Top Best Insurance For Young Drivers In The UK

Top Best Insurance For Young Drivers In The UK
A Young black teenage driver seated in her new car with her mother

Finding the best insurance for young Drivers Being a young driver has become one of the many challenges that young people face as they grow.

Although some providers have uniquely low-cost coverage for students still living at home, some other providers are better suited for young adults who are out of the nest on their own.

This is why it is very important for you, as a young driver who wants to take out a car insurance policy on your own or a guardian who wants to do their younger ones a favour, to always shop around to find the less expensive policy that covers you on the road as well as other things.

Keep reading this article to find out how to get the best car insurance for young drivers. Your kind of best may be low cost or better coverage offered on your premiums.

What does “best insurance” mean?

Before making a purchase of insurance, it is critical to shop around for the best available and most comprehensive insurance for young drivers. Comparing policies, whether for a low-cost or high-quality offer on insurance for young drivers, has never failed to provide anyone with the best fit.

As far as insurance is concerned, different companies provide coverage for it all. Some of those companies may be offering beautiful things that may appear attractive to you.

Other companies may be offering cheaper policy purchases with great offers that are equally attractive. But whatever the case may be, you cannot just wake up and choose or decide on any of those policy providers when you do not have advanced knowledge about them, including their pros and cons.

Whatever ‘best’ may mean to you, whether cheap or quality offer, we have you covered with the necessary knowledge about the companies, including their services and offers.

Why do I need the best insurance for young drivers?

It is not for anyone to decide for you why you need the best car insurance for young drivers as a young driver, whether teens or young adults and why you should know the best car insurance companies for young drivers so as to know which suits you.

The best for you may attract discount offers as a student with your good grades and standards.

If the best for you is based on the cheapest policy, then you need to get what you want as long as you are satisfied with it and your needs will be met too. Different car insurance companies are rated as the best for young drivers.

The 5 best car insurance companies for young drivers

As has been said before now, before choosing the provider for your car insurance as a young driver, it is very important to compare policies from different companies.

The best you may have chosen may turn out to not be the best after all when you have seen other providers and their services.

Below is a list of 5 car insurance companies that provide the best coverage for young drivers.

  • Geico
  • Auto owners
  • Statefarm
  • Progressive
  • Nationwide
  • USAA


If you have concluded that best for you means cheap car insurance as a young driver, then you may want to consider Geico insurance.

They are the best insurance company that offers low-cost coverage for their customers. They deliver low-cost coverage to young people between ages 20 to 25 across all 50 states.

Geicoโ€™s liability coverage extends to the standard bodily injury and property damage protection against when you are at fault in a motor accident or any issue that may arise on the highway.

For people who may need full coverage, the insurance company also provides an offer for medical payments and personal injury protection. The offer is meant for them to pay for any medical expenses, including collision and comprehensive coverage to pay for vehicle damage.

Their full coverage also extends to underinsured or uninsured motorists on the highway when the driver who is at fault for an accident on the road is not insured enough.

Just like with other insurance providers, the cost of your car insurance will be determined by several factors including where you live.

But to provide and offer more discounts to their customers, Geico devised a means to help young drivers save on their car insurance, including when they wear their seat belts if the car has airbags, anti-lock brakes, and anti-theft systems.

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Auto-owner insurance

Besides the fact that the auto owners’ insurance company does not offer accident forgiveness for their customers and it is not available in all states, they are the best provider that should be considered for young drivers who are still living with their parents.

It is not a new thing that young people who still live with their parents have little to no bills to take care of than their peers who may be on their own.

However, many are greatly surprised when they realize that the young people who still live with their parents also enjoy less expensive car insurance rates.

Most providers offer some form of bundled insurance package that brings lowers the cost of the primary policyholderโ€™s premiums when they add a teen or a young driver.ย 

Parents who want to add a young adult, who may be their child or relative, to their car insurance policy may find it interesting that auto owner’s insurance would let them do so even at lower rates than other insurers.

