Limited Liability: How Does It Work?

limited liability
Image source: Quality Company Formations

A Limited Liability structure can be extremely useful to SMEs and provides protection to directors and shareholders who have a significant stake in the company. Here’s all you need to know about business liability; how it works in different business structures, and what it means for company directors, shareholders, and partners.

What is Limited Liability?

Limited Liability is a legal framework in which shareholders or directors are only legally accountable for the debts of their firm up to the value of their shares.

The directors will only be accountable for a set amount of debt, up to the value of the shares they own in the company. Incorporating as a limited company protects shareholders and directors financially and legally from future company insolvency difficulties.

A business must be formed at Companies House as one of the following to be constituted as a limited liability company:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Private Limited Company (Ltd)
  • Public Limited Company (PLC)
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) Agreement?

To operate lawfully, a limited liability company must secure a series of documents. The firm Agreement, which governs the overall operations of a firm, is one of the most crucial contracts.

It will effectively establish a set of regulations that the company must adhere to, describing how the business will operate and cementing the relationship between various directors or owners. This is a private agreement between business shareholders.

How Does Limited Liability Work?

Once a firm is registered as an LLC, Ltd, PLC, or LLP, the directors and shareholders will have limited liability.

When the firm is established at Companies House, it is classified as distinct from its directors and stockholders, and the company is now accountable for debts and loans rather than the individual owners.

If the company becomes insolvent or is threatened with legal action by creditors, the corporation is held liable rather than the persons who founded it. 

Business Limited Liability Structures

There are several ways in which a company can benefit from limited liability. A corporation can incorporate one of four different legal structures:

#1. Private Limited Company (Ltd)

A private limited company is a common corporate structure in the United Kingdom, and its owners are known as shareholders. A limited liability corporation must file financial reports with Companies House and pay Corporation Tax on its profits.

#2. LLC (Limited Liability Company)

The directors and shareholders are referred to as members of an LLC. This model is more commonly used in the United States than in the United Kingdom, where an Ltd is favoured. An LLC can have several members, and it can be taxed like a partnership.

#3. PLC (Public Limited Company)

Shares in a public liability company are offered to the public on the stock market. People who purchase shares are classified as shareholders, although they are governed by a chief executive officer and a board of directors. 

In this case, all stockholders will profit from restricted responsibility. 

#4. LLP (Limited Liability Partnership).

A business with two or more owners and run by them is a limited liability partnership. The partners will draft and sign contracts outlining the regulations they must follow, such as profit distribution, ownership percentages, and debt allocations. 

The partners will pay income tax on their earnings, but they will be shielded by limited liability and will be considered separate from the legal entity of the business. 

What Are Private Companies Limited By Guarantee? 

A private company limited by guarantee, like the other forms of LL, is a separate legal entity to its shareholders, but rather than distributing shares, the firm is owned by guarantors. The guarantors will be financially responsible, but a director or board will still be in charge of the company.

Guarantors bear personal accountability for the debts, which is restricted to a specified nominal sum known as the guarantee. The guarantors must pay the company’s debts until the set sum is reached.

Non-profit organizations, clubs, and society are often limited by guarantees. 

What are Private Companies Limited By Shares? 

In a business limited by shares, the liability will be restricted to the value of the firm’s shareholders’ shares. Essentially, the original investment of the stockholders serves as their guarantee.

This limited liability sub-division is the most extensively used and is a common structure among SMEs.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Limited Liability Companies

Companies that use limited liability have many advantages and very few downsides if you choose the proper form for your organization.

Benefits of Limited Liability

  • Personal Liability: Directors and shareholders are not personally liable for corporate debts. This eliminates the chance that their assets and property may be affected in the event of insolvency.ย 
  • Tax Advantages: Limited firms are not taxed at personal income tax rates. Directors can also pay themselves a salary at the personal allowance tax rate and distribute the remainder as dividends to profit from a reduced overall tax rate.ย ย 
  • Future Safety: Because the corporation is separate from its owners, it can continue to operate even if the directors retire or resign. This ensures the safety of staff and other members.
  • Secure Company Name: Because a limited liability company must be registered with Companies House, the company name is protected and cannot be used by another business, making it a valuable asset.

The Drawbacks of Limited Liability

Any director or shareholder who is shown to have committed malfeasance, corporate malpractice, or fraudulent trading may still be held accountable for subsequent obligations. 

Some directors might need a personal guarantee to get money. This might outweigh the protection that limited liability offers. This is not always the case, but without it, some businesses will struggle to acquire capital.

Exceptions to Limited Liability

There are times when limited liability does not fully protect a company’s directors or shareholders, and they may be held liable for their company’s obligations.

Fraudulent Trading

If there was evidence of fraudulent trading or misfeasance, limited liability would not shield the director. When administering a corporation, directors have particular responsibilities, which become much more numerous if the company is deliberately insolvent.

When a director or shareholder becomes aware that their firm is bankrupt, they must prioritize the interests of their creditors over the interests of themselves and any other directors or shareholders. This includes refraining from engaging in any conduct that could aggravate creditors’ positions or raise their losses. Directors should not seek more borrowing, sell assets for less than market value, or raise any overdrawn directors’ loans.

