Parents Learning Allowance: Definition And All You Need


Parents Learning Allowance is extra money given to students who are also parents. This can be used to cover day-to-day study expenses such as books, study supplies, and travel. This article covers parents learning allowance eligibility and a calculator.

Parents Learning Allowance

Most students appreciate a little extra cash assistance while they are studying. Parents with one or more children benefit from the Parents Learning Allowance.

The subsidy provided by the Parents Learning Allowance assists in covering the cost of course-related learning materials. The extra funds will be used to cover the cost of course books as well as some travel expenditures.

In most situations, you can receive cash in addition to your regular student loan. Parents Learning Allowance does not have to be reimbursed, and you may be eligible even if you do not qualify for the Childcare Grant.

The Parents’ Learning Allowance is not available to all students. The additional funding is intended for students who enroll in their first full-time higher education program. Your household income, in general, decides whether you qualify and how much PLA you receive.

It is important to note that claiming the Parents’ Living Allowance grant does not affect your eligibility for benefits or your tax credit.

Amount of Parents’ Learning Allowance

Parents Learning Allowance is determined by your spouse’s or civil partner’s income and the number of children you have. Full-time students in the academic year 2022-2023 may be eligible for Parent Learning Allowance support ranging from ยฃ50 to ยฃ1,821.

The allowance will deposit directly into your building society or bank account. At the start of each academic term, the government makes three separate payments.

Please keep in mind that these payments are in addition to any other student financial assistance you may get.

Generally, there is no refunding of funds. An exception could be made if you deviate from your plan of action or exaggerate your financial commitments. You may also be require to repay it if a change in your situation results in an overpayment of the PLA.

Any excess grant payments made during your study will be deducted from your future installments. However, if you leave the course before completing your studies, There will be requirement to return an overpayment.

Allowance for Parents Learning Criteria for Eligibility

Parents Learning Allowance eligibility does not necessitate the payment of childcare costs. You may be in the eligibility of allowance parents learning if you are a student from England with dependent children. Who are enrolled in one of the following courses:

  • A full-time undergraduate degree program.
  • A course in Initial Teacher Training (ITT).

Providing Proof of Child Dependents

If you apply for the Parents’ Learning Allowance, you may be require to submit proof of your child’s dependents. Any of the following should suffice to meet the requirements:

  • Firstly, each child’s original birth certificate.
  • Secondly, the child’s authentic Naturalization certificate.
  • Thirdly, documentation from the Home Office confirming your children’s names and birth dates.

Current Tax Credits or your Universal Credit Award Notice attest to the fact that you have dependent children. All of your children names are in the documents. Pages from your most recent Child Benefit letter can also be sent. 

How to Apply for a Parents Learning Allowance (Calculator)

It is recommendable to apply for the Parents’ Learning Allowance form at the same time that you apply for student funding. After you apply, you will receive a letter telling you of the amount you are eligible for.

When the academic year is over, you must complete a Confirmation of Income form. This confirms that you have gotten the appropriate quantity of money.

Calculating the Allowance Learning Student Allowance using the income of the parents (Calculator)

If you are under the age of 24, have no children. And are still in a relationship with one or both of your parents, your Student Allowance will calculate using their income.

Why do we use calculator the Student Allowance learning based on the income of the parents?

Full-time students under the age of 24 are require by the government. So as to divide the costs of their education with their parents and the government. This is true regardless of whether or not:

  • Firstly, you reside at home
  • Secondly, live away from your family
  • Lastly, your parents provide financial assistance for you.

The government has a set amount of money that they can utilize to aid with the costs of higher education study. Using parents’ income to compute the Student Allowance implies that the emphasis is on aiding students who would not be able to attend tertiary education otherwise.

Additional Content (Childcare Grant)

Have you had a baby while attending college or university? Then you may be eligible for further student aid. This could include everything from living expenses and educational fees to travel and childcare grants.

What exactly is the Childcare Grant?

A weekly award to assist with childcare costs while you are studying.

