What Makes a Good Team? All You Need To Know 2023

What Makes a Good Team
Photo by Matheus Bertelli

A great team is an important element of accomplishing excellent work and being pleased while doing it. Better problem-solving, a diversity of thinking and ideas (and the creativity and invention that comes with it), and happier workers are just a few of the advantages of cooperation. While cooperation has always been critical, the growing popularity of remote work and hybrid teams is altering the landscape of how teams function and making strong management practices ever more critical. Understanding what each member brings to the table makes a good team dynamic.

In this article, we will be discussing the purpose of having a good team, how to form a good team, what makes a good team, the role of leadership in making a good team, and the leadership skills required to make a good team. 

What is the Purpose of Having a Good Team?

A team assembles individuals with various but complementary skill sets. This means that everyone contributes their unique skills to the execution of a project, whether it’s building new software, interacting with clients, or brainstorming ideas for the company’s next rebrand. Working together produces a better result than working alone since it involves more people with different talents. 

Team members on healthy teams recognise one another’s contributions. They are aware of their skill deficiencies and encourage those around them as they collaborate to achieve a team goal. Instead of slogging through challenging tasks alone, they leverage each other’s skills and organise work in a way that works for everyone.

However, cooperation is about more than just productivity. People spend more than 13 years of their lives at work on average, and fostering a friendly, team-oriented workplace environment may make those years the best they can be. Competent teams provide mentoring opportunities, boost team members’ confidence, and cultivate mutual respect among all members, enhancing team performance and establishing a better culture.

What Makes a Good Team?

A team’s performance can be attributed to a variety of factors, including strong morale and the ability to prioritise goals. Here are some key elements of a successful team:

#1. Collaboration

The ability to collaborate is one of the most significant aspects of a competent team. This is because working in a team often entails sharing duties and relying on one another for support and assistance. A team may highlight each member’s value and set strategies for successfully working together to generate positive results by developing excellent collaboration abilities. Recognising and appreciating individual strengths is what makes a team good at collaboration. 

#2. Diversity

Diversity can refer to team members coming from various cultural and professional backgrounds, as well as having varying unique skill sets. A diverse set of interests, ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives can be critical to forming a productive team. Diversity in perspectives and skills is what greatly enriches a team and makes it good at problem-solving. 

#3. Respect

Respect for one another is another important quality of a solid team. People are more likely to accomplish their best job when they feel valued and comfortable being themselves. People who live in a respectful culture are more likely to share their opinions and experiences. To foster a respectful workplace, highlight the significance of being nice and polite to one another throughout any project or task. 

#4. Communication

Regular communication may ensure that everyone on a team understands their roles and who they can turn to for assistance. Because teams frequently work on projects that require numerous people to work on different tasks at the same time, developing great communication skills can assist a team in being organised and aware of what other team members are doing. Effective communication is what makes a good team resilient in challenging situations.

#5. Camaraderie

Having a team that appreciates where they work can boost engagement and foster camaraderie. This can result in a good team because when individuals are having fun, they are more likely to do work that they are proud of. Team-building activities and casual gatherings that promote enjoyment, like happy hours or game evenings, can help you establish camaraderie.

How to Form a Good Team 

A list of steps for forming a good team is provided below. These steps are not intended to be a one-size-fits-all method of team building. Consider them a general introduction with pointers on how to get started.

#1. Provide Psychological Protection 

Psychological safety influences team perception and participation. Employees can freely share ideas, raise issues, make mistakes, and talk without fear of repercussions when they feel safe.

Safe workers may maximise their potential, take calculated risks, and speak their thoughts without shame. Mentally safe workers can be themselves. They feel valued and respected enough to be honest since their ideas matter.

#2. Create a Sense of Trust Among Team Members

Employees who work in good teams rely on one another. They have faith in their teammates to always do their best in any given situation and to look for ways to assist one another, easing stress when schedules grow hectic. 

When employees trust one another, they no longer need to double-check each other’s work. Instead, they expect that team members will respond appropriately to the situations presented to them and will do high-quality work on time.

While prior successes or personal testimony might inspire respect between strangers, trust is mainly acquired through experience. It takes time for team members to get to know one another, work together, and share triumphs. Trust is also an important factor in establishing psychological safety within a team.