If a director fails to carry out their responsibilities as a director of an insolvent company, they may be held personally accountable for some or all of the firm’s debts.

Personal Guarantees

Directors may be asked to submit a personal guarantee to acquire money. This is often the situation for smaller or newly founded businesses. A personal guarantee is a type of security issued to the lender that states that if the firm is unable to return the borrowed funds, the director will accept personal responsibility for repaying the money owed.

A personal guarantee is required because directors are granted limited responsibility when they incorporate their firm. Banks and other lenders understand that, due to limited liability, if a firm falls bankrupt and is subsequently liquidated, it will be unable to recover any of the outstanding borrowings. As a result, a personal guarantee is needed so that they can ask the director to repay the remaining amount and thus increase their chances of retrieving the loan.

Limited Liability Partnership

Limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are a versatile legal and tax structure that allows partners to benefit from economies of scale by collaborating while also limiting their liability for the conduct of other partners.

Before becoming too excited about any legal body, you must examine the laws of your country (and your state). In short, consult a lawyer first. They almost certainly have firsthand knowledge of an LLP.

What is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?

To comprehend an LLP, it is best to begin with a general partnership. A general partnership is a for-profit entity formed by the joint agreement of two or more people. This is a fairly technical term for two or more people collaborating to make money. A general partnership might be very casual. All it needs is a common interest, sometimes a written contract (though not always), and a handshake.

Of course, the informal nature of a general partnership has its drawbacks. The most obvious danger is legal liability. In a general partnership, all partners share responsibility for any problems that develop.

For example, if Joan and Ted are partners in a cupcake business and a faulty batch causes customers to become ill, they can both be sued for damages. As a result, many people swiftly convert general partnerships into formal legal corporations to shield personal assets from being included in any lawsuit.

The specifics of an LLP vary depending on where you create it. However, your assets as a partner are often safeguarded from legal action. Essentially, liability is limited in the sense that you can lose assets within the partnership but not assets outside of it (your assets). Any lawsuit will first target the partnership, yet a specific partner may be held accountable if they did something wrong.


Both an LLP and a limited liability company (LLC) protect their owners. The LLP is a formal structure that involves a written partnership agreement and, depending on your legal jurisdiction, annual reporting requirements.

However, it differs from an LLC in terms of liability protections as well as management standards. LLCs allow for greater freedom in who can control the company. Management responsibilities must be divided equally among LLPs. In terms of liability protection, LLCs shield members from personal liability for business debts or claims. A partner in an LLP is not accountable for the faults of another partner.

Overall, the flexibility of an LLP for a specific sort of professional makes it a better choice than an LLC or other corporate entity. The LLP, like an LLC, is a flow-through structure for tax purposes. This means that the partners receive untaxed profits and are responsible for paying the taxes. An LLC or LLP is preferred to a corporation, which is taxed as an entity and then taxes its owners on distributions.

LLP versus LP

An LLP, like a general partnership, allows all partners to participate in partnership management. This is significant because another sort of partnership exists: a limited partnership (LP), in which one member, known as the general partner (GP), has all the power and most of the liability, while the other partners are silent but have a financial stake. With an LLP’s shared administration, responsibility is also sharedโ€”though, as the name implies, it is substantially limited.

The Advantages of an LLP

Professionals who employ LLPs rely greatly on their reputation. Most LLPs are formed and managed by a group of experts with extensive experience and clientele. By combining resources, the partners reduce business costs while enhancing the LLP’s ability for expansion. They can share office space, personnel, and other resources. Most importantly, cutting costs enables the partners to benefit more from their activities than they might alone.

An LLP’s partners may also have several junior partners who work for them in the hopes of one day becoming full partners. These junior partners are usually paid a salary and have no ownership or liability in the partnership. The key aspect is that they are designated specialists who are qualified to do the work brought in by the partners.

This is yet another method by which LLPs assist partners in scaling their companies. Junior partners and workers handle the details, allowing the partners to focus on bringing in new clients.

Another benefit of an LLP is the ability to bring in and let out partners. Because an LLP has a partnership agreement, partners can be added or retired following the terms of the agreement. This is useful since the LLP can always add partners who bring current business. Adding new partners usually necessitates consent from all existing partners.

Is Limited Liability Good For A Business?

Being a limited liability business has numerous advantages. Among the primary benefits are: Owners are not personally liable for the company’s losses and debts – limited liability. The corporation is a distinct legal entity.

What Are The Problems With Limited Liability Companies?

Private limited companies are less adaptable than other types of business forms like sole proprietorships and partnerships. To function, they must follow a set of rules and regulations. Documents such as annual returns, financial statements, and annual accounts must be filed with Companies.

In Conclusion

The limited liability limited partnership (LLP) company structure permits each partner to have limited responsibility for both outside stakeholders and the other partners. As a result, all partners are limited partners (LPs), and there is no general partner (GP).

This sort of partnership is especially advantageous when a group of professionals, such as doctors or lawyers, create it because litigation for malpractice or similar defects of a partner may be more likely. In an LLP, the other partners and the company are not liable for one another’s actions.

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