Watch Insurance: Is watch insurance worth it?

Watch insurance
Watch insurance

A luxury watch does far more than simply tell you what time it is at any given moment. Consider the sense of elegance it adds to your daily life. Your watch is valuable, whether you received it as a gift or purchased it for yourself to commemorate a special occasion. It’s also expensive, and replacing it could cause financial hardship, so you’ll need watch insurance to relieve the burden.

The watch you had on your wrist, at its value, can make a person rich. It is a fact, and thinking about it, imagine wearing a diamond watch when someone is there peeping around to see if there is something they could eat.

Some people who steal do not steal because they want to use the items; most of them are going to sell the stolen items and use the money. So if you have a valuable watch and other related jewelry, you may want to get insurance coverage for them.

Many times we wear a watch not because we are going to be frequently checking the time, but because of the sense of elegance it adds to our dressing. You will find out that most job interviewers consider your appearance an interview. Now just imagine going for an interview, corporately dressed, and then adding another percentage to the dress sense.

Do you have a luxury wristwatch that thieves may have an eye on? that you would not afford to lose, or if it gets damaged?

You should smile because there is a way you can protect your valuable watch from damage, which is why there is this article.

What is watch insurance?

If you ever worry about the possibility of losing or damaging your watch and as a result, you leave it out on your dressing instead of wearing it to the office. You have missed out on the enjoyment of glancing right at it throughout the day and the sense of elegance it provides to you.

Is watch insurance worth it?

With a watch insurance policy for you, you can wear that Rolex as often as you like. Instead of locking it up in a safe or keeping it tucked carefully away in its box which is definitely not the reason why you bought it,

Watch insurance is, therefore, the type of insurance that mainly provides cover to watches or other fine and valuable jewelry. This type of insurance coverage can pay for repair or replacement in case your watch is damaged.

Although some policies also offer replacement value of the watch in cash if the watch is stolen, lost, or even damaged beyond repair. Watch insurance may seem like a luxury, but this type of coverage will be of great importance if you own a vintage or collectible watch that’s worth a huge sum.

Even though some homeowner’s content insurance usually includes cover for jewelry like watches and others. It is still important to check it out before concluding because some of those covers extended to some jewelry are limited.

They may not cover your items as much as you would want them to, especially gadgets and jewelry. So it is important you take out a stand-alone cover for your watch and other valuable jewelry.

Why get watch insurance?

The reason you should consider getting an insurance cover for your watch and other valuable jewelry Is not that your life depends on the jewelry or because you would be arrested by the Government authority if you fail to.

The reason is rather simple and concise. You do not want to face the heartache that would come with losing your diamond wristwatch. If you have ever kept a really valuable item with you and then suddenly is destroyed or stolen or you wake up one morning and find it no more,

Then you would not imagine the scenario with your costly wristwatch. For example, if you got a wristwatch worth $50,000, I believe it would be disastrous to lose it.

So, you need a watch insurance cover for your really valuable wristwatch or for other valuable jewelry.

What does watch insurance cover?

Thieves love watches because they are small enough to slip into pockets, but they are rather more valuable enough to raise significant cash. A watch is not some jewelry that you can easily hide from people’s view.

No matter how small it may be, a wristwatch is usually easy to be seen by people around. So when the person you are sitting beside on the bus or in the restaurant is a thief, they can analyze the worth of your watch without your notice and track you to collect it by force.

Now if you are considering getting your watch insured, you may want to know really, what the policy covers.

Here are the things that watch insurance covers you and your wristwatch from;

#1. Loss

Your insurance policy will cover the monetary value or worth of your watch if you lose it. It may not necessarily be to thieves, but some pickpockets can do the job or hostel room burglars. So getting the insurance means that when the loss happens, they will repay the cost or value worth of the watch.

#2. Damage

It could be that you are washing your cloth and forgot that you have your wristwatch in your pocket. Or maybe you mistakenly hit it down from the table then it stops working or just gets damaged. Your policy will cover the cost of repairing or repaying the value worth.

#3. Extras

This is dependent on what your policy providers have to offer you to make their service stand out.

Cost of watch insurance

Typically, the cost of a watch is 1% to 2% of the actual cost of the watch to be insured. Apart from that, the cost of any insurance policy varies by the company and there are other factors that may alter the cost. For watch insurance, the factor that may alter the cost of buying insurance is only the value worth in the actual sense. Or simply put, the cost at which you purchased the watch.

Depending on the company you are buying your cover from, cover may also include extra costs for deductibles and claims. So, it is of great importance that you shop around for different companies that sell the policy and settle for anyone that best suits you.

Companies that sell watch cover

There are several companies that offer sales for the insurance of your luxury watch. Most of the companies sell insurance for other policies too.Some of the companies that offer watch insurance sells are listed below;


The zillion insurance offers insurance for your luxury watch and charges no deductibles. Their protection goes down to cover for when your watch goes missing suddenly. When it is stolen, when it is damaged or any other mentioned peril. You can be able to also take out your policy if you so decide to within 30 days.

The zillion company is underwritten by AXA XL on its policies. As an insurance company, my zillion has said that the cost of their insurance cover is 1% to 2% of the actual cost of the watch.


When you buy your insurance cover from chubb, you get an automatic cover for new items of the like that are insured. For example, you buy insurance cover for your watch and after up to 90 days you got another watch, and the cover is extended to the new watch automatically.

The insurance company, Chubb, has been in the insurance business since 1882 and they sell with great features. If you happen to lose your item for any reason, the company will repay 100% of the cost value of the lost item.


The insurance company, lemonade, allows their customers to add watch insurance to their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance. Their service is super flexible and reliable. Lemonade has earned a 4.9 stars rate in the App Store and is also top-rated by Supermoney, Clearsurance, and others. You can easily bundle your insurance cover with lemonade, be it pet insurance, homeowners or renters’ insurance.

FAQs About watch insurance.

Is watch insurance worth it

Watch insurance provides a premium peace of mind for everyone who owns a luxury watch or jewelry. It is really worth getting.

How much is watch insurance?

It typically costs 1% or 2% of the actual cost of your luxury item or watches to get insurance cover for them. Some companies may decide to add extra for their deductibles and claims.

How does watch insurance work?

Watch insurance is meant to cover the 100% cost of your valuable item in a case where it is stolen, lost or damaged.

Do i need watch insurance?

yes. If you have got a valuable watch that is capable of attracting thieves to your house, then you need this cover. You do not want to waste your money insuring a plastic watch that is really not worth it.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How does watch insurance work?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Watch insurance is meant to cover the 100% cost of your valuable item in a case where it is stolen, lost or damaged.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do i need watch insurance?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

yes. If you have got a valuable watch that is capable of attracting thieves to your house, then you need this cover. You do not want to waste your money insuring a plastic watch that is really not worth it.

" } } ] }


Although your homeowner’s content insurance can sometimes cover your valuable items like watches and other jewelry. It is rather better to get a stand-alone cover for your luxury watch. The essence of watch insurance is to protect your luxury watch from thieves. Even though they may still succeed in stealing it, the value worth of the watch will be repaid 100% by your policy providers.

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