The amount you will receive is determine by your income, daycare requirements, and the number of children you have. And you are not required to repay a Childcare Grant.

Who is the lucky recipient?

To be eligible for a Childcare Grant, you must:

  • be a full-time college student
  • permanent residence in England
  • have a student finance package โ€“ or be qualified for one
  • having a registered childcare provider with Ofsted
  • have a child under the age of 15, or under the age of 17 if they have special educational needs

You are ineligible for a Childcare Grant if you or your partner are:

  • First, claiming the Working Tax Credit childcare component
  • Next, claiming the Universal Credit childcare component
  • Lastly, the NHS is providing assistance with childcare expenditures.

How much does the Childcare Grant cost?

The amount you receive is determine by:

family’s earnings

the price of your child care

the number of children that are financially dependent on you

A grant of up to 85% of your daycare costs is available.

If you already have student income, how does it affect your Universal Credit?

If you are in higher education, you must disclose all student income, including:

loans for students, grants for students. Next is bursaries, scholarships, studentships, exhibition allowances, or other types of maintenance grants, such as:

  • Firstly, a college or university bursary or scholarship
  • Secondly, a bursary from the NHS
  • Thirdly, a bursary for social work
  • Next, the teacher education bursary
  • Then, contributions from a charity or trust
  • Next, payments made with access funds (for example, Access to Learning)

loans for students

The maximum student loan amount available to you will be fully put into consideration. This is true even if you have:

not utilize, the loan was not accepted, choose not to accept the entire sum.

obtained a lower loan because someone, such as your parent or guardian or your partner, must contribute to your living expenses

Grants are available to students who have student loans. If you have additional expenses, such as being a single parent or disabled, you may be eligible for a grant. These grants will be ignored unless and until the following conditions are met:

  • They are paid to cover rent, and the Housing element for this home is included in your Universal Credit.
  • You are part of a combined claim, and the grant intends to help with a partner’s day-to-day living expenses (for example, the Adult Dependant’s Grant).

How your student income affects your eligibility for Universal Credit

Each Universal Credit assessment period in which you are expected to participate in your course takes your student income into account:

  • beginning with the evaluation period during which you begin the course or academic year
  • finishing with the evaluation period at the end of your term or the start of your summer vacation
  • eliminating any evaluation session that comes entirely within the summer break
  • To pay expenses, a certain sum will be deducted from each assessment period.

If your study lasts less than a full academic year, your student income will be calculated based on the number of complete months that the course lasts.


Parents Learning Allowance is extra money given to students who are also parents. This can be used to cover day-to-day study expenses such as books, study supplies, and travel

Parents Learning Allowance FAQ’s

Who qualifies for parents learning allowance?

To qualify for Parents’ Learning Allowance the student must: be studying a full-time undergraduate, Initial Teacher Training (ITT) course or Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) have applied for, or be getting funding from Student Finance England that is based on their household income.

What is parents learning allowance and childcare grant?

You don’t need to be paying for childcare to qualify for the Parents’ Learning Allowance. These are payments to help with learning costs if you’re studying and have a child. You don’t need to pay back a Parent’s Learning Allowance, and your partner can also apply for one if they are in full-time education too.

Does Parent Learning Allowance affect Universal Credit?

Extra grants for the following are disregarded: tuition or examination fees. … living expenses for another person, but only if you’re not getting Universal Credit for that person (including the Adult Dependant’s Grant) expenses for books and equipment (including the Parent’s Learning Allowance)

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is parents learning allowance and childcare grant?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

You don't need to be paying for childcare to qualify for the Parents' Learning Allowance. These are payments to help with learning costs if you're studying and have a child. You don't need to pay back a Parent's Learning Allowance, and your partner can also apply for one if they are in full-time education too.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does Parent Learning Allowance affect Universal Credit?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Extra grants for the following are disregarded: tuition or examination fees. ... living expenses for another person, but only if you're not getting Universal Credit for that person (including the Adult Dependant's Grant) expenses for books and equipment (including the Parent's Learning Allowance)

" } } ] }
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