/What Is Anti Discriminatory Practice: How To Promote It


Discriminatory practice is an act that needs to be eradicated in society. The ugly side of this practice is that it leads to hate, insecurity, and depression, and having people with these qualities is unhealthy for society. Hence, we’ll discuss anti-discriminatory practices in schools, social work and childcare, as well as the principles.

What Is Anti-Discriminatory Practice?

Anti-discriminatory practices should be used to assist any work with children, youth, and their families. Institutions must encourage anti-discriminatory practices by providing equal access and inclusion to all children who attend the institution. Anti-discriminatory practices also entail implementing the work environment’s equal opportunities policy in all elements of the setting. Such as the curriculum that employees must follow to plan, deliver, and evaluate every day. It is critical for members of staff in a work setting to ensure that each child has the opportunity to engage in all activities. Whether indoors or outside, to fulfill their academic experience, what is required for them.

What Is Anti-Discriminatory Practice In Schools?

A discriminatory act is a breach of human rights. Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights prohibits discrimination against any of the rights and freedoms granted by the Convention. Moreover, the state is required by Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to guarantee that everyone has access to its formal educational provision.

Why Is Anti-Discriminatory Practice in the Schools Vital

Anti-discriminatory practice is not only a legal obligation on schools under the European Convention on Human Rights; it is also critical for student well-being and academic achievement. Children and young people who are coerced into unfair treatment or discrimination are more likely to develop:

  • Firstly, negative views toward education
  • Secondly, low levels of motivation and performance in the classroom
  • Thirdly, a greater likelihood of dropping out of formal education
  • Next, harassment experience
  • Finally, issues with mental health

Seeing oneself differently or “less” than others can be alienating. It erodes an individual’s capacity for engagement in society over time, โ€“ for instance, their feeling of self-efficacy, openness to various cultures and beliefs, tolerance of ambiguity, flexibility, and adaptability.

How can schools become more active in anti-discriminatory practice?

Schools can become more active in anti-discriminatory practices by:

  • Ensuring that all students, regardless of age, have meaningful, high-quality educational opportunities alongside their peers necessitates a whole-school approach.
  • It starts with schools recognising who might be at risk of the discriminatory acts, what they can do to reduce discrimination, and how they can assist students who are at risk of discrimination. 
  • An excellent place to start is with an assessment of the current circumstances, recognising the school’s assets as well as its needs and priorities. 
  • Consultation with school stakeholders, particularly students and, when possible, parents, is crucial โ€” for example, through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and so on. With the sensitivity in it, there is a case that can be made for by secretly gathering information on individuals’ experiences of prejudice

It is possible to determine urgent policy development priorities depending on an assessment of the present situation. Priorities will differ depending on the school, however, they may include:

By the development of language, gender equalization, and physical environment accessibility, intercultural competences.

  • Priorities should be put in place, in conjunction with professional development for top leadership teams as well as teaching staff.
  •  In order to combat discrimination in schools, both personal and professional reflection are necessary. It is very crucial for school personnel to be able to reflect on their own views and attitudes regarding discrimination, along with their own unconscious biases and prejudices.
  • Schools can then focus on the longer-term goal of fostering an anti-discriminatory practice. The challenge of negative stereotyping, both in and out of the classroom, is central to this process. 

A vital point in becoming active in anti-discriminatory practice in schools

First, when preconceptions are heard, they must be fought.

Most importantly, talking about stereotypes with students

Then, recognizing stereotypes in the curriculum, highlighting stereotyped pictures and roles in. Lastly, textbooks assigning posts of duty equitably select various ways of splitting up students, giving a range of role models, establishing procedures for tracking discrimination occurrences

What Is Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Social Work?

Before we talk about anti-discriminatory practices in social work. letโ€™s look at what anti-discriminatory practice is, because I bet some of us are asking that question!

According to Thompson, anti-discriminatory practice refers to how people behave in a way that helps fight discriminatory behaviors and attitudes. It also includes practices that advance social justice.

