Job Offer Letter: How to Write One with Examples 2025

job offer letter
Image by katemangostar on Freepik

Are you looking to hire a new employee? If you’ve made it through the difficult recruitment process and located the ideal candidate for your small business, the next step is to extend a job offer letter.

Read on to learn what goes in a job offer letter and when to send one, plus see our example job offer letter template to get you started.

What is a Job Offer Letter?

A job offer letter is an official employment offerโ€”an invitation to work for your firm. It includes vital information such as the prospective employee’s title, salary, and available benefits if they accept the employment.

Sending a job offer letter to your selected candidate is beneficial since having the specifics in paper may assist the individual in weighing their options and deciding whether or not to take the employment. If they decline your offer, the sooner you receive their decision, the sooner you may begin the onboarding process or move on to the next prospect.

A job offer letter also ensures that your organization and the possible new recruit are on the same page when it comes to the job’s specifics. Less uncertainty means less back and forth between you and the candidate while the offer is on the table, as well as fewer potential issues.

Is a Job Offer Letter Different From an Employment Contract?

While accepting an unconditional offer contained in a job offer letter can result in a legally binding employment contract, the offer letter will usually include a conditional offer, as well as the key terms and conditions of employment if that offer is accepted โ€” and provided the results of any pre-employment checks are positive.

A job offer letter is essentially a summary of the employment contract, with the candidate needed to sign a full written contract once they have accepted the job offer in principle. The whole contract should include the major employment terms and conditions that were already stated or signed in the job offer letter, but it may also include other contractual elements such as confidentiality, nondisclosure, and non-compete clauses.

Should a Job Offer Letter be an Email or a Traditional Letter?

A paper job offer letter can be converted to an electronic (PDF) file and emailed to the candidate as an attachment. Many human resources professionals and business owners, however, believe that printing a paper copy of the letter and sending it to the prospective employee through overnight delivery service, such as USPS Express Mail, FedEx, or UPS, is preferable.

A printed letter appears more professional. Some candidates may respond faster to such a letter than to an emailed one that they must sign and return, especially if they are unable to read and print PDF documents. Use your company’s letterhead in any format you prefer. It will appear more official and formal than an email and will be taken more seriously by the recipient.

What to Include in the Body of a Job Offer Letter

A job offer letter gives an overview of the job position and firm, as well as detailed job specifics such as starting salary, pay, work schedule, benefits, and more. Because there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all sample job offer letter, feel free to rearrange the sections below to suit your organization and the job roles you are wanting to fill.

Include a high-resolution image of your company logo on your formal letterhead to portray authenticity and professionalism. This authoritative portrayal urges a potential employee to read on and really evaluate your offer.

#2. Contact and date information

Include the date, the candidate’s first and last name, and their address in the upper lefthand corner:

  • Candidate First and Last Name
  • Candidate Address
  • City, State, Postcode

#3. Greeting / opening line

Begin your offer letter with “Dear,” followed by your potential employee’s first and last name. With a cheerful and energetic beginning line like, “We are excited to offer you a position at [Company Name]!” congratulate them heartily on the job offer. You can make your introductory sentence as formal or relaxed as you want to fit your company’s culture.

#4. Job Specifics

Following the greeting, proceed to the specifics of the job position, including logistics. Include the formal position title, the name of the employee’s manager or supervisor, a brief description of the function and its responsibilities, and any other pertinent job-related information. This will assist the candidate in setting their job expectations and providing clarity on any misunderstandings or overlooked items during the application process.

#5. Contingencies

If the job offer is contingent on the candidate receiving particular honors or completing certain papers, specify this in the job offer letter. Background checks, reference checks, drug tests, a signed confidentiality agreement, or proof of work eligibility, such as a visa, are all examples of contingencies.

#6. Reimbursement

Use the job offer letter to discuss the remuneration plan in detail. Specifics such as how much the candidate will earn annually, monthly, weekly, fortnightly, or hourly, how often payment will be made, and the payment methods available. Other pay incentives, such as stock, bonuses, commissions, and so on, should also be mentioned.

#7. Benefits

To persuade an applicant to accept your job offer, summarize the primary benefits provided by your organization, beginning with the most appealing. Include as little as possible because details are best suited during the orientation process or in an employee handbook. The following are some attractive features to include in a job offer letter:

  • Insurance coverage
  • Personal Pension Plan
  • Paid time off
  • Flexible work hours
  • Work-from-home options

#8. Job offer expiration date

When you’re finished, consider whether you want to include an expiration date on the job offer. Setting a firm deadline will help you avoid losing other suitable applicants if the prospect declines your offer. If you decide to put a time limit, make sure you allow the candidate adequate time to contemplate before making a final decision, such as a week.

#9. Closing

End the job offer letter by expressing delight at the prospect’s arrival at the organization. Give them your contact information in case they have any concerns, and close the transaction by giving them a line for them to sign and date the offer if they accept it.

#10. Disclaimer

Include a brief disclaimer indicating that the job offer letter is only for informational purposes and is not legally binding. Consult with your legal counsel to design an offer letter that eliminates any contractual ramifications.

