SPLITTING THE BILL: How to Split a Restaurant Bill & All You Need to Know


Splitting the bill also known as Going dutch is a word that refers to each person engaging in a paid activity covering their own expenses rather than one person in the group covering the entire group’s costs. The term comes from Western restaurant dining etiquette, in which each person pays for their own meal.

What is Splitting the Bills

“Let’s go Dutch” or “Dutch the bill” is a phrase that has recently gained a lot of popularity and usage among the general public. When dining out as a group, this expression denotes that everyone pays their fair part. The practice of dividing bills is becoming increasingly prevalent among the youth as the general public, particularly women, become more financially independent and have become accustomed to paying their restaurant bills.

There are a variety of ideas concerning the origins of the phrase “going Dutch,” each with its own interpretation. The most widely held notion is that people of all genders are treated equally in Holland. As a result, when two people go out to eat and enjoy a wonderful lunch together, they divide the tab or spill the bill.

And we’re not talking about a Tinder date here. The topic of bill settlement always occurs at high school reunions, get-togethers, and while eating out with friends or coworkers. This is where determining the appropriate amount of money to be paid by each person can be difficult. The worry of paying the bill can detract from the pleasure of dining.

In Restaurants, Splitting Bills Is A Tradition

The Dutch custom of sharing the bill after a meal solves the dilemma. The practice is now socially acceptable, particularly at restaurants around the world. There are two ways to go dutch:

First divide the total amount by the number of individuals at the party, regardless of what or how much each person has eaten. Second, each person solely pays for the items they have ordered. While most individuals divide the total cost by the number of participants in the party, this might be inconvenient for those who do not drink or who have eaten much less than others.

Even after each party agrees to pay for their own orders, they conveniently forget to include the tip and taxes. As a result, even if the balance of the money is repaid, the person who makes the final payment is responsible for paying the tax. People frequently avoid bringing up this matter out of embarrassment, and as a result, someone always pays more than they ordered. After all, it’s rarely more than a few dollars, and it seems petty to bring up the subject when everyone has already split the bill and paid their fair amount.

It’s also worth noting that when individuals know that everybody gets a fair share of the total money, they tend to order the more expensive things on the menu. When you’re on a budget, evenly sharing costs can still be costly. As a result, paying for orders separately is a more cost-effective option. There is no longer any social shame, and everyone is openly and fairly paying for only what they ordered.

Splitting a Restaurant Bill

As previously said, there are numerous ways to share restaurant expenditures. Furthermore, you no longer need to split the bill manually because your POS can now handle the arithmetic for you and generate split invoices for the same table. This advancement in restaurant billing has simplified life for both the restaurant management or owner and the clients, who may now easily dutch the bill in one of the following ways:

  • Splitting the bill evenly among all members of the party. As the number of people splits the entire bill amount, each member of the party pays equally.
  • Splitting the bill for drinks and food. The bill for food and beverages is divided among the party participants based on consumption.
  • Individual bills: Individual bills might be presented at each table based on consumption.

Now that you’ve learned about the various methods to split a restaurant bill, the next step is to learn how the splitting process works and how your POS can assist you.

Distribute the bill among the customers evenly.

Going Dutch is the most convenient method of splitting the bill evenly among the diners. The total bill is evenly divided by the number of guests, and each person pays an equal part regardless of his or her order. This is solely to determine how much each participant owes to complete the payment. It’s also not frequently requested because clients normally figure it out on their own.

Calculating how much you owe after you’ve ordered many items from the menu could be difficult. It’s also a difficult chore for your server, who has to keep track of who ordered what and how much of it. As a result, restaurants are turning to advanced POS software that simplifies the entire process to solve this arithmetic jumble.

Split The Drinks And Food Bill

There are two categories of guests at any party: drinkers and teetotalers. To be honest, the cost of liquor is much higher. This could be unfair for non-drinkers to be forced to pay for such high-priced beverages. In addition, the liquor tax is higher. To alleviate this issue, the feature of split bills for food and drinks is available, and it is also the most common request for split bills. In this circumstance, a POS can generate two separate invoices for the same table. while the customer gets their order, as well as accepting payments using two different cards or cash. In a restaurant, a card is incredibly handy for splitting the bill for beverages and meals.

Individual billing for each and every visitor

Restaurants can generate separate bills for specific visitors on request. Guests at large events, in particular, order food for themselves. For instance, one might order a steak platter while the other orders spicy soup. Splitting the bill ensures that each participant pays for his or her own order. Even when individuals share appetizers, the POS makes sure the cost is split evenly.

In a restaurant, POS software generates individual bills for all guests sharing the bill.

Bill Splitting Is Used As A Marketing Strategy

Offering the option of splitting bills can also be a marketing strategy. It’s a great technique to attract people’s attention, and it appeals to the majority of people. It’s also a great marketing approach to promote your business as being budget-friendly. Restaurants that promote and endorse the split bill feature attract more clients. This is because it eliminates the problem of settling bills while dining out.

The only issue is that many restaurants either do not offer separate bills or do not support this fantastic function even if they do. Customers may be hesitant to request a bill split, but if they are aware that it is a possibility, they will gladly request it. This functionality is almost never used unless it is specifically requested. Here’s how to put this handy feature into action at your business.

Using the right restaurant management software allows you to prepare unique bills for each of your customers. This will make them want to return because of the comfort factor.


In the United States, “Going Dutch” is frequently associated with specific situations or events. During meals such as birthdays, first dates, or company business lunches. An expectation is formed based on social customs, personal wealth, and the depth of the parties’ relationship. While “going Dutch” is still the standard, it is also usual to divide the bill evenly to save time if individual expenses are similar.


Is it normal for couples to split the bill?

When you first move in together, you’re probably sharing the bills in half or dividing them depending on each of your incomes—which may be good for a while.

Is splitting the bill cheaper?

Splitting the bill is cheaper because everybody gets a fair share. It is also easy to pay.

Should you split the bill?

It is standard etiquette to divide the tax and tip equally among the table. While some people object to splitting the payment in half, most people don’t mind splitting the tip evenly because it is such a little fraction of the total amount and makes the process of paying the bill move more quickly.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Should you split the bill?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

It is standard etiquette to divide the tax and tip equally among the table. While some people object to splitting the payment in half, most people don't mind splitting the tip evenly because it is such a little fraction of the total amount and makes the process of paying the bill move more quickly.

" } } ] }
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