Bedford Insurance Group | How It Works, Is It Legit or Scam?

bedford insurance group

While it is important to seek insurance coverage over life and properties, it is expedient to carry out in-depth research about the plethora of brokers in the UK before dabbling in some sort of risky investment. So, what comes to mind when you hear Bedford Insurance Group?

You wouldn’t know what this insurance group is all about if you did not know its modus operandi or even the benefits of being a partner with them.

To simplify things for you, you can find out more about this insurance group that is as old as mankind.

About Bedford Insurance Group

Established in 1965, this renowned insurance company in the UK has continuously gone out of its way to create and provide value to its esteemed clients.

When you compare the plethora of services that Bedford Insurance Group offers to those of its counterparts, you’ll be amazed at how much you can gain for so little.

Interestingly, the organization’s goal is to always provide the best insurance coverage at a reasonable rate.

With the growing trend in insurance, Bedford Insurance develops new strategies to ensure it maintains standards while meeting the needs of its many clients.

One factor that has set this group apart from the rest is the fact that it seeks customer reviews and makes corrections where needed. That way, it strengthens the trust people have in them.

What Insurance Services Does Bedford Insurance Group Offer?

You can never go wrong with thinking that the Bedford Group offers almost any kind of insurance coverage that you place your hands on. To prove whether that is right or wrong, we’ll see the different services they offer.

  • Car Insurance
  • Van Insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Bike Insurance

Car Insurance

Bedford Insurance Group has promised that they can help you find the car insurance policy type that is ideal for you if you trust them enough with it.

That is why they have a plethora of policies with cheap insurance quotes to get you covered in what looks like the snap of a finger. Let’s see the policies below.

#1. Comprehensive Insurance

Do you want an insurance plan that will tick all the boxes with an extra icing of peace? Here is it!

The comprehensive insurance policy covers inadvertent damage to your vehicle. This includes fire, burglary, and, in most cases, damage caused by humans without faces.

For all vehicle types, this is the highest coverage you can get, as it provides similar coverage as third-party only and third-party fire & theft, but it will also cover your own car in an accident.

#2. Third Party, Fire & Theft Insurance

If you have eyes on the third party, fire, and theft insurance policy, and your car isn’t worth over £4000, you can see what Bedford offers you in the agreement it presents its clients.

However, be reminded that this policy doesn’t provide your car with any form of coverage if it is involved in an accident rather, it covers the third party’s car. But, if your car encounters damage during a robbery attack, attempted burglary, or fire, there’s a covering for it.

In the event of an accident, this protection type will cover any legal actions taken against you because of the incident.

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#3. Third-Party Only Insurance Policy

Did you know this is the lowest level of insurance coverage that allows you to drive legally in the UK? While it is basic and protects you from harm from other motorists, it does not take care of self-inflicted injury or damage to your vehicle.

But, it will bear the costs of justified legal actions taken against you. Need I tell you that you will pay less if you choose to settle for this car insurance policy amongst others?

Van Insurance

If you are looking for an insurance broker that will give your van all the coverage it needs, Bedford Insurance Group can help you.

Whether or not you use your van for personal use, a structured swap, or a dispatch administration, the amazing team at Bedford will not just be there to secure your van but guide you every step of the way.

Home Insurance

Bedford Insurance Group hasn’t been in the market for so long as to not give you maximum coverage for things that matter most to you which is; your home.

While this company understands that there is more to a building than just erecting it, they ensure you get the best protection that is accompanied by an excellent security system.

So, rather than just overwork yourself looking for a UK-based insurance market to give you these, all you need do is state your specifics and you’ll be presented with amazing offers to prove to you that home insurance just got better.

The various services they offer under home insurance include;

  • Contents Insurance: This is an insurance plan that takes care of what you have in a building excluding the property itself. It also allows you to keep your belongings safe if theft, flood, or damages occur.
  • Buildings Only: Here, it is the structure that gets maximum coverage, not the substance. If you own a property or a group of properties, do yourself some good by choosing a wise insurance option.
  • Buildings and Contents Insurance: This plan protects both the building and its contents. It affords you as a house owner the opportunity to have all in a single strategy. I’m sure this sounds like a plan.

Bike Insurance

As stated earlier, you can never go wrong with your decision to choose the Bedford Insurance Group for your insurance services. This group ensures you come across the most effective way of safeguarding your valuables without the need to break the bank.

The least you can do is go through the insurance quotes and allow them to take the burden off your shoulders.

Other insurance services that you can access with the Bedford Group include; landlord, fleet, shop, restaurant, office, liability, professional indemnity, and Directors and Officers insurance services.

All of these will cover your business against losses caused by injuries to staff members, damage to property, and many other liabilities.

Bedford Insurance Group Review

It is not enough to know how an organization works without giving some of our time to what the clients say. Most times, you could get a hint of what they can do from the reviews online.

It will not be any different for this group as we’ll take a close walk with their customers n the review section. Let’s see what they have to say.

Review No 1:

Glad to have sorted out the insurance with you after receiving a ridiculous quote from my previous insurer. It was a little difficult to get the documents you needed to be uploaded but when I rang to sort; the person was very helpful and everything seems fine now.

Review No 2:

‘I found that the renewal price for my car insurance was very competitive and met my need. Your staff were courteous and helpful’.

Review No 3:

No call back to discuss the policy, they promised us a call back to talk about the changes; we received nothing but an outstanding bill. If they gave us enough notice, we could have arranged a different policy within the 21 days.
I will not buy insurance with these again!

Review No 4:

Quick, simple, effective service. Excellent customer service and reasonable price for the market’.

Review No 5:

I was busy at the time and kept forgetting to reply. Got a reminder call which was great. I paid the renewal there and then it was all over in about 5 mins. Very impressed with the service and look forward to getting a quote for my public liability business insurance nearer renewal time. Great stuff’.

Is Bedford Insurance Group Legit or Scam?

Do not entertain any form of doubt if you re considering getting an insurance service from the Bedford group. This is because they have maintained standards for the past 56 years while making it a point of duty to give out real value to their clients.

Another proof to show t is not a scam is the fact that you have only a few reviews in the negative. See the poll below.

In a poll of a 100% review rating; 63% was excellent, 14% was great, 4% was average, 3% was poor, and 16% was bad. I’m sure you need no seer to tell you what next you should do to insure your properties.

Therefore, Bedford Insurance Group is recommendable to anyone who seeks to give adequate insurance to their properties, automobile, and what’s of value to them.

Final Thoughts

The Bedford Insurance Group is one of the top insurance companies based in the UK with very affordable services. It is, therefore, important that you compare their quotes with other insurance brokers you know before giving in to their services.

Also, carry out every necessary research you need so you don’t fall into the hands of scammers hiding under the company name.


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