
Combating insurance fraud is what the Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) is all about. Hence, weโ€™ll be discussing more claims, underwriting exchange, the CUE database, and wrong information.

Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE

The Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE) was founded in 1994. To allow insurers to communicate information and combat insurance fraud.

Moreover, the national database is massive and not just for vehicle insurance. It also covers house and vacation insurance, as well as personal injury claims, and has around 34 million records. 

It stores all reported instances from the previous six years, even if no claim was filed. And sharing this information with insurers makes it more difficult for repeat fraudsters to succeed.

Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE is one of two primary databases used to combat insurance fraud. And is managed by the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB).

The other is the Motor Insurers Anti-Fraud and Theft Register (MIAFTR). Which keeps track of automobiles that have been written off or stolen.

Why is Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE required?

It is estimated that around 500,000 fraudulent insurance claims are filed each year, or almost one per minute. Every annual premium is increased by ยฃ50 due to insurance fraud. As a result, it’s a significant issue to address.

However, by sharing information, more fraudulent claims can be identified, thus lowering the cost of auto insurance for everyone.

Storing information also means you won’t have to answer as many questions when applying for a car insurance policy. And you won’t have to worry about forgetting to disclose a previous event.

What effect does CUE have on auto insurance?

The information on CUE is used to authenticate the accuracy of the information you supply to insurers. And can have a direct impact on the cost of your car insurance.

It may be used to compute the amount of your insurance premium. Together with your age, where you reside, and the car you drive.

Because minor events must be on the report and saved on CUE, your insurance renewal premiums may rise even if you haven’t filed any claims.

While this may appear unfair, you must still notify your insurance company of any incidents. Or the risk of having future claims denied for failure to disclose.

How long do automobile accidents have an impact on your insurance?

Typically, you will be required to record an occurrence that occurs within the last five years. It’s wise to check with your insurance carrier because this can vary between three and five years. When you apply for vehicle insurance, the insurer will tell you how long they need your information.  

Once this period has come to an end, you are no longer required to notify a new insurer of the occurrence. For instance, if you were in a car accident in April 2023, you may not have to notify them until April 2024. If your insurance renews in January, you’ll need to take out a policy as usual in January 2021. Thereby, revealing the accident, but when the policy expires in January 2022, you won’t have to disclose it.

Do you have to report automobile accidents on your insurance?

Anyone who has ever purchased auto insurance will be familiar with the plethora of information that must be provided. This is so that insurers can provide you with an accurate quote. These questions could include your age, and your employment position. Where you park your car the majority of the time, and whether you’ve been in an accident in the recent few years. These are all factors that can influence the possibility of you filing a claim. And take this into account when calculating the cost of your premium.

What effect does the information in the Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE database have on my insurance?

Insurers may consult the CUE database to determine the best price for their insurance. When providing a quote, information is pulled from the database. As well as the car, your age, location, and other criteria are taken into consideration.

Insurers also use the CUE database in the case of a claim to check that the earlier information that the consumer got is correct.

If it is discovered that a previous claim was not declared, the insurer will refuse to pay out on the present claim. This is why it is critical to be truthful about previous claims when getting insurance. Your insurance could find out by utilizing the CUE database, causing issues when filing a claim in the future.

The client benefits from having their information registered on the CUE database because it reduces the cost of insurance by preventing fraudulent claims.

What happens if I don’t report an incident?

Because the CUE database contains information provided by insurance companies. Some consumers want to keep occurrences private from these firms and not report them. Especially if they believe the incident is insignificant.

However, even in the smallest of circumstances, there should be notification if the customer is intentionally hiding information; this is considered ‘non-disclosure’ or’mis-representation,’ which may jeopardize the validity of your policy.

How do I obtain information from the Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE database?

To view the information in the CUE database about you. Submit a free data subject access request using the Motor Insurance Bureau’s (MIB) subject access form

On the form, you can choose to receive your information via email or postal mail, whichever is more convenient for you.

What can I do if I didn’t file a claim but report an incident that is now in the CUE database?

Once an event is reported, it is logged on the CUE database. And it will appear in the customer’s information for the next six years, no matter how big or little the case.

Unless it is determined that a claim or notification on a customer’s CUE document is erroneous. It will remain on the database for six years. Furthermore, this may or may not affect a price, depending on whether the insurer believes there is an increased risk as a result of the incident.

To avoid committing ‘non-disclosure’ and facing the consequences. It is best to have all claims and incidents reported on the CUE database.

When you next need insurance, the best way to go is to use an insurance broker. This is because you can explain the incident to a real person and expand on the circumstances. So that it can be put into context, potentially saving money on your insurance premium.

Why report incidents if there is no claim?

Insurers benefit from all information being recorded on the CUE database, even if no claim is filed. Because it helps them understand the risk involved in insuring a customer.

For instance, if a motorcycle broke during an attempt at robbery and the client fixed the damage, there will be no claim. Because the motorcycle is a target for thieves in the area, the insurer may still view this notification as a future risk.

How can I have an incorrect entry in the Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE database removed?

To contact the Motor Insurance Bureau about a complaint or any other question about the CUE database send an email to

Optionally, if you believe the information on the CUE is incorrect, you can contact the insurer who you believe provided the incorrect data.

What if I’m not sure of the exact dates or costs?

If you do not know the exact dates and/or costs of a claim or incident. You should ask your insurer for this information at the time of the incident claim. This ensures that all information about you in the CUE database is correct.

 How do insurers make use of CUE?

When you purchase coverage or get a quote, insurers use the database.

What should I do now that Claims and Underwriting Exchange information is wrong?

If there is a discrepancy and you disagree with or believe that the information on claims and exchange underwriting is wrong. Then you must directly notify the insurer responsible to obtain written confirmation from them of the correct details and that they have amended the wrong information on claims and underwriting exchange.

This must then be forwarded to us as soon as possible: 

By mail: Insurance Services, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6BU, Unit 25, Tresham Road is the email address.

When we receive this, we will update our records and notify you if your premium has changed. If you are unable to provide us with this confirmation by the deadline mentioned in your letter. The cost of your insurance may rise, and in some situations, your policy may terminate.


Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE is one of two primary databases used to combat insurance fraud and is managed by the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB).

Claims and Underwriting Exchange FAQ’s

Do insurers check cue?

More and more insurers are checking claims on CUE when you buy a policy. It is therefore likely that they will also check your claims history when you buy a policy or if you make a claim.

How long does cue hold information?

6 years. The Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE), is the central database of motor, home, personal injury, and industrial illness incidents reported by insurers that may give rise to a claim. Holding data is forย 6 years from the date the claim was closed.

Is there a database for insurance claims?

All-payer claims databases (APCDs) are large State databases that include medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and eligibility and provider files collected from private and public payers. APCD data report goes directly by insurers to States, usually as part of a State mandate.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is there a database for insurance claims?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

All-payer claims databases (APCDs) are large State databases that include medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and eligibility and provider files collected from private and public payers. APCD data report goes directly by insurers to States, usually as part of a State mandate.

" } } ] }
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