PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT FINANCE: How To Finance Property Development

property development finance

The fund is needful in accomplishing most of our projects and goals in life. If you are into real estate, you will understand it takes money to make more money. Because you need funds to bring your property to completion and then sell or lease to make a profit. There are various ways to get finance for development projects. This article provides guidance on everything you need to know on how to finance property development in the UK. It also explores bridging finance and other means of finance options for property development in the Uk.

Property Development Finance

There are a variety of ways to raise money for development projects. Whether you want to renovate an existing building, start up a new building, converse, or do other large-scale projects. Bridging finance is the perfect stop for you. Property development finance loans are often for brief periods of time, lasting only as long as the building project is complete. It has a  time period of 12- 18 months.  However, if you are not able to repay the loan within the time frame, you can offer to remortgage.

Why Go For Property Development Finance?

Generally, developers go for property development finance because it offers diverse advantages that are promising to them. It enables kick-start and finishes their project goals.

New Building Or Significant Refurbishing

When property developers need to fund a new building project or offer high renovations and modifications on an existing building, then it is a great option.

It Requires Low Deposits 

Deposits are often just 10% of the total cost for large-scale projects. Because of this, developers can raise deposit financing without releasing additional funds. As a result, they are able to decrease their risk by investing in a variety of properties. As a result, they are able to decrease their risk by investing in a variety of properties.

Efficient and Effective Cash Flow Management 

Well, no lender will fund your development project without an accurate financial record, this helps to streamline your cash flow record.

High Returns On Investment

Depositing a smaller amount of money at the start of an investment strategy results in a higher rate of return.  For instance, a project that cost over £4 million will likely be sold above £5.7 million

How Much Property Development Finance Can I Get From Lenders?

There is no specific amount. You can get a loan from £15,000 to over £10,00,000. But on average, most lenders will loan you up to 70% LTV of finance on any property whether it is a residential, mixed-use or commercial development in the UK. However, there are few lenders who will give up to 80% and above.

Criteria For Development Finance

One of the many things you will need is the valuation figure and a redemption amount from your current lender.

Lenders Charges In Property Development Finance

Lenders price property development finance above other means of funding in the UK. Some of these charges are below;

Interest charges

Mostly, lenders’ interest rate begins at 4.5% but can be as high as 9% or more depending on your lender.

Arrangement Fees

Basically, arrangement fees range from 1% to 3% of the entire loan amount and are due at the end of the loan period.

Broker fees

This depends on the broker you employed to process the loan, as well as the complexity of the loan. 

Exit Fees 

Your exit fee is usually a percentage of the loan or the GDV. The GDV is the value of the property upon completion.

Valuation Fee

This is the cost of surveying the property in question. 

Lenders Surveyor

Lenders Surveyor lenders appoint their own monitoring surveyor to oversee the construction and provide independent reports.

To finish the documentation for the loan, you must pay legal expenses. 

Drawn Fee

Development finance is released in batches. Each time you take money out of the loan, you’ll have to pay a cost called a “drawdown fee.”

How To finance Property Development

There are various finance options available to developers for property development finance. To begin, identify your project goals and then, choose the type of property development financing that is best suitable to your project needs.

Some of these are below; 

#1. Cash

Cash as a means to finance property development refers to your personal money. It may be an inheritance or your personal savings. If you have enough, you can start up your project with your personal cash.

#2. Buy To Let Mortgage

If your idea of buying a property is to let it out after developing it, then your best option is the buy to let mortgage. However, you need to be careful while settling for buy to let mortgage.  Mostly because it requires higher deposits when compared to others and also has a high-interest rate.

#3. Buy To Sell

Regular mortgages are not ideal options if you intend to sell off the property after development. If you want to buy a house, refurbish it, and then resell it again, then buy-to-sell mortgages are the best.  It also has something in common with buy to let mortgage. They both require a high deposit, as well as a high-interest rate.

#4. Bridging Loan

Bridging finance is short-term loans with high-interest rates for property development.  It gets you a quick loan while your other property is still up for sale.

#5. Property Development Finance

This source of finance is majorly for a major project such as a significant renovation or a brand new building.

#6. Personal Loan

A personal loan as a finance option for property development applies to one home. You can take out a personal loan to refurbish your home.

Bridging Finance For Property Development

Bridging finance is a short-term, flexible loan that helps you accomplish your property development project. It has a unique feature which is the funds are usually available promptly. It bridges the gap between one transaction and the next. Furthermore, it last between 12- 18 months and developers take out this loan when there is a property already placed for sale in the market.

However. before lenders releases bridging finance to you, they first have to reach a credit term with them, they then assess valuation and security and once your figure is valid, you will receive your fund for your development project.

Furthermore, bridging finance can be open or closed. While the close has an exit option, the open is not as transparent as the close loan.

When Can I Get Bridging Finance For My Development Project ? 

People go for bridging loans when they have a property put up for sale need the fund to buy or refurbish another property. Most real estate developers use this means to finance options for their property development. While lenders get their money back with a hype interest, the developer gets finance to run his commercial development project.

Paying Back Development Bridging Finance 

Bridging Finance meets your financial need by giving you a loan to complete your development project. However, it is a short term loan that comes on the condition that you have a property up for sale and will be paying back the loan as soon as you sell off the property. 

While taking the loan, the duration will be agreed on in your terms of credit. It is also assumed that you will sell off the property before the term expires. However, you can opt to remortgage.

In what time frame can a bridging loan be approved?

Getting bridging finance for a development project agreement is likely to take weeks rather than days, but this is due to the nature of the loan itself. However, it still will not take months to approve. 

Find the best development finance lenders here


With regards to financing for real estate development, things might get a little complicated. However, businessyield advise you to estimate the project’s scope, duration, and estimated cost in both the best and worst-case scenarios before applying for any sort of financing. Finally, do not forget to compare lenders before embarking on loan terms. Comparison helps you get the best.

FAQs On Property Development Finance

What is construction Development Finance?

Development finance is essentially a loan that goes towards the purchase of land/construction costs of development.

Can you get 100% development finance?

Can I get 100% development finance without a profit share? Yes, it’s possible, however, you’ll need to provide additional security, usually in the form of property or land. It can be your own property, investment property or land that could be used for development in the future.

What is a joint venture in property development?

In the property market, a joint venture is a temporary but formalised partnership of builders, finance houses and developers, which contract with each other for a particular development project, such as a housing estate, often through the creation of a temporary subsidiary company called a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can you get 100% development finance?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Can I get 100% development finance without a profit share? Yes, it's possible, however, you'll need to provide additional security, usually in the form of property or land. It can be your own property, investment property or land that could be used for development in the future.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a joint venture in property development?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

In the property market, a joint venture is a temporary but formalised partnership of builders, finance houses and developers, which contract with each other for a particular development project, such as a housing estate, often through the creation of a temporary subsidiary company called a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

" } } ] }
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