#3. Make Use of Variety and Acceptable Team Makeup

A diversified team of individuals who can do a variety of tasks, cooperate well, and maximise collective performance goes a long way towards achieving success. This entails bringing together people from various backgrounds with varying experiences, skill sets, and knowledge to provide fresh perspectives on the team’s job and how best to carry it out.

For example, you shouldn’t put together a team of only middle-aged white males who perceive the product from the same perspective and fail to understand how other people would interact with it.

#4. Create Goals and Objectives That Are Structured and Clear

Realistic goals that define expected outcomes are required for good teams. To attain these objectives and demonstrate the chain of command and communication channels, the team also requires an accompanying plan and a defined organisational structure.

Employees can generate ideas to effectively accomplish their share of the larger purpose when they are aware of the team’s vision. Employees closest to the job often know the best way to get the intended results. Allowing staff to innovate their way to a clear goal can be a tremendous motivator.

#5. Create a Sense of Meaning and Purpose

Good teams require leaders who can instil significance in their work, even when it is not immediately obvious to the workforce. A feeling of purpose and meaning fosters team involvement, which in turn improves work ethic and performance.

Leadership may assist employees in finding a sense of purpose by:

  • Understanding individual motivations and creating work packages that reflect them
  • Work and specific objectives are linked to rewards (employee development, financial, etc.).
  • Using the organisation to do good (charity partners, environmental campaigns, etc.)

#6. Encourage Employee Growth 

Employee development is critical for high-performing teams. Even highly engaged personnel can get stale after performing the same tasks repeatedly. They may begin to feel stalled in their professional development. Employee development adds new abilities to the team while also helping to increase performance, generate motivation, and show staff a future career path.

While a good team is a terrific place to start, success can always be built on it. Employee development may propel the team forward by teaching essential skills that offer new prospects for growth or boost productivity.

#7. Manage and Track Performance 

To construct a successful team, you must first understand each team member’s behaviour, interactions, and roles. Leadership may uncover concerns early, identify talented workers capable of more, find operational improvements, and more by controlling and monitoring performance.

Employee monitoring has advanced significantly, with a variety of techniques for management to consider:

  • Integrations of technology that accurately track data
  • Employee feedback and surveys are conducted regularly to evaluate collaborations, equipment, methods, or entire projects.
  • Tailored KPIs that are specific to a company and best indicate employee performance

8 Suggestions for Forming a Good Team 

Building a team takes time and effort from both leaders and members. Whether you’re assembling a dream team or attempting to resolve a present problem, here are eight tips for assembling the greatest team possible:

#1. Think About It With the Whole Team

When defining new goals, every workplace has hurdles and uncertainty, and supporting one another throughout the process can help alleviate those sentiments.

Include everyone on the team in brainstorming meetings to demonstrate that you value everyone’s opinion. Keep in mind that everyone you encounter knows something you don’t. 

#2. Create Mutual Regard

Your team may have a hierarchy, but that doesn’t make one person’s viewpoint or contribution more significant than another’s. In a meeting, tell folks you appreciate their work or give them kudos. Respect increases productivity, raises employee morale, and fosters an environment in which everyone feels at ease with their duties and responsibilities.

#3. Emphasize the Significance of Communication 

Open communication implies that team members understand their expectations and boundaries and that they are comfortable asking for assistance. This is especially critical if your team is working on difficult or sensitive projects that are prone to misunderstandings. It is especially essential for remote or hybrid teams that require active communication.

#4. Promote a Positive Company Culture 

A positive work environment boosts commitment and productivity. Aim for a helpful, positive business culture that encourages and values team members to collaborate and complete tasks. A strong leader should also be able to read the room, assess morale, and make necessary adjustments to the work environment.

#5. Maintain Your Organization

High-performing teams do not emerge from chaotic routines and detached management. They are aware of the tools required to finish a project and solve any obstacles. A shared calendar, documentation system, and regular one-on-one meetings can assist your team in staying on track and ensuring that everyone gets the resources they require to succeed.

#6. Set Team Objectives 

Align your team by defining some common goals and objectives. These include the company’s general mission as well as team-specific goals. When everyone knows what they’re working towards, they may be more motivated and invested in their performance, and they may make informed decisions that align with corporate goals.