This insurance provider provides coverage with bundled discounts for home, auto, and life, also including distinctive coverage options that help households save money.

Therefore, if you are a young driver looking for coverage but are still living with your parents, this provider will still provide you with coverage without charging you more, as other insurers do for young drivers who are still living with their parents.

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State farms

Risk reduction is the hallmark of State Farmโ€™s mission in the insurance business. To young drivers, it offers discounts for taking an approved driver-safety course and having an anti-theft device installed in their car.

It is these opportunities provided by them for young drivers to save money that make the company attractive to young drivers who are on their own and are no longer insured by their parents.ย 

Therefore, State Farm is the best provider for young drivers who are no longer supervised by their parents and are taking out car insurance on their own.

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If you have concluded that the best thing for you is cheap car insurance, then consider progressive insurance.

Progressive will discount the premiums of policyholders who take out a quote and buy a policy online. In addition to their standard loyalty and good-driver discounts, you will also be able to save by going paperless, paying your premium in full, and signing up for automatic payments.

The insurance provider also offers a generous 10 percent discount that is available for students who maintain a B average or better at school only.

With the company’s snapshot app, young drivers can also be able to save on their car insurance. The company’s app monitors the drivers’ driving behaviour,ย and your premium is based on how safely and how frequently you drive.

And, as expected with Progressive, their Snapshot app comes with a discount too. The provider claims that the average customer can save $156 per year.

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Nationwide Insurance

Nationwide, we understand the fact that young drivers have a high probability of causing road accidents.

This is why the providerโ€™s optional accident forgiveness insurance clears off a driverโ€™s first at-fault accident, and this single act helps them avoid costly rate increases.

It is not all companies that provide this type of coverage for young drivers, and those that do will often package it into an expensive premium. But that is not the case with this car insurance provider.

You can purchase your policy with this coverage benefit as a stand-alone or add-on by policyholders who have been insured with the company for up to six months in a row.

Furthermore, in addition to forgiving a young driverโ€™s first at-fault accident, this coverage will also forgive two minor violations for each policy and all fender-bender claims that are less than $1,500. This offer is especially good for motorists with increased risk due to heavy traffic congestion and long commutes to work and school.

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USAA insurance

This provider is only available for young military drivers, and it is the best for them. Young drivers who are active-duty military or whose parents are service members or veterans may find the cheapest insurance rates with this government-backed provider.

In addition to being the best and offering the best cover policy for young military drivers, they also provide discount cover offers for bright students and savings to drivers who complete an approved defensive-driving course.

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Every young person usually has a lot of expenses that are compiled as they grow, whether they are a teen or young adult. Expenses on things like groceries, education, rent, and social life all add up. One of the more costly of these expenses for them to worry about is car insurance, but it may not continue to be after reading this piece.

While young adults on their own may not suffer the high premiums that teen drivers do, motorists between 20 and 25 years of age will still have to pay dearly for the best car insurance for young drivers.

But, if you pay attention to the details of insurance coverage provided by policy providers and purchase insurance coverage from the right provider, and the policy is also suitable for you, you can significantly get a discount on the premium.

The best way to find out which policy or provider does your kind of thing and provides the kind of offer that will suit you is to compare the providers and their offers.

While one provider may be best at accident forgiveness, another may be best at offering discounts, but you may not find out this and will not know which to choose until you compare.

FAQs about the best insurance for young drivers

Can i get cover for accident forgiveness

Yes. With progress, young drivers will be forgiven for being at fault in an accident for the first time.

What is the average cost of car insurance for young drivers

The average cost of car insurance for young drivers is between $3,396 per year ($283 per month) for full coverage and about half that for minimum liability.

Can i get car insurance from my parents house

Yes. Of course, Young drivers can take out policy coverage even while still living with their parents, and auto-owner insurance provides the best coverage for them.

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Finding the best car insurance companies for young drivers may be a hard task, but this article will make it easier for you. 

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