ESTATE AGENT BUSINESS PLAN: How to Write an Estate Agent Business Plan

estate agent business plan

If you are thinking of being a real estate agent in 2023, then you should consider starting with a business plan. It’s no secret that the real estate market is highly competitive, and to scale off as an agent, you need to come up armed with a business plan. A business plan can guarantee your business a great chance of success and also help you track your activities to detect when a change needs to be made. This article will further buttress the benefits of having a business plan and also guide you on how to write a plan for your real estate agent business. As a bonus, you will also be getting a current 2023 real estate agent business plan template checklist.

If this process feels overwhelming already, you can stick to our pre-made real estate agent business plan and start that business today. 

What is a Real Estate Agent Business Plan?

When a business plan is involved, you will get to understand that it is a document that covers the “what,” “why”, and “how” of your business. What do you want to do with this business? Why do you want to do it? How do you plan to achieve it? These questions, in general, are called “business plans.”

A proper business plan should cover your niche, business goals, target audience, and market research, among others. That is why you need to learn how to write a business plan for your real estate agent company. Understanding how it works will help you capture the strengths and shortcomings of your company so that you can set achievable and measurable goals. Starting a real estate agent business this 2023 without a plan is something you should avoid. 

Why do you Need a Business Plan?

Aside from helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses, a business plan will also give you an overview of where you stand in the industry and how you can make amendments. If you’re also looking to secure finance for your estate agent business in 2023, then you’ll need a robust business plan. This is because your lenders would like to analyze what your business is all about and determine if they can benefit from investing in it. 

A business plan will serve as a companion and a road map that can easily help you reach your destination. Learning how to write a plan for your real estate agent business with this tough competition will also give you an edge over other brands. With a business plan, you will be able to set goals and attain them.

How to Write a Business Plan for a Real Estate Agent

Writing a professional business plan requires some level of procedure before your goals can be achieved. For a business plan to be complete, you will need to include a detailed outline of some essential sections. 

#1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first component of a business plan. In summary, this section should contain who you are, the services you offer, who you serve, and where you currently work from. While writing, you need to start with an introduction to your business plan and its outline. 

Although this section should be the first to appear in your plan, it is advised that you complete it at the end. When you apply this method, you will find that it’s easier to draft this section after dissecting the whole plan. 

#2. Company’s Corporate Structure

As a real estate agent, you should have a management team that you work with. In this section, you will need to make a list of all the members of your team. While doing this, they include their personal information, skills, education, experience, and different roles. If you have any extra skills that you think might improve the growth of your business, then you should mention them as well.

#3. Analyze Your Target Market

The essence of a target market is to begin your branding process from their perspective. And to achieve this, you will need to identify your target audience by doing in-depth research on who they are and how best to attract them. Understanding your market niche will help you decide how best to attract them with your branding and how to serve them.

Once you have an idea of what services your company would provide, identify your real estate clients. While on this, do not try to appeal to all property sellers and buyers because it will be hard to stand out from the crowd. With smaller potential customers, you will have less competition and a greater chance of making tremendous sales. 

#4. Analyze Your Local Competition

In this section, you will research your competitors, identify your primary competition, and study what they are doing. Learning about their weaknesses and strengths will help you identify the gaps in the market so that you can set yourself apart and outperform them in the industry. 

#5. Establish Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Your next move is to actualize what your sales and marketing strategy is going to be. Marketing your business will help attract potential customers, which will lead to sales. To achieve this, you need to make a list of the real estate marketing strategies to use. You can choose to open a website, run social media ads, and engage in referrals and content marketing, among others. 

Read Also: ESTATE AGENT INSURANCE: Coverages, Quotes & General Requirements

#6. Financial Plan

This is the most critical part of your real estate agent business plan. You will need to assess your start-up and recurring financial requirements to create a budget. This section should include your cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. Remember, you also need a financial reserve to cover unexpected future costs. 

#7. Appendix

This should include any additional legal documents that your readers might request. It can be a financial document or even a legal qualification. You can also show off your license and permits here.

#8. Follow Up

A real estate agent’s business plan is a living and not a static document. Being a living document requires that you review it regularly and alter changes if needed. As you keep experiencing growth in your business, you should also update your plan. 

Estate Agent Business Plan Template

Once you have written your solid estate agent business plan, you will also need to make use of a template. A template will help keep your activities in check while reminding you of some actions that are yet to be achieved. To make full use of this estate agent business plan template, it is best to follow this guide accordingly to reach the desired result. 

  • Formulate a plan
  • Brand building
  • Getting insurance
  • Legal qualifications
  • Reviewing financials
  • Marketing and advertisement
  • Team building 

Are you Having Difficulties Writing your Real Estate Agent Business Plan?

If you have spent hours trying to compose a business plan, then you should curb the stress and try out our professional pre-made Real Estate Agent business plan.

Creating a business plan can be a fun but hard task, especially when you are a first-timer. At BusinessYield Consult, we have succeeded in creating professional business plans for startup entrepreneurs like you. Rather than wasting hours and days trying to write a business plan, you can easily get this ready-made plan here and spice up those ideas. 


The real estate agent market in the UK is highly competitive and disruptive and starting up a business comes with its challenges. However, with the right attitude and support of a business plan, any new estate agent can stand out from the crowd and be successful. It is also important to note that for a business plan to spice up your business ideas, it needs to be well-written and planned. If you know you are not capable of creating a plan that will meet these standards, you should go for this premade real estate agent business plan. 


How long should a real estate business plan be?

A business plan does not have a specific number of words or length of content because most of the time, the length can vary from one another. The only common ground in a real estate business plan is that they are generally outlined between one and five years. It is from this factor that you will be able to detect the length that works for any year. 

How do I become a successful estate agent?

Before you start on this new venture of yours, there are some basic skills you must have. You should have marketing, communication, and negotiating skills. You should also start with a growth mindset while understanding that your business requires hard work. Always put your customers first by getting sellers the best deal and funding buyers a perfect home. 

Do estate agents make good money UK?

A normal trainee estate agent earns £14,000 to £20,000, while an estate agent with experience can earn up to £25,000 to £60,000 plus commission. A well-experienced and successful agent can earn up to £50,000 to £100,000. Considering these values an average estate agent will earn £42,392. 

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