Leadership’s Role in Team Building 

A whole person who exhibits sincerity and supports each team member’s unique perspective is required for great leadership. A successful leader demonstrates integrity, resilience, and empathy, all of which contribute to the creation of settings in which teams can thrive.

Leadership style influences delegation, dispute resolution, and motivation. There are numerous approaches to leadership, but here are a few that may suit your team and company culture:

  • Democratic leaders include their teams in all meetings and seek their feedback before making decisions. This strategy helps teams that value input, but it may slow decision-making.
  • Transactional leaders assign responsibilities traditionally. This strategy helps teams make swift decisions in a short time. It credits everyone and emphasises leadership.
  • Servant leaders promote feedback, reduce hierarchy, and level the playing field. This strategy suits innovative, collaborative problem-solvers.

Examples of Team-Building Skills

Here are a few examples of good team-building abilities that you may put to use at work:

#1. Communication 

To effectively unite a team, you must have good written and vocal communication abilities. Communication skills assist you in delegating work, explaining company goals, resolving problems, and communicating your expectations. You must be able to convey this information clearly and straightforwardly.

#2. Motivation 

Team members must be motivated to complete their jobs. They should be invested in and enthusiastic about taking part in a given project. As a team builder, you should think of new ways to motivate your team.

Some ideas for motivating your team include:

  • Offering financial rewards and bonuses as incentives
  • Keeping a positive attitude
  • Giving encouraging and positive feedback 

#3. Leadership 

As a team builder, you must take on the position of team leader. To obtain the best results, you must make decisions, resolve issues, set goals, and collaborate with team members. You can display and enhance your leadership abilities by hiring team members, making crucial team choices, and ensuring team goals coincide with the goals of the company.

#4. Delegation 

You must be willing to delegate duties to be an effective team builder. Delegation ensures that projects are completed efficiently and on time. As a team builder, you must set responsibilities that each member can handle. Assign duties based on the team’s strengths and talents.

#5. Teamwork 

You must first display teamwork abilities before you can be a team builder. To accomplish this, you must be willing to collaborate with your team members. Act out the qualities you want to see in the team, and they’ll eventually follow your lead. To let your team members know they are valued, be attentive and open to implementing their suggestions.

#6. Empathy 

Empathy is required to be a strong team-builder. Empathy allows you to comprehend your team members’ motivations and sentiments, providing insight into some of their problems and requirements. That way, you can see things from your team’s perspective and find solutions to assist them in meeting their goals. Remember that empathy is not the same as pity, and you should not let your emotions guide you.

What Factors Contribute to a High-Functioning Team?

Through shared goals, shared leadership, collaboration, open communication, clear role expectations and group operating rules, early conflict resolution, and a strong sense of accountability and trust among its members, the group relentlessly pursues performance excellence.

What Are the Four Pillars of Effective Teamwork?

Collaboration, communication, contribution, and commitment are the four pillars. The article examines the role of the learning and development professional in assisting teams to achieve peak performance.

What are the Seven C’s of Effective Teamwork?

Capability, Cooperation, Coordination, Communication, Cognition, Coaching, and Conditions—the seven C’s of team effectiveness—each represent a critical aspect of what makes a team thrive and excel.

What Causes Teams to Be Ineffective?

One or more members are disrespectful of the group’s mechanics, such as arriving late, arriving unprepared, failing to complete agreed-upon tasks on time, and so on. Action steps are unclear (who, what, when), or some members of the group are unwilling to accept and complete action steps at the same level as other members of the group.

What Are the Four Things That Effective Teams Must Avoid?

Barriers to effective teams include the challenges of knowing where to begin, dominating team members, the poor performance of team members, and poorly managed team conflict.


Learning what makes a good team helps you create a more respectful and aligned workplace where everyone collaborates towards common goals. Each team has a different dynamic that makes them unique, and what works for one team may fail for another, and that’s okay. Experiment with new processes and ask for feedback about what’s working. A great leader supports a team, but every member plays a role in establishing a better work atmosphere. Flexibility in adapting to changes is precisely what makes a team exceptionally good in a rapidly evolving environment. 


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