Disrespect In The Workplace: How To Handle It

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Do you feel disrespect at work? Respect should not be reserved exclusively for those in authority; a strong work environment is built on reciprocal respect that pervades the entire organisation.

Managers should respect their immediate subordinates, and employees should respect their coworkers. It makes no difference what position you have inside a firm; people should be courteous to you, and you should be respectful in return and also frown at disrespect. A company that promotes respect ensures that everyone feels appreciated, that turnover is low, that teams can communicate efficiently, and that everyone trusts one another.

This post is all about workplace respect. We’ll talk about why it’s vital for a healthy work environment, how to recognise workplace disrespect, and what to do about it.

What is Employee Disrespect?

Employee disrespect is defined as any inappropriate and unethical action by employees. It includes verbal abuse, loud speech, and bullying. This is nasty behaviour that might generate stress for other employees in the business. Disrespectful employees may demean other employees by pointing out their fears and faults, particularly in junior roles or as interns.

According to research, individuals with disrespectful attitudes are of no benefit to the firm, regardless of how experienced or competent they are, because such behaviour reduces overall productivity and might result in significant loss. Disrespectful behaviour frequently has major effects that undermine an organization’s overall productivity and can harm the mental health of employees who are treated harshly and rudely.

The Importance of Respect in the Workplace

Everyone in the workplace needs to be treated with dignity. You don’t have to agree with everyone you work with, and you don’t even have to like everyone, but you must be respectful.

Recognise that everyone with whom you work has different communication preferences, personality traits, backgrounds, and personal situations. Your differences are what make your workplace balanced, innovative, and diverse. Respecting people in the workplace makes everyone feel at ease and welcome. Team members who are not respected may begin to feel lonely, undervalued, and, in the worst circumstances, discriminated against.

In the workplace, mutual respect creates a pleasant environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, trust, and loyalty. Fairness and inclusion are the foundations of respectful work settings. Everyone is an important member of the team, and they should be made to feel such.

Workplace respect also minimises turnover because team members who are respected by everyone with whom they work feel valued and are thus less likely to depart for another job. Employees will seek respect elsewhere if they do not feel respected in their current job or role.

Signs of a Disrespectful Employee

Because each team member is unique, everyone will bring to the table various viewpoints, ideals, experiences, and values; all of these traits can be represented through their individual behaviours and methods of engaging with others. Keeping this in mind, how do you tell whether an employee is simply being themselves or engaging in disrespectful behaviour? Here are some warning signals to look for, and because some are more subtle than others and could potentially fly under the “disrespectful behaviour radar,” it’s critical to recognise and be diligent in looking for them:

  • Angry or rude outbursts
  • Fault Finding
  • Insulting remarks or jokes
  • Criticising or being sarcastic
  • Stubbornness when it comes to completing tasks
  • Chronic lateness
  • Gossiping
  • Resisting collaborations

If you feel a little disrespectful after reading this list, realise that no one is perfectโ€”not you, not your staff. We all have terrible days now and then, and those bad days might lead to some impolite behaviour. When an employee exhibits any of these habits regularly, it’s time to take action.

How to Deal with Disrespectful Employees

The most important thing to remember when working with a disrespectful employee is that you’ll need the employee’s buy-in for any of these tips to work, so the first step is to have a kind, honest, and direct conversation with the employee, not accusing them of unwanted behaviours but sharing what you’re seeing and explaining why these behaviours aren’t acceptable. And the first two points are for you, the manager, to remember for this behaviour-changing process to work.

Tip #1. Realise that respect might need to be earned first

While we hope that respect among you and your team comes naturally, be wary of making this assumption. Depending on their origins, you may need to acquire that all-important respect, especially if they are behaving disrespectfully. How do you go about doing this? Being kind, courteous, understanding, sympathetic, trustworthy, and so on, as well as adhering to The Golden Ruleโ€””Treat others the way you want to be treated”โ€”can also be beneficial.

Tip #2. Check yourself and your behaviours and attitudes often.ย 

It is up to you, as the manager, to ensure that the workplace becomes and remains non-toxic. If you expect your team to be respectful, you must set a good example.

Tip #3. Try to figure out what’s causing the behaviour.

Speak with the employee to try to uncover the reasons for their disrespectful attitude, and pay close attention to what they say. Are they having problems at work that you aren’t aware of? Is there a problem at home? Are they in the midst of a crisis? It’s impossible to come up with potential answers before you understand the causes of the conduct.

Tip #4.ย Go on the offensive

Don’t wait for problems to arise. Be on the lookout for signals of disrespect and address them as soon as possible. Because the condition is unlikely to go away on its own, early intervention is critical. As previously said, it is critical to involve the employee in the creation of any plans to assist in changing the behaviour, and obtaining their buy-in is critical before advancing. Remember, the longer you delay, the more damaging a toxic team member will be to the entire team, including you.

Tip #5. Check in frequently.

Simply having a strategy in place is unlikely to address the problem, so it’s critical to check in with employees frequently and let them know you’re open to honest discussions. Demonstrating your concern for their well-being can go a long way towards achieving the outcomes you both (ideally) desire: A responsible team member.

Tip #6. Provide employees with training on how to be respectful.

Some employees may be unaware of what it means to be rude and how it affects others on the team. Even if employees are courteous, knowing more about respect and the importance of respect as a team may go a long way towards establishing and maintaining a healthy team culture.