Thompson’s PCS model aims to describe discrimination on three distinct but interconnected levels: personal, structural, and cultural.

Anti-discriminatory Law or practice definition according to Wikipedia is Security measures for groups based on sex, age, color, ethnicity, nationality, disability, mental illness or ability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, sex traits, religion, creed, or individual political ideas.ย 

Having our definitions, let’s get down to anti-discriminatory practice in social work!

ย Why is it critical to advocate anti-discriminatory practice in social work?

A social worker who fails to dwell on their preconceptions may incorporate all three levels of Thompson’s PCS model into their job.

Assumptions like these impair one’s judgment and assessment, leading to inequitable outcomes for the people we help.

It is also critical for social workers to be self-aware and continuously evaluate to avoid allowing their perspectives on a given scenario to influence their work with others.

How to promote anti-discriminatory practice?

Methods for encouraging anti-discriminatory behavior include:

  • Adopting values of care and executing regulations and procedures of practice
  • Staff recruitment and interviewing processes that conform with the Equality Act; staff advancement and training; mentoring; staff meetings; addressing discrimination; quality assurance, such as feedback

What are the consequences of discriminatory behavior?

Discrimination can cause people to lose their self-esteem, and especially, someone who has low self-esteem may develop a negative self-identity, which can lead to depression. Some persons might have low self-esteem before seeking health and social care.

How to encourage anti-discriminatory practice in the health and social work or care sectors?

People and institutions promote anti-discriminatory behavior by following the law. 

Pursuing best practices in the center with individual health and social care. Anti-discriminatory practicesโ€”violation of rightsโ€”lesson 4, abuse of authority (covertly or overtly), prejudice. labeling and stereotyping bullying.

ย What Is Anti-Discriminatory Practice In Childcare?

The following are the anti-discriminatory practices that should be in childcare:

Foster parents should encourage children and adolescents to cherish their identities and develop healthy self-esteem.

Foster parents should collaborate with the child’s social worker and, if possible, the biological parents to boost the child’s confidence and sense of self-worth. To promote anti-discriminatory practice in childcare

Certain topics should be in discussion with the child’s social worker, parents, and previous childcare (if applicable). Before the kid enters the house to verify that the care methods are suitable.

These should always contain, at the very least, health and education requirements, religious adherence, and food requirements. Which is also a way to promote anti-discriminatory practice in childcare.

Caregivers mustn’t assume things about any child’s religious observance, cultural customs, or nutritional needs without first consulting with the child’s social worker, parents, previous caregivers, and the child directly.

Foster parents should support and encourage any kid in their custody to deal with any sort of discrimination that they may face. Giving children and young people encouragement and helping them is very important. To help them develop skills that will enable them to counter all forms of discrimination and promote anti-discriminatory practice in childcare

It is critical to remember that all children in care processes guarantee that children’s care requirements are effective. These procedures will aid in meeting the care needs of ethnic minority children, especially.

Children with impairments should not face any discrimination as a result of a lack of amenities in placements. All possibilities to fill any gaps in foster placement should be available. With these, anti-discriminatory practice in childcare is possible!.

What Are The Principles Of Anti-Discriminatory Practice?ย 

Anti-discriminatory practices that are key ethical principles in the health and social care industry are:

  • Justice: Everyone, regardless of their background, must be treated equitably.
  • ย Autonomy: Individual choices must be recognized.
  • Beneficence: This includes dangers and expenses; the health or care expert should work in the patient’s best interests.
  • Nonmaleficence: Any harm induced by medication or intervention should not exceed its advantages.

The following are the principles of anti-discriminatory practice:

#1. Putting people at the center of service delivery by active support

Active support is assisting the individual as much as possible and taking into consideration their beliefs, culture, and interests while taking decisions in health and social care environments. which is one of the principles of anti-discriminatory practice

For example, you can assist a person with a learning disability in ensuring that they are not in neglect. And that you help with any assistance they may require with their reading, socializing or personal care with respect and diligence. They may also require the assistance of an advocate.

