If you’re going on a trip abroad, you should get adequate travel insurance ahead of time. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) publishes travel advice and tips on every country in the world to help British nationals stay safe while travelling, including information on countries and areas to avoid because they are deemed dangerous. But what if your assignment requires you to visit a country deemed dangerous by the government? You will require travel insurance against FCO advice in this scenario.
Travelling against FCO advice invalidates your travel/health insurance, which is not a good idea, especially if you are visiting a country with expensive medical care.
It can be difficult to know what to look for when searching the market for the best travel insurance against FCO advice. To assist you in making the best decision possible, we have simplified the process in this article.
Travel Insurance
Before we get into the specifics of travel insurance against FCO advice, we must understand what travel insurance entails.
Travel insurance is a type of insurance that protects you from the costs and losses associated with travel. It offers valuable protection for those who travel both domestically and internationally.
Customers can purchase travel insurance, also known as traveller’s insurance, from many ticketing and travel package companies. Personal property damage, rented equipment such as rental cars, and even the cost of paying a ransom are all covered by some travel insurance policies.
The four main types of travel insurance are trip cancellation or interruption coverage, baggage and personal effects coverage, medical expense coverage, and accidental death or flight accident coverage.
Coverage typically includes 24-hour emergency services such as passport replacement, cash wire assistance, and flight rebooking. Furthermore, some travel insurance policies may duplicate existing coverage from other providers or cover costs that are refundable in other ways.
Read our guide on how to get the most out of your travel insurance to learn more about the best travel insurance.
What does FCO advice mean?
If you plan to travel abroad, you should check the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCO) advice on travel to your destination and any countries you may pass through on your way there or back to the UK.
Because of the threats posed by coups, civil unrest, disease, natural disasters, and terrorism, the FCDO occasionally advises against “all but essential travel” or “all travel” to specific countries or parts of countries.
What are FCO travel warnings?
FCO travel warnings are government-issued notices that inform travellers about potential safety issues at their desired destination. Travel advisories, also known as travel alerts, frequently include severe weather warnings and natural disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis, as well as acts of terrorism and civil unrest.
The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, or FCDO, publishes these updates to keep travellers informed of the most recent potential hazards when visiting various foreign destinations.
How to Travel against FCO advice
If you travel to a country or region against FCDO advice, your travel insurance coverage will usually be voided, depending on the policy you purchased, because you are putting yourself at risk by going somewhere considered dangerous.
Nonetheless, people travel to these areas regularly for business, to work/volunteer, to visit friends or relatives, or simply for a vacation.
If you travel against the advice of the UK government, several niche operators will provide varying levels of travel insurance against FCO advice.
Avanti Travel Insurance, Battleface Insurance, Cedar Tree Insurance, CoverForYou, Outbacker Insurance, Staysure Insurance, and Voyager Insurance are just a few examples.
Other insurers may pay your out-of-pocket expenses if you decide to cancel your vacation due to changes in FCDO advice.
In its policy literature, each insurer specifies the extent of coverage provided.
If the advice was to avoid all travel, there might be no coverage at all.
According to the FCDO, essential travel includes travel for work, weddings, education, charity work, and providing care. More information is available at gov.uk. Remember to check your specific policy for any limitations and restrictions.
Which travel insurance covers FCO advice?
In most cases, travel insurance will cover both you as the traveller and your belongings while you are on the road.
Travellers will typically have coverage for theft, fire, or personal accidents while in-country, as well as coverage for any emergency medical expenses that do not relate to a pre-existing medical condition.
Some policies will also cover repatriation if you require urgent medical care in another country. Others may offer to pay for the replacement of any lost or stolen documentation, such as passports or driver’s licenses.
Can you get travel insurance against FCO advice?
If you need to travel to Europe but the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCDO) advises against ‘all but essential travel’ to your destination, there are insurance options that can help.
Travel Insurance Against FCO Advice enables you to travel with coverage even if you are travelling against FCDO advice. So, if you have valid travel insurance, you can visit Europe, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and Egypt.
You can still purchase a policy for your destination, regardless of any travel warnings.
Does FCO advice invalidate insurance?
When you are in a country where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises against all but essential travel, the UK government advises you to return home as soon as possible. You need to:
- Please contact your airline or travel agency.
- Follow the UK embassy’s or High Commission’s social media for the country you’re in for updates.
However, if you require assistance, you should try to contact the UK’s embassies and consulates wherever you are.
Will travel insurance payout if FCO advises against travel?
If the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against all travel or all but essential travel to your vacation destination before you arrive, you will not be covered by your travel insurance, which means that any claims you make will not be paid if you choose to travel against their advice.
This is because travel insurance is designed to protect against unexpected and unforeseen risks, and travelling to a country or area that the FCDO has advised against visiting because it is dangerous is a very different risk than taking a vacation in a country that is generally safe.
Travel insurance against FCO advice, canada
Canada is a multicultural country filled with breathtaking natural wonders such as vast forests, glaciers, and incredible mountain ranges.
While healthcare is widely available and standards are high, Canada and the United Kingdom do not have a reciprocal health agreement. If you have an accident or become ill, treatment may be costly.
If you visit Canada without travel insurance, you could face fines ranging from $100 to $600. A doctor’s visit during the day can cost anywhere from $100 to $600. This does not include any medication or treatment costs. Currently, there is no UK travel warning against Canada.
When did FCO advice change for France?
Travellers from the United Kingdom to France must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (PCR or antigen) before departure. See also the entry requirements.
FAQs about travel insurance against FCO advice
Because circumstances can change quickly, we are unable to predict how FCO advice will change in the future.
The FCDO does not impose its travel advisories. No foreign travel is guaranteed to be safe, and you accept personal responsibility for your travel.
Avanti Travel Insurance, Battleface Insurance, Cedar Tree Insurance, CoverForYou, Outbacker Insurance, Staysure Insurance, and Voyager Insurance are just a few examples.
Travelling against FCO advice is at your own cost.