EBITDA Margin: What It Is, Formula & All You Need

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Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) is a metric used to assess a company’s financial health and ability to create cash flow. When business owners comprehend and utilise EBITDA, they can discover the value of their firm while evaluating its performance. EBITDA margin is also widely employed by companies intending to sell.

To help you understand and use this valuable analysis tool, we’ll go over EBITDA, how it’s used, and its components in this tutorial.

What is EBITDA Margin?

The EBITDA ratio is the relationship between a company’s net sales and operating profit before depreciation and amortisation. EBITDA is divided into two components: EBIT and EBITA.

This metric is better for assessing a company’s financial health and operational profitability. This is because this metric excludes the costs of depreciation and amortisation, taxation, and debt interest.

EBITDA is a unique financial indicator because it accurately represents a company’s profitability as well as cash flow. However, unlike its other siblings, it is a non-GAAP metric.

Understanding EBITDA Margin

No analyst or investor would dispute that interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation are unimportant to a corporation. Nonetheless, EBITDA eliminates all of those figures in order to concentrate on the essentials: operating profitability and cash flow.

EBITDA margin = (profits before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation) / total revenue

This allows comparing the relative profitability of two or more enterprises of varying sizes in the same industry simple. Otherwise, short-term concerns could skew the data or accounting techniques could mask them.

Calculating a company’s EBITDA margin is useful for determining the efficiency of cost-cutting strategies. The greater a company’s EBITDA margin, the lower its operating expenses as a percentage of total sales.

So, a company with ยฃ125,000 in revenue and ยฃ15,000 in EBITDA would have an EBITDA margin of ยฃ15,000/ยฃ125,000 = 12%.

What is the Formula for EBITDA Margin?

The earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) from the income statement are used to compute EBITDA. The following step is to deduct the depreciation and amortisation costs.

EBITDA = Operating Income (EBIT) + Depreciation + Amortization

To compute the EBITDA ratio, the following formula is used:

EBITDA Margin =  EBITDA / Net Sales   

How to Calculate EBITDA Margin?

The EBITDA margin, as previously stated, defines the relationship between a company’s earnings and total revenue. However, because EBITDA is not stated in a company’s financial records, analysts and investors must compute it on their own.

EBITDA margin is calculated by subtracting two key types of expenses from net sales. These are as follows:

  • Manufacturing overhead or cost of revenue generated
  • Administrative overhead

#1. Computation of cost of revenue

The term “cost of revenue” refers to expenses that directly result from revenue-generating processes. In other words, such expenses are variable since they vary with production changes.

Among the expenses that fall under the category of revenue costs are:

  • Freight
  • Raw materials
  • Labour costs
  • Purchase of inventory
  • Packaging

However, in order to comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), every company must record the cost of revenue as a separate line item on the Income Statement. After deducting the cost of revenue from total revenue, gross profit is computed.

#2. Computation of administrative overhead

Administrative overhead includes all expenses incurred by a company’s day-to-day operations. In other words, those costs are unavoidable due to a company’s functional reliance on them.

Administrative overhead expenses include the following items:

  • Salary and other employee benefit expenses
  • Research and Development
  • Electricity expenses

Administrative expenses can be classified as either constant or semi-variable, as opposed to revenue costs, which exclusively contain variable costs.

#3. Computation of EBITDA

Once the expense categories listed above have been identified, the following method can be used to compute EBITDA –

EBITDA = Total revenue โ€“ Cost of revenue โ€“ Administrative expenses

#4. Computation of EBITDA margin

To compute this measure, use the EBITDA margin calculation outlined below –

EBITDA margin = Total revenue โ€“ (Cost of revenue + Administrative expenses) / Total revenue

Or, EBITDA margin = EBITDA / Total revenue

Example Calculation

The LMN corporation reported a net profit before taxes and interest of ยฃ3M for the fiscal year ended 2015. The income statement shows a total of ยฃ5M in net sales. The entire depreciation and amortisation is ยฃ100,000.

The EBITDA margin is determined as 62% based on the numbers, suggesting that the remaining 38% of sales revenue accounts for operational expenses (excluding depreciation and amortisation).

The greater a company’s EBITDA margin, the lower its operating expenses in comparison to total revenue, enhancing its bottom line and resulting in a more lucrative operation.

What are the Benefits of Using EBITDA Margin

EBITDA margin is defined as a company’s cash operating profit margin before capital expenditures, taxes, and capital structure are included. Non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortisation are eliminated. Let’s take a look at some other functions:

#1. Profitability and cash flow

The EBITDA margin is a key indicator of a company’s financial standing about total revenue. This is because it indicates how much cash a firm can create versus Re.1 of its revenue minus external and non-operational costs.

As a result, a high EBITDA percentage indicates a strong and well-managed cash flow with low operational expenses. Furthermore, this indicator represents the success of a company’s cost-cutting initiatives.

#2. Comparison among companies

One of the key benefits of EBITDA is that it allows for the comparison of two companies in the same industry but with a significantly larger or lower market capitalisation.

For example, suppose there are two hypothetical consumer durables companies, Company G and Company I. The revenue of Company G for the fiscal year 2019 – 20 is Rs.6 lakh. The revenue for Company I during that period is Rs.60 lakh. Company G’s and Company I’s EBITDA are Rs.4 lakh and Rs.25 lakh, respectively.

