Gross Profit vs. Net Profit: Meaning, Formulas & All You Need

net profit vs gross profit
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Gross profit vs. net profit may sound like jargon, but they are both crucial indicators of how well your company is performing. They provide crucial information on the financial health of your company, and it is critical that you grasp what they mean.

To help you get the most out of your business (and maybe even attract an investor or two), let’s take a look at the differences between gross profit vs net profit. 

What is Gross Profit?

The gross profit on a product is the selling price minus the cost of production. It is the selling price of your service minus the cost of the time spent completing the job for a service firm.

Gross profit also refers to total sales (also known as revenue or turnover) minus the entire cost of sales. It’s crucial to understand your gross profit so that you are not selling at a loss.

What Does Gross Profit Tell You?

Gross profit is a measure of how efficiently an establishment uses labour and supplies for creating items or giving services to clients. It is a crucial figure when checking the profitability and financial success of a corporation.

The gross profit helps you understand the costs needed to create revenue. When the value of the cost of goods sold (COGS) rises, the value of the gross profit falls, leaving you with less money to cover your operational expenses. When the cost of goods sold falls, profit rises, which means you have more money to spend on business operations.

What is Net Profit?

Net profit is the amount of money earned by your company after deducting all operational, interest, and tax expenses over a specific time period.To calculate this figure, you must first determine a company’s gross profit. If the value of net profit is negative, it is referred to as net loss.

What Does Net Profit Tell You?

Net profit is another essential metric that affects your company’s financial health. It demonstrates whether the company can produce more money than it spends. You can use your net profit to choose when and how to work on increasing your firm and when to cut expenses.

It is critical for a business owner to understand the distinction between profit and profitability. Profit is an absolute figure that equals revenue minus expenses. Profitability, on the other hand, is a relative quantity (a percentage) that equals the profit-to-revenue ratio.

Profitability is a measure of efficiency that can be used to determine a company’s success or failure. Net profit informs you about your company’s profitability. Knowing about it provides various advantages that are good to the organisation.

The net profit must be declared on most government and tax forms. Financial institutions, such as banks, decide whether or not to make a loan based on your net profit. This is due to the fact that net profit is a popular field on business tax forms. Furthermore, lenders and investors examine your company’s net profit to determine your ability to repay future loans.

Gross Profit vs. Net Profit

Your company’s gross profit takes into account your revenue and direct costs associated with your goods, whereas net profit gauges how much money your company makes overall.

Here are the fundamental distinctions between gross profit and net profit vs. gross profit.

gross profit vs. net profit table comparing calculations and applications

Gross profit vs. net profit comparison

What Gross and Net Profit Tell You About Your Business

Gross profit and net profit both provide useful information about the financial health of your company.

You may determine your gross profit margin by using your gross profit, which compares your gross profit to your revenue. This profit margin is an important ratio to consider when analysing a company.

The gross profit margin can be used to compare your product-related business operations to the market and similar businesses. SaaS companies, for example, often have high gross profit margins ranging from 60% to 70%.

This indicates that if your SaaS company has a gross profit margin of less than 40%, you may need to identify strategies to lower your product-related costs.

However, if you’re just starting out and have big upfront costs, you may end up operating at a net loss. For example, a small dataset — which included Salesforce, Asana, and HubSpot — revealed that 83% of SaaS startups were losing money when they went public.

Even if a SaaS company does not make a profit overall, a positive gross profit is an important early indicator that many investors will look for. This is comparable to the Rule of 40, which asserts that the total profit margin and growth rate of a SaaS company should be 40% or higher.

The net profit of your company indicates whether or not you have made a profit. It also shows you how well you control your overhead costs.

For example, if your gross profit is positive, but your net profit is negative, you have a decent product, but your overhead expenditures prevent you from making money. Tracking your net profit will help you evaluate how much income you have and whether you need additional investment to sustain operations or whether there is room for expansion.

Gross profit vs. net profit on the income statement

On your small business income statement, include both gross and net profit. Your revenue is shown first, followed by your cost of goods sold and your gross profit. The following section details your operational, interest, and tax expenses. Your net profit is the bottom line of your income statement.

Formula for Gross vs. Net Profit

Before you can calculate your gross vs. net profit, you must first understand the fomular for both. This formula contains the following components:

Formula for gross profit

Here is the gross profit formula:

Gross Profit = Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold

Your revenue is the total amount of money you make from sales. Again, your COGS is the cost of making your stuff.

Formula for net profit

Here is the net profit formula:

Net Profit = Gross Profit – Expenses

The entire expenses of your business are made up of operating expenses, interest, and taxes. Rent, depreciation, and employee wages are examples of operating expenses.

How to Calculate Gross vs. Net Profit

To determine your gross profit, add your profits before deducting your expenses. Deduct all expenses from your incoming revenue to get your net profit.

Gross Profit Calculation

This is rather simple if you buy stuff to sell. For example, a product might cost £50 + £5 delivery from the provider. If you sell it for £100, your gross profit will be £100 – £50 – £5 = £45.