What Not to Include in a Job Offer Letter

What you don’t state in your job offer letter is just as crucial as what you do. These items should not be included in your letter.

  • Termination implications: Do not state that termination will occur only for cause or with prior notice. This contradicts the at-will basis of work.
  • Promising promotions raises in wages, or bonuses: Don’t make any commitments in the job offer letter that aren’t firm, according to Jon Hill, chairman and CEO of The Energists, an energy industry recruiting business. “If the [prospective] employee accepts the job under false pretences, they have legal grounds to seek what they were promised or else look for employment elsewhere.”
  • Statements implying job permanence or duration: Don’t say something like, “We’re confident you’ll be with our company for a long time.” All remarks like this “can, and have been, construed to create a contract,” leading to costly legal battles for businesses, according to Michael Trust, vice president of human resources at Michael Trust Consulting.

How to Write a Job Offer Letter

Here’s how to draft a job offer letter that is so enticing that the candidate cannot refuse it:

#1. Tell a story instead of using the official tone of voice

The tone of the letter represents your company’s voice. Even in official letters, it is vital to explain it accurately. You may appealingly provide the relevant information while triggering favourable feelings in the respondent by using storytelling. It can be difficult to write catchy text. Fortunately, websites that review writing services can help you with this chore. First, tell the story (why the organization requires a specialist and how it arrived at that conclusion), then promote the offer.

#2. Include a presentation about the company in the letter

The presentation will assist you in demonstrating all of the benefits of teamwork. You could include:

  • A picture of the office
  • A photo of the candidate’s workplace (with the sign “We need you here”)
  • Funny working moments in the form of short videos
  • A story about the company’s values, mission, and employee goals

#3. Put more emphasis on the employee’s benefits

Employee benefits include both real and intangible types of motivation, such as vacations, sick days, and away days, as well as professional development opportunities and social activities. Highlight any outstanding advantages your company has to offer.

#4. Include a video

Within your job offer letter, you can utilize a variety of forms other than text. Use a typical paragraph, for example, to describe official information. In a brief video, you can outline your company’s principles and objectives, as well as introduce them to the team or department to which they will be assigned.

#5. Always personalise offer emails

Personalised emails have an 11% greater open rate than non-personalised emails. At the very least, include the candidate’s name in the subject line and greeting. You can bring up the interview experience whenever necessary. Let’s say, for instance, “It was a pleasure to meet you during the interview last week.”

#6. Always emphasize the expiration date.

Giving the offer an expiration date functions as a “deficit trigger,” encouraging a decision to be made sooner rather than later.

Job Letter Offer Example

[Company Logo]


Candidate’s First and Last Name
Candidate Address
City, State, Postcode

Dear [Candidate Name],

We are pleased to offer you the [full-time, part-time, etc.] position of [job title] at [company name] with a start date of [start date], contingent upon [background checks, reference checks, etc.]. You will be reporting directly to [manager/supervisor name] at [workplace location]. We believe your skills and experience are an excellent match for our company.

In this role, you will be required to [briefly mention relevant job duties and responsibilities].

The annual starting salary for this position is [dollar amount] to be paid on a [monthly, fortnightly, weekly, etc.] basis by [direct deposit, cheque, etc.], starting on [first pay period].

In addition to this starting salary, we are offering you [discuss stock options, bonuses, commission structures, etc.].

Your employment is on a contractual basis for a period of [period] subject to renewal. There is a [period] termination notice required should you wish to leave your employment with [company name]. This letter is not a contract or guarantee of employment for a definite amount of time.

As an employee of [company name], you are also eligible for our benefits program, which includes [private healthcare insurance, holiday time, etc.], and other benefits which will be described in more detail in the [employee handbook, orientation package, etc.].

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer by signing and returning this letter by [offer expiration date].

We are excited to have you join our team! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time.


[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]
[Your Job Title]



Does Offer Letter Mean You Got the Job?

Only when all sides sign the agreement does the offer letter indicate that the candidate has gotten the job.

What Happens After You Receive an Offer Letter?

Examine the income, benefits, perks, leave, and bonuses after accepting a job offer. Compare the wages being offered with those of similar roles in similar organizations using online resources and tools to see if it is in line with market or industry standards.

Should I Accept a Job Offer UK?

To begin, keep in mind that you do not have to accept the job offer right away, no matter how pleased you are about it. It’s fair to wait a day or two to ensure that this is the proper work for you and what it would entail in practice, such as whether you’d need to relocate.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Contract After a Job Offer?

An employment contract can legally commence the moment someone accepts a job offer, even if they simply accept it orally. When certain terms are provided and accepted, a contract can be formed.

Is it OK to Accept a Job Offer Immediately?

Do not accept the job offer right now. You have a lot to think about, including if the wage is right for you, the contract conditions, your start date, and other factors. Don’t be too eager to close the deal. When you receive a job offer, thank the recruiter or HR manager first.


A job offer letter is an important component of the employee hiring process. When your chosen applicant learns you want to recruit them and determines whether or not to accept, it’s a make-or-break moment. If they decline your offer, you’ll have to return to your pool of applicants or maybe restart your search. Good luck with yours.


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