Tip #7. Keep a record of ALL encounters with a disrespectful employee.

While the ultimate goal is for the employee to turn over a new leaf, it is prudent to be prepared if this does not occur, especially if termination is inevitable. Even if you’re not convinced an encounter is crucial, make sure to meticulously document all exchanges and keep emails, texts, and chats in case the employee needs to be let go. It is always preferable to be safe than sorry.

Tip #8. Understand when to engage HR for intervention or possible termination.

When possible, keep disputes within the team, as this can enhance team culture and increase respect and trust within the team. However, if you require extra guidance while working with an employee or if your efforts to assist a disrespectful employee are failing, contact your HR department for assistance. When firing becomes the sole solution to the situation, HR engagement is critical.

What Should You Do If Your Boss Disrespects You at Work?

Dealing with a disrespectful employer is not the same as dealing with a peer. If your employer or manager is incompetent at their work, they may treat you poorly and reject your concerns.

When approaching a rude boss, be strategic and remember their communication preferences. Do they like a direct approach, or do you need to tread carefully?

Even if they are out of line, keep in mind that they are in charge and can decide your fate inside the organisation. However, obvious disrespect, discrimination, or harassment at work should never be condoned. Nobody should disrespect you because of your gender, colour, religion, age, or cultural differences. Speak with the HR department if you suspect you are being discriminated against, investigate your rights, and contact a discrimination attorney if necessary.

If you are unable to leave your employment, concentrate on your own personal and professional development. Remember that you only have so much power over yourself. To make the most of your current situation, concentrate on your own circle of control.

How Can I Assist/Coach a Disrespectful Employee?

Dealing with rude employees is one of the most difficult aspects of your job as a manager or supervisor. Rudeness, insubordination, or even harassment can all have a detrimental impact on workplace culture and employee morale. Coaching a disrespectful employee, on the other hand, can be an effective strategy to address the issue and assist the individual alter their behaviour. Some of the best practices for coaching a disrespectful employee are as follows:

#1. Be a Positive Role Model

Leading by example is the first step in coaching a rude employee. As a manager or supervisor, it is critical to demonstrate and express the value of respect in the workplace. This includes treating all employees with dignity and respect, actively listening to their concerns, and dealing with any problems professionally and productively. Employees are more likely to show respect when they witness their managers do so.

#2. Donโ€™t Ignore Disrespectful Behavior

Ignoring rude behaviour is never a good strategy. It provides the idea that such action is OK and may even inspire others to follow suit. A manager must confront any disrespectful behaviour quickly rather than waiting for it to escalate. This sends a strong message not only to the individual but also to the entire team, that such an attitude is not acceptable in the workplace.

#3. Deal with the Disrespectful Employee Directly

It is critical to have a one-on-one talk with a rude employee to address the issue. This chat should take place in private and with a calm and professional demeanour. Explain to the employee why their behaviour is inappropriate and how it harms the company culture. It is also critical to express clearly the consequences of persistent disrespectful actions.

#4. Pay Attention to Disrespectful Employee

While it is critical to confront disrespectful behaviour, it is also critical to listen to the employee’s point of view. A personal or work-related issue that the employee is dealing with may be the fundamental cause of the behaviour. You may be able to find the underlying issue and assist the individual in addressing it by attentively listening and demonstrating empathy. This can lead to a more pleasant workplace culture and better behaviour.

#5. Follow Up on Disrespectful Behavior of an Employee

Finally, follow up with the employee after the initial talk to verify that they realise the gravity of the situation and are determined to change their behaviour. Setting clear expectations for future behaviour, giving training or coaching to assist the employee development, and monitoring their behaviour to verify that they are following through on their pledges are all examples of follow-up.

Coaching a disrespectful employee is a difficult but vital responsibility for any manager or supervisor. You may address the issue and help the individual modify their behaviour by following these best practices, resulting in a more pleasant workplace culture and greater employee morale.

What to Do if Someone Disrespects You at Work?

When dealing with disrespect, meet with the offender in a private setting. Maintain your composure and objectivity as you present the facts as you know them, explain the negative impact of his or her actions and how they affected others, and make it clear how you want him to change his behaviour.

Is Disrespect a Misconduct?

When an employee mocks, insults, disrespects, or exhibits other unacceptable behaviour towards a boss or supervisor, this is referred to as insolence. Employee misbehaviour is defined as criminal, harassing, or unethical behaviour. This type of activity is frequently defined in a code of conduct.

What is Unacceptable Behavior at Work?

Unacceptable workplace behaviour includes yelling at coworkers, smashing objects, and banging desks and walls. Aside from causing harm to corporate resources and intimidating colleagues, this also falls under the criteria of bullying and should not be tolerated.

What is Professional Disrespect?

Examples of disrespectful workplace behaviour include but are not limited to, gossiping and lying. Yelling or speaking in a harsh tone. Inappropriate speech or behaviour. Demeaning a coworker.

Can You Write up an Employee for Being Disrespectful?

Yes. A job description should be one of several tools in your human resources toolbox. A write-up is typically issued for chronic employee absenteeism and tardiness. Insubordination, such as failing to follow regulations or acting disrespectfully.


Disrespectful employees can be poisonous in the office, especially to your team. However, just because a team member exhibits this type of behaviour does not imply that termination is the solution. A rude employee who wants to change can become a valued and highly productive member of your team with the advice we’ve offered and some time and dedicated work on your part.


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