The following are the most common types of assistance:

  • counsel and directionโ€”rights
  • medical and care planning data
  • physical assistance (dressing, personal care)
  • social assistance
  • mental health assistanceโ€”coping strategies

#2. Coping methods for mental health support

This must be handled with care and consideration. If someone needs mental healthcare, the following teams should be accessible to assist them:

  • Therapists and social workers
  • Mental health nurses in the community
  • Physical and occupational therapists
  • Next, psychiatric professionals
  • Psychiatric professionals
  • Therapists
  • Community support staff, such as housekeepers

Community mental health teams can provide health and social treatment as well as advice on coping methods for individuals. Remember to always seek professional counsel and assistance. Which is also the principle of anti-discriminatory practice

#3. Assisting individuals in expressing their wants and desires

This may imply assisting a Deaf person in expressing their wants and preferences by arranging communication support such as British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters, Deaf-blind interpreters, lip-speakers, note-takers, and speech-to-text reporters (palantypists). Alternatively, the individual may be unable to communicate in the local language and will require the services of an interpretation.ย 

#4. Individual empowerment

A person can be empowered if all that needs to be accomplished for their care is described to them. And they are asked whether they comprehend what they require. This provides customers control over the service and offers them a say in decision-making, ensuring that no one takes over on their behalfโ€”even if it is ostensibly in their best interests. The individual must make their own decision, which you believe they will do with all of the data presented to them. Individuals have a choice, and even if they do not select the one they want, you must respect their decision.

#5. Promoting people’s rights, choices, and well-being

One can advocate for people’s rights in a variety of ways. Language and communication assistance, for example, can be provided to persons who are unable to communicate properly owing to illness, disability, or the fact that they speak another language.

#6. There must be a balance between the rights of others

Managing an individual’s rights with the rights of another may appear difficult, but it is doable with excellent organizational, negotiation, and communication skills. A network of services will also be necessary, with everyone collaborating to find a remedy for individual rights.

#7. Managing Conflicts

Conflict resolution is critical in health and social care. Moreover, individuals may become angry and tensions may rise if the care they are getting does not appear to be addressing their issues. You must be taught to deal with disagreements as a health and social care practitioner.

When numerous different services are required to care for an individual, conflicts can arise between health and social care staff. When dealing with disagreements, you must have a professional and upbeat demeanor

In the principles of anti-discriminatory practice, you will need a variety of skills, including:

understanding both sides of an argument,  being open to hearing,  refusing to take sides, not wallowing in self-pity, and allowing things to fester.

Including being able to think quickly and focusing on solutions rather than getting caught down in personal difficulties.


Anti-discriminatory practice should be used to assist any work with children, youth, and their families. Institutions must encourage anti-discriminatory practices by providing equal access and inclusion to all children who attend the institution.

Anti-Discriminatory Practice FAQ’s

What is anti discriminatory?

Anti Discriminatory are security measures for groups based on sex, age, color, ethnicity, nationality, disability, mental illness or ability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, sex traits, religion, creed, or individual political ideas. 

Why is anti discriminatory practice important in health and social care?

Anti-discriminatory practice is fundamental to the ethical basis of care provision and critical to the protection of people’s dignity. The Equality Act protects those receiving care and the workers that provide it from maltreatment.

What are the effects of discriminatory practice?

Effects of discriminatory practice are disempowerment, low self-esteem, and self-confidence, marginalization, restricted opportunities, unemployment, lack of social cohesion, negative behaviors such as violence or criminality, loss of rights.

" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the effects of discriminatory practice?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

Effects of discriminatory practice are disempowerment, low self-esteem, and self-confidence, marginalization, restricted opportunities, unemployment, lack of social cohesion, negative behaviors such as violence or criminality, loss of rights.

" } } ] }
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