As a result, Company G’s EBITDA margin would be 66.67%, while Company I’s would be 41.67%. As a result, while Company G generated significantly less revenue than Company I, it is better managed and more cost-efficient.

Limitations of EBITDA Margin

Because EBITDA excludes interest on debt, non-cash expenses, capital expenditures, and taxes, it may not always provide a clear indication of the business’s cash flow creation. Consider the following disadvantages:

#1. An inadequate measure of debt-reliant companies

For organisations that rely heavily on debt, EBITA is an ineffective metric. As previously stated, it excludes items such as interest expense. As a result, EBITDA margin cannot be used to measure the financial health of such companies.

Furthermore, certain companies that rely heavily on debt for capital inflows may place greater emphasis on their EBITDA margin rather than net profit margin to attract investors.

#2. Possibility of unfair practices

As previously stated, EBITDA is not subject to GAAP requirements and is calculated at the discretion of corporations. As a result, in the absence of accounting laws, corporations might engage in dishonest practices and skew their EBITDA to project a favourable picture to investors.

EBITDA Margin and Its Difference with Operating Margin

The operational margin is the ratio of a company’s operating profits to net sales. Analysts and investors frequently use the terms EBITDA and operating profit interchangeably. This is because if a corporation has assets that depreciate and amortise, its EBITDA is comparable to its operating income. As a result, their operating margin and EBITDA percentage would be comparable.

When the EBITDA margin is compared to the operational margin, the former is a more accurate reflection of a company’s financial health and cash flow. This is because EBITDA does not account for non-recurring expenses such as depreciation and amortisation, which skews the study.

EBITDA Margin and Its Difference with Net Margin

The net margin of a corporation is the ratio of its net profit to total revenue. As a result, net margin covers additional sources of revenue as well as depreciation and amortisation, interest expense, and taxes.

In comparison to EBITDA, net margin is more suited to evaluating enterprises with significant amounts of debt.

Finally, the EBITDA margin should be utilised in conjunction with other financial measures to provide a more complete picture of a company’s financial health.

Other Options for EBITDA Margin

Investors and analysts wanting to assess a company’s profitability may utilise one of two alternatives to EBITDA:

  • EBITA: Earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization
  • EBIT: Earnings before interest and taxes

In any event, the formula for calculating operating profitability is straightforward. Operating profitability is calculated by dividing EBITDA (or EBITA or EBIT) by total sales.

Special Considerations

EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial number, which means it does not adhere to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

The GAAP rules are important for assuring the overall accuracy of financial reporting, but they may be unnecessary for financial analysts and investors. That is, interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation are not part of a company’s operating costs and are thus unrelated to the day-to-day operation or relative success of a corporation.

Why Is EBITDA Margin Useful?

EBITDA is concerned with the fundamentals, namely operating profitability and cash flow. This allows comparing the relative profitability of two or more enterprises of varying sizes in the same industry simple. Otherwise, short-term concerns could skew the data or accounting manoeuvres could mask them.

Calculating a company’s EBITDA margin is useful for determining the efficiency of cost-cutting strategies. A larger EBITDA margin indicates that a company’s operational expenses are lower about total revenue.

Is a 30% EBITDA Margin Good?

A strong and high EBITDA margin is related to the industry in which the organisation operates. In the technology industry, for example, a company with a greater EBITDA margin can be around 30% to 40%, however in other areas, such as hospitality, a decent EBITDA margin may be closer to 10% or 20%.

Is a 40% EBITDA Good?

The Rule of 40 is a straightforward method for evaluating the performance of a SaaS company. According to this criteria, a SaaS company is healthy if the total of its revenue growth and profit margin (EBITDA, EBIT, or free cash flow) is greater than 40%.

What is EBITDA for Dummies?

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortisation is abbreviated as EBITDA. It is a financial indicator that is used to assess a company’s operational performance and profitability after deducting non-operating expenses and accounting issues.

Why is EBITDA Flawed?

These difficulties are important since EBITDA excludes real expenses that a corporation must spend capital on, such as interest expense, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation. As a result, using EBITDA as a pure profitability statistic can be deceptive, particularly for capital-intensive businesses.

What Does 5x EBITDA Mean?

A fundamental and general rule of thumb valuation for a firm with earnings of a million or more is 5 times EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortisation).

What if EBITDA is Too High?

A high EBITDA may translate into a very high sales price, rendering your company unappealing or uncompetitive. This could price you out of the market and make other dealerships with lower EBITDA and lower sales prices appear to be better purchase deals.

What is a Normal EBITDA Ratio?

Divide EV by EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation, to get the enterprise-value-to-EBITDA ratio. EV/EBITDA ratios less than 10 are considered healthy.

Can EBITDA be Negative?

Yes. A positive EBITDA indicates that the company is profitable on an operating level: it sells its products for more than it costs to manufacture them. A negative EBITDA, on the other hand, indicates that the company is experiencing operational issues or is badly managed.


This article served as a primer on EBITDA margin and its definition. In this section, we will go through the formula for calculating EBITDA as well as the industry. We also see why this is vital, as well as the disadvantages. If you have any questions about this article, please leave them in the comments area. Thank you for taking the time to study this EBITDA margin guidance.


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