recent accident that occur and such an accident was your fault.  just as the compulsory excess.

However, If you file a claim, you will be responsible for both the mandatory and voluntary excess amounts.

So, let’s say you have a £150 required excess and a £250 optional or voluntary excess. If you happen to be in an accident that causes £1,000 worth of damage to your car. You’ll need to pay both of these excess amounts, which is a total of £400 towards the repair. Your insurer will pay the remaining £600.

How much voluntary excess should I pay?

Choosing voluntary excess is all about perceived risk levels, much like many other insurance decisions. This time, however, it is not based on your insurer’s assessment of your risk. It all boils down to your level of self-assurance when it comes to driving.

Your ability to pay if you ever need to file a claim will determine the amount of voluntary excess you can add to your plan

Although picking a greater voluntary excess may enable you to save money on your premium. It is advisable that you make sure you can afford to pay both the compulsory excess and the voluntary excess on your policy if you ever need to make a claim.

However, the potential insurer will ask you how much voluntary excess you want to add to your plan when you get a quote from the various insurance companies. The entire excess (including mandatory and optional) that you’ll have to pay if you file a claim will be shown in the list of quotations that result.

The amount of disposable income you have to spend is also a consideration. You’re more likely to profit from a greater voluntary excess if you’re quite confident you’re unlikely to get into an accident and have enough resources to cover the costs if you do.

This is why, in general, most experienced drivers generally increase their voluntary excess. They are mostly less likely to get into an accident, but they are also more likely to be financially stable without the assistance of their insurer. Younger drivers, on the other hand, may have less discretionary income and a higher risk of accidents due to their lack of driving experience. In some situations, paying a higher premium and avoiding voluntary coverage may make logical sense for peace of mind.

Can I Insure My Excess Payment?

Excess insurance aims to cover the cost of the excess you must pay if you file a claim. The maximum amount that can be paid out is determined upfront and is generally enough to cover both your voluntary and compulsory excesses.

It can only be purchased in conjunction with at least one other insurance plan. And it can cover either your auto insurance or a variety of other policies such as house, travel, or pet insurance.

Depending on your policy terms, the maximum amount you can claim each year can range from £250 to £1,000. However, regardless of the amount, it will only be issued once you have produced proof that you have filed a valid insurance claim.

In addition, excess insurance costs vary depending on the amount you can claim and whether it covers multiple policies. Excess insurance for a single policy starts at around £30 per year. You’ll typically have to pay £70 or more for so-called lifestyle excess insurance, which covers a variety of policies.

When do I need to pay my voluntary excess?

Although, with most insurers, you’ll only have to pay your excess (voluntary and mandatory) if you’re at fault in a claim. If you are in an accident, for example, you’ll have to pay your deductible before your insurance will cover the rest of the damage.

If the other motorist admits fault, there will be no necessity to file a claim, and you will not be required to pay any excess. Your insurer will pay the entire sum. What’s more difficult is a circumstance in which it’s unclear who is to blame. You’ll have to file a claim with your insurance company if you need to make repairs before this is determined. You will need to pay the excess.

If the disagreement is resolved in your favor, you will be reimbursed. Alternatively, if someone else files a claim against you, your insurer will cover it, and you will not be responsible for the excess.

However, to begin the claims process, most insurers will require you to deposit your excess upfront. This was not always the case, though. At the conclusion of the claims process, it may be removed from your overall repair costs. You won’t have to send them a significant chunk of money if you do it this way. You’ll just pay a little towards the repairs. Also, you won’t be able to pay the amount in installments in either situation. This is why you have to make sure you set aside an equal amount of your specified excess in case you need it.

Why DO Insurers Set Car Excess Policy?

Insurers use excess charges to keep consumers from filing several claims for minor concerns, which would drive up the cost of automobile insurance for everyone. This could be anything from a ding on the car door in a supermarket parking lot to chips on the paintwork.


Car excess insurance is a reasonable plan that covers the cost of repairing and replacing your insured automobiles in the event of an accident, damage, fire, or theft. It serves to prevent people from filing claims too frequently and for small issues, allows the insurer to insure your car, and also assists you in recouping your losses.


What if my claim is less than the excess?

If the damage to your vehicle is minor and the cost of repairing it is less than your excess, lodging a claim is unnecessary. You can still have a claims adjustor make an assessment of the damage so you have an accurate idea of the bill you’re facing, but without any obligation to file a claim.

Do you pay excess If car is written off?

Do you still pay an excess for write-off claims? Yes. Just like any other claim under your policy, when the insurer settles the claim, they will deduct the excess

What is excess insurance UK?

If you need to make an insurance claim, you may have to pay some money towards the overall cost. This is known as the ‘excess’. Your insurer will then contribute the rest, up to the limit of the coverage. If you’ve stolen your car or broken your phone, you may know all about insurance excess

Is excess insurance more expensive?

The cost of excess liability insurance policies will vary significantly based on the amount of coverage you need and the number of policies overwritten. The larger your company is, the more expensive your insurance premiums will be

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is excess insurance more expensive?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

The cost of excess liability insurance policies will vary significantly based on the amount of coverage you need and the number of policies overwritten. The larger your company is, the more expensive your insurance premiums will be

" } } ] }
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