Some individuals prefer to think of this as a percentage of sales, which is known as a gross profit margin (GP%). The gross profit percentage in this example is £45/£100 x 100 = 45%.

Your gross profit calculation will be more complicated if you manufacture. For example, it may cost £25 in raw materials and £20 in labour to make an item worth £100. In this example, your gross profit would be £100 less £25 less £20 equaling £55. And the GP% is £55/£100 x 100 = 55%.

Net Profit Calculation

The profit and loss tab in the tax section displays the taxable profit as well as the taxable income and permitted costs. It is defined as the gross profit less any fixed costs.

If you have a gross profit of £5,000, rent of £1,000, salaries of £3,500, software of £100, and bank charges of £20, your net profit is £380 (£5,000 – £1,000 – £3,500 – £100 – £20).

This figure can alternatively be expressed as a percentage of sales (net profit margin). In our example, if the sales were £10,000, the net profit percentage would be £380/£10,000 x 100 = 3.8%.

Net profit is often calculated before taxes.

The Importance of Knowing the Difference Between Gross Profit and Net Profit

Net profit informs creditors more about the health of your organisation and available cash than gross profit. When investors want to invest in your firm, they will look at the net profit to see if it is worthwhile to put their money.

Understanding gross profit patterns, on the other hand, can assist you in determining whether to reduce your cost of goods sold or raise your product prices. And if your gross profit is smaller than your net profit, you know you need to cut back on your spending.

To construct an income statement: a financial statement that displays the health of your organization, you must know the exact figures for gross and net profit. Failure to distinguish between the two may result in erroneous financial documents that paint a misleading picture of your company. The three primary financial records assist management in making crucial business decisions, therefore, erroneous profit information will have an impact on their decision-making.

Tips for Monitoring and Improving Profit Margins

Before you can increase your net profit margins, you must first establish a baseline of current profits and a mechanism for reliably assessing them.

#1. Keep an eye on your finances on a regular basis.

Many businesses produce profit and loss statements that incorporate quarterly net and gross income when managing profit and loss.

However, you should track your cash inflows and outflows at least once a week. This is your company’s lifeline, and by keeping a watch on your cash flow, you may spot problems before they happen and make the necessary decisions.

#2. Streamline Your Monitoring

It takes time to manually prepare expense reports, revenue statements, and cash flow statements. You can use technologies like Mosaic to automate the generation of financial reports to streamline operations.

When you automate your financial analysis, you save time and have access to real-time data whenever you need it. Not to mention, automation decreases inaccuracies that arise when reports are prepared by hand, giving you confidence that you’re making decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

#3. Monitor Changes Over Time

As a business owner, you can find significant information about your company in each financial snapshot, but key insights from profit monitoring are only visible if you compare each financial statement to the previous ones.

Instable profit margins, for example, can suggest poor management, whereas dropping profit margins can indicate increased competition or a lack of product differentiation. You’ll need to dig into the data to figure out what’s causing your slump, but getting a high-level view of your profitability over time is the first step.

Is Net Income and Net Profit the Same?

Net income and net profit are the same statistic that indicates a particular type of profit. On an income statement, they are the bottom line.

Why is Net Profit Called The Bottom Line?

The bottom line is referred to as net profit because it reflects the final profit amount after all costs and expenses, both direct and indirect, have been deducted. It appears at the bottom of a profit and loss statement.

What is an Example of Net Profit?

Continuing with the previous example, suppose a small business makes a gross profit of £60,000 during a specified time period. For the same time period, that company’s expenses and taxes total £20,000. £60,000 – £20,000 = £40,000, implying that the company’s net profit is £40,000.

What is an Example of Gross Profit?

As an example of gross profit, suppose your company’s revenue in April is £100,000 (£100,000). The cost of goods sold (COGS) for your company is £40,000. Your gross profit would be £60,000 (total sales revenue, COGS), for a margin of 60%. This gross profit figure excludes administrative and operating expenditures, such as rent and insurance.

Is Gross Profit Higher Than Net Profit?

Gross profit should be greater than net profit because gross profit is the whole amount of money made before expenses, and net profit is the total amount of money made less expenses.

What is a Good Gross Profit Margin?

This is very dependent on what you are selling, the market in which you operate, and your other costs. Traditionally, it is roughly 50% in retail. This may appear to be a lot until you consider your overheads, such as rent. Profit markup is sometimes used instead of profit margin.

What is a Good Net Profit Margin?

Again, this depends on the type of firm, but 10% is considered reasonable. If the firm owner is paid a low income, you should aspire for significantly better compensation.


Net profit is the amount of money remaining after paying all permitted business expenses, whereas gross profit is the amount of money left after deducting the cost of items sold from revenue. To get at net profit, you must first compute gross profit.

You may construct an income statement once you know the exact amounts for your gross and net profit. Because gross profit and net profit are linked, calculating the correct figures is critical. This can help you keep track of your records and determine how well your company is doing.


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