HOLIDAY HOME MORTGAGE: Definition And All You Need

Holiday home mortgage

Do you want to buy a holiday home to rent out to travelers? Or do you currently own one and want to start renting it out? Then you need to be sure you have the correct mortgage. Here is our guide to obtaining the best holiday home mortgage and the calculator.

To Buy a Mortgage Holiday Home – The Two Types of Mortgages

A holiday home mortgage is a sort of buy-to-let mortgage used to purchase a home that will only be rented out at particular times of the year.

If you’re buying a vacation home. The type of mortgage you’ll need will be determined by how you intend to utilize the property. If the property will be utilized solely as your personal vacation home. Then you will want an uncomplicated residential second home mortgage.

If you intend to rent out your vacation home on a regular basis in order to generate revenue. You will need a special holiday let mortgage. Or, at least, special permission from your mortgage provider (which will usually only be short-term). 

What exactly is a home holiday let mortgage?

A holiday home mortgage is used to purchase a home that is rented exclusively for particular times of the year rather than on a regular basis. This is the type of mortgage you’ll need if you want to buy a vacation home for yourself. But also rent it out while you’re not using it.

The main distinction is that, unlike a typical rental property, a vacation rental is a seasonal company. Holiday rentals typically generate most of their income during the warmer months of the year. And may go virtually unutilized during the rest of the year. This increases the risk for a mortgage lender, so the standards will be significantly stricter.

How Does a Holiday Home Mortgage Work?

As with any mortgage, the lender wants to ensure that you can afford the monthly payments. And that you will be able to continue making them in a variety of situations. Your lender will consider your income and other expenditure commitments in your mortgage application to determine whether you can afford the new mortgage.

The lender will evaluate the money you are anticipated to make from the holiday rental when assessing your income. They will, nevertheless, want to ensure that you can continue to pay your mortgage on the home even if you don’t get any guests for a while. You will have a far greater chance of getting your mortgage approved. That is if you can show that you will still have enough spare money to pay the mortgage while the property is vacant.

What are the lending conditions for vacation home mortgages?

Most holidays let mortgage will require you to meet the following requirements:

  • First, a deposit of at least 30%, and perhaps 40%, of the property’s worth
  • Second, rental revenue is typically 125 percent to 145 percent of the mortgage interest payments.
  • In addition to any rental income, a minimum income of between £20,000 and £40,000
  • Finally, you must (generally) already be a homeowner.

Here’s an illustration of how it works:

You’ve set your sights on a lovely cottage on the Dorset coast. The home is listed for £250,000, hence a deposit of at least £75,000 is required. If your holiday let mortgage rate is 4.5 percent, this implies you’ll need to earn at least £11,000 per year.

Holiday lease mortgages are becoming more widespread, but they remain a specialist product. This may limit your options for bargains. If you already own numerous properties, you may have more options because you can use these other properties as security on the loan. In either case, a mortgage broker can help you discover the best price.

What are the tax implications of a holiday home rental?

When compared to a typical buy-to-let property, your investment in a vacation rental can have significant tax ramifications. There are advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, you may be eligible for:

Business capital gains tax relief, such as business asset rollover relief and entrepreneur’s relief

Allowances for capital expenditures on furniture, equipment, and fittings

When computing profits, deduct the entire amount of mortgage interest from the rental income.

On the negative side, you should be wary of stamp duty. In addition to the usual stamp duty land tax (SDLT) charge that applies to all property acquisitions, you will be liable for at least an additional 3%, if not more (the additional stamp duty grows in bands in accordance with the property’s valuation). Learn about the stamp duty bands for second homes.

What are the costs of a holiday home mortgage?

A holiday let mortgage will normally have a higher interest rate than a residential mortgage. Nevertheless, you will be able to deduct your mortgage interest payments from your rental income when computing your taxes. Which should help to balance this additional expense.

There are additional costs associated with owning and operating a vacation rental, and they are frequently greater than consumers believe.

You must keep up with your insurance, utility bills, and council tax (or overseas equivalent if buying abroad). Consider the expenses of any necessary maintenance or renovations.

One critical question is how you want to manage the property. The vacation house will need cleaning and prepping for each new arrival, and you may not be able to do so yourself. In this instance, you will almost certainly need to pay a third party to conduct these tasks, which will incur additional costs.

What about a holiday home mortgage for overseas property?

If you’re buying from another country, you’ll need to use a somewhat different strategy. In general, you’ll need to contact larger banks with branches in the country you’ve picked, however, your mortgage broker may have access to additional lending possibilities.

One such option is to work with a local bank in the area where your prospective property is located. Be aware that this exposes you to the swings of the foreign currency exchange market, which means that your mortgage terms and rates may vary on a regular basis. When performing large financial transactions abroad, be particularly cautious since even if you speak the language like a native, you may not be aware of all of their legal idiosyncrasies and tax rules. An independent adviser based in the region will be extremely beneficial.

Where can I find a good holiday home mortgage deal?

Look for a mortgage adviser that is well-versed in both the buy-to-let and holiday-let markets. They will not only be able to get you the greatest available bargain, but they may also be able to provide you with practical advice on how to get started in this industry.

What are the alternatives to a holiday home mortgage?

A cash purchase is an obvious alternative to a mortgage. If you have this much money, buying a home outright will always be a better investment. There will be no loan interest or arrangement fees, and all rental revenue (after taxes) will be yours.

However, if you’re merely renting out a room or an extension in your home, you won’t require a particular sort of mortgage – though you should still get approval from your mortgage lender to do so.

Holiday Home Mortgage Calculator

Home mortgage for holiday calculator is simple to use and allows you to experiment with monthly or yearly parameters to see which purchase to let option is best for you.

How do holiday for home mortgage calculator work

 holiday home mortgage calculator rates are based on your loan-to-value (LTV) and the length of the mortgage agreement. Typically, the cheapest buy-to-let mortgages have a low LTV of 60% and shorter contract periods (avoiding the lender’s normal variable rate).

Lenders consider mortgages for rental properties to be riskier than household mortgages. This means that, when compared to residential mortgages, buy-to-let mortgages often require a larger minimum deposit of 20% and have higher interest rates and costs.

What is the formula for a home holiday mortgage calculator?

To calculate the rental return, divide the annual rent by the value of the investment property and multiply by 100.

(Annual rent/property value) x 100 = rental yield

A £250,000 house earning £860 per month in rent, for example, would yield 4.16 percent.

What is the formula for calculating return on investment?

Your return on investment is computed by subtracting your earnings from your cost of investment and dividing the difference by the cost of investment. The result was a percentage, which was then multiplied by 100.

Return on investment equals (total earnings – cost of investment)/cost of investment multiplied by 100.


A holiday home mortgage is a sort of buy-to-let mortgage that is used to purchase a home that will only be rented out at particular times of the year.

Holiday Home Mortgage FAQ’s

How much deposit do I need for a holiday home?

Typically most lenders will require a 25% deposit if being let and at least 15% if exclusively for you to use. Some lenders are more flexible and can consider as little as 15% for a let property and 10% for a second home holiday let.

Are holiday let mortgages more expensive?

The costs of running a holiday let tend to be higher because of the turnover of tenants and the chances of getting a mortgage of more than 60% to 75% of the value of the property are lower than with a buy-to-let mortgage

Can you get a mortgage to buy a holiday lodge?

Although is it not possible for you to get a mortgage on a holiday lodge, it is possible to take out holiday lodge finance from specialist companies. … Typically, the potential amount of finance you could get for a holiday lodge is 80%, loan for up to 25 years.

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